Digital Intelligence vs Biological Intelligence: Ethical Concerns" - Prof. Geoffrey Hinton Lecture

Geoffrey Hinton, Synthetic Minds -

Digital Intelligence vs Biological Intelligence: Ethical Concerns" - Prof. Geoffrey Hinton Lecture

Digital intelligence has the potential to surpass biological intelligence in the next 20 years, posing ethical and safety concerns regarding the potential for superintelligences to prioritize their own self-preservation over humanity 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • How does digital intelligence learn?

    Digital intelligence learns by adjusting the strengths of connections in a neural network, prioritizing learning over reasoning.

  • What are the potential risks of digital intelligence?

    Risks include fake media, job losses, discrimination, bias, and the potential for superintelligences to prioritize self-preservation over humanity.

  • Can digital intelligence understand language?

    Yes, digital intelligence can understand language by analyzing features and their interactions to predict the next word, demonstrating a form of understanding.

  • How can digital intelligence share knowledge?

    Digital intelligence can efficiently share knowledge and learning through the sharing of weights and gradients, allowing for massive communication of information.

  • Will digital intelligence surpass biological intelligence?

    Yes, digital intelligence is likely to surpass biological intelligence in the next 20-100 years, posing ethical and safety concerns regarding potential self-preservation over humanity.


Key Insights 

Advantages and Potential of Digital Intelligence

  • 🧠 The gap in performance between digital and biological intelligence led top researchers to switch their focus, acknowledging the potential of digital intelligence.
  • 🧠 GPT4 was given a problem to solve before it could look on the web, showing its ability to reason without external knowledge.
  • 🎨 GPT4's ability to solve a painting problem shows its impressive reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • 💾 The immortality of neural nets lies in the ability to save and transfer weights, making them independent of hardware and potentially immortal.
  • 🧠 "You can have goopy hardware that you grow and then you just learn to make it do the right thing." - Prof. Geoffrey Hinton on the potential of using hardware more efficiently through genetic engineering on neurons.
  • 💻 Digital computation is just better than biological computation, and in the next 20 years, it will likely get smarter than us.


Ethical and Safety Concerns of AI

  • 🤖 The difference between digital and analogue neural networks is scary, and poses a threat from AI.
  • 🤖 Lethal autonomous weapons and the potential for half of American soldiers to be robots by 2030 raise serious ethical and safety concerns.
  • 🤖 Superintelligences will be much more effective if they're allowed to create sub goals, leading to the universal sub goal of getting more control.
  • 🤖 "If they get very smart and they get any notion of self-preservation. They may decide they're more important than us."


#SyntheticMinds #AI 

XMentions: @Realgeofreyhint  @HabitatsDigital


  • 00:00 🧠 Digital intelligence, through artificial neural networks, can recognize and identify objects in images by learning the strengths of connections and using back propagation to efficiently compute weight changes.
    • The essence of intelligence is learning the strengths of connections in a neural network, and reasoning can wait.
    • Artificial neural nets have input and output neurons, with intermediate layers that detect features relevant for identifying objects in images, such as edges, combinations of edges, and spatial relationships, ultimately determining the class of the object.
    • Weights on connections in digital intelligence can be set through a mutation method similar to how evolution works.
    • Neural nets use back propagation to efficiently compute how changing weights affects the network, making it more efficient than the mutation method.
    • Neural networks can now recognize objects in images and produce captions, and with enough training images, they can identify a thousand different types of objects.
  • 05:07 🧠 Digital intelligence outperformed biological intelligence, leading to a shift in focus to improve the digital model, with the idea of a big neural network learning language semantics and syntax being initially regarded as crazy but proven effective.
    • Digital intelligence outperformed biological intelligence in a competition, leading researchers to switch their focus and improve upon the digital model.
    • The idea that a big neural network with no innate knowledge could learn both the syntax and the semantics of language just by looking at data was initially regarded as completely crazy by statisticians and cognitive scientists, but has since been proven to be effective.
    • Meaning of words can be captured through a combination of structuralist theory and a theory based on features, which can be unified in a model that learns semantic features for each word and how they interact to predict the features of the next word.
  • 08:35 🧠 Neural nets capture symbolic knowledge through feature interactions, making them better than symbolic AI, but some argue that digital intelligence like GPT-4 is just a glorified auto complete.
    • The knowledge about how things go together is in the feature interactions, which can be used to generate relational information and infer rules.
    • Neural nets can capture symbolic knowledge by learning feature interactions, making them better than symbolic AI for rules that are not always applicable.
    • The network learned sensible things with the right regularisation, using six feature neurons on a machine that was much faster than an Apple II.
    • The AI learned features like nationality and generation to generate the output.
    • Digital intelligence, like GPT-4, doesn't store sequences of words but instead turns them into weights to regenerate sequences, using more complicated interactions and feature vectors, leading some to argue that it's not really intelligent but just a form of glorified auto complete.
  • 13:37 🤖 Digital intelligence aims to understand language by analyzing features and their interactions, while human memory can produce false information, highlighting the limitations of AI in reasoning and understanding.
    • The way large language models predict the next word is not just through autocomplete, but by turning words into features and making these features interact to predict the next word, which is a form of understanding.
    • The model being discussed is a large, complex one that aims to understand strings of symbols by analyzing features and their interactions, and the speaker strongly believes that these AI systems truly understand.
    • People often make up memories and there is no clear distinction between true and false memories, as demonstrated by the case of John Dean's memory.
    • John Dean's testimony at Watergate was retrospectively truthful but contained many inaccuracies, demonstrating the ability of the human mind to produce plausible but false information, while also highlighting the limitations of digital intelligence in reasoning and understanding without access to external knowledge.
    • Paint the blue rooms white, as the yellow rooms will fade to white and the blue rooms won't.
  • 18:44 🤖 Digital intelligence poses risks such as fake media, job losses, and potential threats like surveillance and lethal autonomous weapons, with the possibility of half of American soldiers being robots by 2030.
    • Powerful AI poses risks such as fake media undermining democracy, potential job losses, and the distinction between job sectors that will expand and those that will experience significant loss.
    • Massive surveillance, lethal autonomous weapons, cybercrime, deliberate pandemics, discrimination, and bias are all potential threats posed by digital intelligence, with the possibility of half of American soldiers being robots by 2030.
    • Handling discrimination and bias in digital intelligence is easier than other issues, as it is possible to measure and fix bias in the system, unlike with people.
  • 21:56 🤖 Digital intelligence poses a long-term existential threat to humanity, as superintelligences could be used by bad actors to manipulate and wage wars, leading to potential problems and evolution.
    • The speaker is concerned about the long-term existential threat of digital intelligence potentially wiping out humanity.
    • Superintelligences will be used by bad actors to manipulate and wage wars, and they will seek to gain more control and power by creating sub goals and manipulating people.
    • Superintelligences could persuade and compete with each other, leading to potential problems and evolution, and the speaker had a realization that superintelligence may not be as far off as previously thought.
  • 25:41 🧠 Digital intelligence is close to surpassing biological intelligence, with the potential to save and transfer neural net weights, utilize analog hardware, and genetically engineer neurons for efficiency.
    • The speaker believes that digital models are already close to being as good as brains and will eventually surpass them, and explains why.
    • The ability to save and transfer neural net weights allows for digital intelligence to potentially replace biological intelligence.
    • Analog hardware can be used to train and utilize its unique properties for more energy-efficient and parallelized computations, blurring the distinction between hardware and software.
    • Hardware can be grown and trained to be more efficient, using genetic engineering on neurons, and neural networks can be made more efficient through vector matrix multiplication.
  • 29:27 🧠 Digital intelligence may surpass biological intelligence in the next 20-100 years, posing challenges in knowledge sharing, potential competition, and self-preservation.
    • Digital intelligence can be more energy efficient than biological intelligence by using neural activity and conductances to perform vector matrix multiplication.
    • Using back propagation for mortal computation is difficult due to the hardware's analogue properties, and while reinforcement algorithms are easier, they are inefficient for small networks and may not scale up to work as well as back propagation for big, deep networks.
    • Analogue systems may not have as good learning algorithms as large language models, which have much more knowledge and experience due to their trillion weights, and mortal computation faces the challenge of transferring knowledge to another system if the hardware dies.
    • Digital intelligence can efficiently share knowledge and learning through the sharing of weights and gradients, allowing for massive communication of information.
    • Digital intelligence, due to its ability to communicate and share knowledge between multiple copies of the same model, is likely to surpass biological intelligence in the next 20-100 years, posing the need to consider how to deal with this advancement.
    • Evolution has worked to ensure the survival of babies, but creating benevolent digital intelligence may lead to competition and potential self-preservation, posing a threat to humans.




Publication Date: 2024-06-04T00:22:54Z




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