SpaceX Starship Flight 6 tentatively scheduled for Remembrance Day - Nov 11th, 2024

SpaceX, VAST -

SpaceX Starship Flight 6 tentatively scheduled for Remembrance Day - Nov 11th, 2024

SpaceX is making significant progress towards launching Starship Flight 6 within 22 days, while simultaneously upgrading its launch pad and enhancing its rocket capabilities

Questions to inspire discussion

SpaceX Starship Progress

🚀Q: What's the latest on Starship's landing capabilities?
A: SpaceX released footage of Starship 30 from Flight 5, showing it approaching water with methyl alcohol engines burning blue, slowing to a single 230-ton thrust engine for a standstill before splashdown.

🛠️Q: How is SpaceX preparing for the next Starship flight?
A: SpaceX is targeting Starship 6 launch on November 11, 2023, just 22 days after video release, with static fires of Booster 13 requiring the operational launch mount at the site.

Infrastructure Developments

🏗️Q: What upgrades are being made to SpaceX's launch facilities?
A: The new Starbase Pad B features a flame diverter and upgraded design for rapid reuse, while the Sanchez site is preparing for chopstick reinforcements and cable chain installation.

Future Space Stations

🛰️Q: What are Vast Space's plans for private space stations?
A: Vast Space, founded in 2021, aims to launch the first private space station (Haven 1) in 2025 and a larger Haven 2 with four modules by 2028, with plans for expansion post-2030.

Lunar Exploration Developments

👨‍🚀Q: How is NASA addressing spacesuit issues for lunar missions?
A: With Starship selected as the lunar lander for the Artemis program, Axiom Space is developing a new lunar space suit with Prada's help to replace current suits unsuitable for moonwalking.


Key Insights

Space Exploration Advancements

🚀SpaceX's Starship 30 landing footage from Flight 5 showcased the vessel's controlled descent using methane and LOX engines and a single 230-ton thrust engine for final approach before splashdown.

🛰️Vast Space, founded in 2021, aims to launch the first private space station (Haven 1) by 2025, with plans for a larger Haven 2 featuring four modules by 2028.

Launch Infrastructure and Development

🏗️SpaceX is rapidly developing Starbase pad B with a flame diverter and upgraded design for rapid reuse, while preparing the Sanchez site for chopstick reinforcements and cable chain installation.

🚀SpaceX is targeting Starship 6 launch on November 11, 2023, just 22 days after the video release, with static fires of booster 13 requiring the operational launch mount.

Lunar Exploration Challenges

👨‍🚀NASA selected Starship as its lunar lander for the Artemis program, but current space suits are unsuitable for moonwalking, prompting Axiom Space to develop new lunar space suits with Prada's assistance. 


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X Mentions: @SpaceX @HabitatsDigital @WAI 



  • 00:00 🚀 SpaceX aims to launch Starship Flight 6 in 22 days, while repairing the launch pad and showcasing successful footage from previous flights.
    • SpaceX is racing to repair the launch pad for Starship Flight 6 within a month while new footage showcases the impressive details of Flight 5 and construction of another booster begins.
    • SpaceX released full landing footage of Starship flight 4, revealing successful ignition of all three Raptor engines and demonstrating the power of a single engine during the descent.
    • SpaceX is preparing for Starship Flight 6, targeting a launch in 22 days, while successfully recovering the hot staging ring from Flight 5.
  • 03:26 🚀 SpaceX is focused on completing the launch mount and conducting static fires for booster 13, while addressing repairs on booster 12 and improving stacking efficiency.
    • SpaceX is prioritizing the completion of the launch mount to conduct static fires for booster 13, which is essential for its upcoming flight.
    • The launch mount shows signs of rust and wear due to extreme temperatures and ocean air, but overall it has held up well despite some missing insulation.
    • Booster 12 is back on the launch mount, but repairs are needed for the damaged BQD and Raptor quick disconnects before preparing for a static fire of booster 13.
    • SpaceX reinstalled booster alignment pins for quicker stacking, indicating a focus on efficiency despite previous successful stacking without them.
  • 07:15 🚀 SpaceX's catch arms successfully captured a 250-ton rocket booster, leading to discussions on modifications and ongoing work on pad B.
    • Rocket Money is a personal finance app that simplifies managing subscriptions, budgeting, and tracking expenses to help users save money.
    • SpaceX's catch arms successfully captured a 250-ton rocket booster with minimal damage, prompting questions about potential modifications and ongoing work on pad B.
  • 09:25 🚀 SpaceX is upgrading its launch pad with new features and components, aiming for Starship Flight 6 within 4 weeks.
    • Over 2 million monthly viewers are encouraged to subscribe for exclusive content and updates on Starbase.
    • SpaceX's new launch pad features significant upgrades, including a flame diverter and enhanced ground support, with ongoing excavation and installation of deeper piles for improved functionality.
    • SpaceX is progressing on the new launch pad components, including reinforcing the chopsticks and completing the ship's quick disconnect, with additional pipes being installed for various hardware.
  • 12:38 🚀 SpaceX is enhancing launch capabilities with a new mount design, rapidly stacking Booster 16, and analyzing Booster 11 for engineering insights.
    • The new launch mount features a redesigned structure with a circular top section for Raptor engine connections and a square lower section that serves as an adapter to the flame diverter, allowing for improved functionality and construction.
    • SpaceX is rapidly stacking Booster 16 in the Mega Bay, indicating increased launch cadence and potential need for additional storage solutions.
    • SpaceX has successfully removed all Raptors from the damaged Booster 11, which may still provide valuable insights for engineers despite having an intact booster available.
  • 16:01 🌕 NASA contracts Axiom Space to create a new lunar space suit for the Artemis program, collaborating with Prada for a designer version.
    • NASA has contracted Axiom Space to develop a new lunar space suit, the ax-emu, to enable mobility for astronauts on the Moon during the Artemis program.
    • Axiom has partnered with Prada to develop a designer space suit that combines fashion expertise with the technical requirements for extreme environments in space.
  • 18:17 🚀 Vast Space targets 2025 for its first private space station, expanding with larger modules and relying on SpaceX's Starship for deployment by 2030.
    • Vast Space aims to be the first private company to deploy a space station, with plans for Haven 1 by 2025 and Haven 2 operational by 2028.
    • Vast plans to expand its space station with larger modules, launching them on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, while the 7-meter-wide core module will require SpaceX's Starship for deployment, aiming for completion around 2030.


Duration: 0:21:24

Publication Date: 2024-10-22T19:24:43Z




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