Quantum Computing on Azure | How it Works, What's Coming, & What You Can Try Today

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Quantum Computing on Azure | How it Works, What's Coming, & What You Can Try Today

Set up a high performance hybrid quantum compute environment in your own Azure Quantum workspace, and run your code on real quantum machines.

See the latest advances, core concepts, and Microsoft's distinct topological approach to get us closer to realizing the world's first scalable quantum machine with Azure Quantum Computing.

Microsoft Distinguished Engineer and Azure Quantum VP, Krysta Svore, joins host Apoorva Nori, to share what it is and how to set it up.



00:00 - Introduction

02:40 - What is Quantum Computing?

04:40 - Applications suited for quantum computers

05:50 - Topological qubits

07:43 - Majorana zero modes

09:43 - How to set up Azure Quantum

12:51 - Quantum Intermediate Representations (QIR)

14:18 - Wrap up

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