Women over 30: the game isn't over yet

Orion Taraban, Psychology -

Women over 30: the game isn't over yet

Women in their 30s may need to adopt a more aggressive approach to get what they want, similar to how men had to do in their 20s, in order to achieve success despite their disadvantage

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Should women over 30 be pessimistic about finding a husband?

    No, age does not determine their chances in the dating market, and most women end up in a decent relationship.

  • Do women over 30 need to put in effort in relationships and marriage?

    Yes, they can no longer rely on just waiting for it to happen and need to pursue what they want.

  • What do women in their 30s need to change in their dating strategy?

    They need to adopt a more aggressive approach and put in effort to win in the sexual marketplace.

  • How should women historically initiate courtship?

    They historically initiated courtship in an indirect manner and should give men an invitation to approach them.

  • What do women over 30 need to do to succeed in dating?

    They need to find modern ways to initiate conversations with men and change their dating strategy in order to succeed.


Key Insights

  • 😔 Any man disappointed to hear this is probably suffering from some measure of unhealed wounding that eagerly awaits a woman's comeuppance.
  • 🕰️ The game changes at 30, and women may need to adopt a more aggressive approach to get what they want in their 30s.
  • 💃 Women in their 30s who get what they want are the ones who go after them in the right way, just like men had to do in their 20s.
  • ⚖️ There's a kind of symmetry to the whole arrangement, with a 38-year-old woman being equivalent to a 22-year-old man in terms of the effort needed to achieve success.
  • 💪 The default mode for women is to act while they still have the advantage, while the default mode for men is to wait until they have the advantage.
  • 💃 Women need to find the modern-day equivalent of dropping their handkerchief to make things happen and change their strategy to win despite their disadvantage.


#Psychology #Relationships #Dating  


  • 00:00 🚺 Women over 30 shouldn't be pessimistic about finding a husband, as age doesn't determine their chances in the dating market, and most end up in a decent relationship, unlike men.
    • Women over 30 should not be pessimistic about finding a husband as age does not determine their chances in the dating market.
    • Most women end up in a decent relationship and are less likely to end up alone, neglected, and forgotten, unlike men, and any man disappointed by this is likely suffering from unhealed wounding.
  • 01:41 🔑 Women over 30 can still find a husband, but they may need to change their approach and be more aggressive in their pursuit.
    • 03:26 🚺 Women over 30 need to actively pursue relationships and marriage, changing their dating strategy to win in the sexual marketplace.
      • Women over 30 need to put in effort and pursue what they want in relationships and marriage, as they can no longer rely on just waiting for it to happen.
      • Women in their 30s need to change their dating strategy and put in effort to win in the sexual marketplace.
    • 05:17 👩 Women over 30 need to put in effort to be attractive and have options with men, just like men do.
      • 06:52 🚺 Work hard if you're over 30 as the age gap starts to affect opportunities, with 38 being equivalent to 22 for men.
        • 07:42 🚺 Women over 30 have to act now to take advantage of their position in the dating market, while men tend to wait for a more advantageous position.
          • 09:03 🚺 Women over 30 should initiate courtship in modern ways and change their dating strategy to succeed.
            • Women should remember that they historically initiated courtship in an indirect manner, and should give men an invitation to approach them.
            • Women over 30 need to find modern ways to initiate conversations with men and make an effort to change their dating strategy in order to succeed.
          • 10:43 💁‍♀️ Women over 30 can still pursue higher education with the help of the Stellar GRE self-study program.



            Duration: 0:12:12

            Publication Date: 2024-04-12T15:58:50Z

            WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Eo0AQqwx-k 

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