Female vs Male Psychopathic Traits: Dr. Clive Boddy's Research

Clive Boddy, Female Psychopathy, Gamma Bias, Psychology, Psychopathy, Social Bias -

Female vs Male Psychopathic Traits: Dr. Clive Boddy's Research

Dr. Clive Boddy's research challenges the commonly held belief about the prevalence of female psychopaths and highlights the subtle and cunning nature of female psychopathy 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What does Dr. Clive Boddy's research challenge?

    Dr. Clive Boddy's research challenges the commonly held belief about the prevalence of female psychopaths.

  • What does Dr. Clive Boddy's research highlight?

    Dr. Clive Boddy's research highlights the subtle and cunning nature of female psychopathy.

  • What is the main focus of Dr. Clive Boddy's research?

    The main focus of Dr. Clive Boddy's research is on female psychopathy.

  • What is the commonly held belief about female psychopaths?

    The commonly held belief about female psychopaths is challenged by Dr. Clive Boddy's research.

  • What is the nature of female psychopathy according to Dr. Clive Boddy's research?

    According to Dr. Clive Boddy's research, the nature of female psychopathy is subtle and cunning.

Key Insights

  • 🚺 Dr. Clive Boddy's research on female psychopathy challenges theoretical expectations and previous literature about the prevalence of female psychopaths.
  • 📊 Dr. Clive Boddy's research found ratios of 1.2 to one male to female, rather than the commonly expected four to one or five to one.
  • 🚺 Female Psychopaths may pose as victims to get out of awkward situations, impacting issues like spousal abuse and child custody.
  • 🎲 Psychopaths are very careful, cunning, and make detailed long-term plans, like being in a game of chess where you don't even realize the game is taking place.
  • 💔 Female psychopaths may express their aggression in a different way, such as emotional and relational aggression, social exclusion, and spreading rumors.
  • 💼 Female psychopathy is much more subtle than male psychopathy, making it harder to recognize and measure.
  • 🚹 Male psychopaths tend to bully openly and aggressively, while female bullying is more subtle and one-on-one, making it harder to notice and report.


#Psychology #Psychopathy #FemalePsychpathy  #SocialBias #MediaBias #GammaBias #CliveBoddy  


  • 00:00 🔍 Female psychopathy research using self-report measures shows a higher number of females with psychopathic traits than expected based on previous literature.
    • 01:51 🔍 Psychologists have found no substantial evidence to support the commonly cited 10:1 or 6:1 male to female psychopathy ratio, with research showing a much closer ratio of 1.2 to 1.
      • 03:07 🔍 Female psychopaths may pose as victims to manipulate situations, so it's important to accurately identify and understand psychopathic traits in both men and women.
        • 04:38 🔍 Psychopaths are not necessarily impulsive, and male and female psychopathic traits are more similar than different.
          • 05:56 🔍 Female and male psychopaths express their aggression and promiscuity differently, with females using emotional and relational aggression while males are more physically violent.
            • 07:07 🚺 Female psychopathy is more subtle and seductive, making it less recognized and harder to detect than male psychopathy.
              • 08:12 🚹 Male psychopaths bully openly, while female bullying is more subtle and one-on-one, making it harder to detect and report.
                • 09:29 🔍 Senior officer exposed, others came forward with similar experiences.


                  ------------------------------------- 0:9:56 2024-03-25T13:12:59Z https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAcB5JPe9EE PLZu5Ey0Yv7pKOJtxJr0vcoCK0VYuSsiQ4

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