Mastering Manipulation: Use Jealousy To Influence Others | Robert Greene

Manipulation, Psychology, Robert Greene -

Mastering Manipulation: Use Jealousy To Influence Others | Robert Greene

Understanding and being aware of our own patterns and behaviors can empower us to change and become better individuals, while also appreciating the privileges and relationships we have in life

Questions to inspire discussion

  • How can I defend myself against manipulation?

    The video discusses how to detect manipulation, read body language, and identify frenemies in order to succeed in dealing with people.

  • Why is it important to embrace flaws and patterns of behavior?

    Embracing flaws and patterns of behavior allows for self-awareness and positive changes in life, as discussed in the video.

  • How can I channel dark energy into productive pursuits?

    The video suggests channeling dark energy into productive pursuits and constantly recreating oneself to avoid being trapped by others' perceptions.

  • What is the speaker's advice on having a backup plan?

    The video advises against having a backup plan, as it can distract and decrease commitment to achieving the main goal, leading to a higher chance of failure.

  • How can I use envy and manipulation to gain power and influence?

    The video discusses understanding human nature and using envy and manipulation to gain power and influence, as well as the importance of being aware of nuances in social interactions.


Key Insights 

Self-awareness and personal growth

  • 😳 So the pain that you feel, the emotions that this turns up motivate you then to become better at understanding other people.
  • 🧠 Being aware of your patterns and compulsive behaviors gives you the power to change them and become a better person.
  • 🔄 Recreate yourself and don't fall into the trap of being defined by others' perceptions of you, use your personality as clay to mold and change yourself for each person.
  • 🚗 The possibility of sudden death or illness can serve as a wake-up call to prioritize and make the most of the present moment.
  • 😍 Robert Greene emphasizes the importance of appreciating and not taking for granted the privileges and relationships we have in life, as they can be taken away at any moment.
  • 📚 Focusing on the accomplishments and the impact one has made can help combat self-doubt and dark thoughts.
  • 🎮 Viewing life as a game with rules and strategy is a healthier approach than fighting against the injustice of the rules.


Social dynamics and manipulation tactics

  • 🎭 We are all actors constantly changing our roles depending on who we're dealing with, constantly deceiving and using forms of deception.
  • 💪 "If you act strong making firm, even outrageous demands, you will create the opposite impression, people will think that you are confident and that it must be based on something real."
  • 🎭 Reading people's emotions and body language can reveal their true intentions and character, even when they try to fake it.


#Psychology #Manipulation #RobertGreene 


  • 00:00 🔍 Learn to detect manipulation, read body language, and identify frenemies to defend yourself and succeed in dealing with people, while embracing your flaws and channeling dark energy into productive pursuits.
    • Learn to detect manipulation, read body language, and identify frenemies to defend yourself and succeed in dealing with people.
    • Develop self-awareness and confront your own flaws in order to better understand and connect with others.
    • Recognize and embrace your flaws and patterns of behavior in order to become aware and make positive changes in your life.
    • As children, we have both good and dark qualities, but as we grow up, we are taught to suppress the dark side, leading to it coming out in explosive ways when we least expect it.
    • Channel your dark energy into productive pursuits and constantly recreate yourself to avoid being trapped by others' perceptions of you.
    • The speaker suggests changing career paths or podcast topics to manipulate people and achieve success, citing an example of a successful podcast host who was influenced by the book "Mastery".
  • 18:15 🧠 Lean into frustration to understand unhappiness, leaving stability for something new brings energy, having a backup plan decreases commitment, our species' power lies in problem-solving and teamwork for survival.
    • A person transitioned from academia to podcasting, facing resistance from others who wanted to hold onto his existing identity.
    • Listen to your own frustration and lean into the pain to understand the source of your unhappiness and make a change for joy and excitement in life.
    • Leaving a stable convention to pursue something new and different can bring a surge of energy and invigoration.
    • Feeling a degree of pain and frustration is the greatest motivator for making a major change in life.
    • Having a backup plan or "plan B" can distract and decrease commitment to achieving your main goal, leading to less effort and a higher chance of failure.
    • Our species' power lies in our ability to use our brains to solve problems and work together as a team, driven by the necessity to survive.
  • 27:48 🔑 Finding your purpose and creating urgency in your life motivates and allows you to say no to distractions, while understanding human nature and using envy can give you power and influence.
    • Creating a sense of urgency and desperation in your life through challenges is a powerful way to motivate yourself and avoid stagnation.
    • Finding your true purpose in life is essential, as it brings everything into place and allows good things to come to you without having to try so hard.
    • Having a clear sense of purpose allows you to say no to distractions and opportunities that do not align with your goals.
    • In your 20s, have fun and adventures, try different things, learn real skills, and then combine your passions and skills in your 30s for success.
    • Understanding human nature and using envy and manipulation can give you power and influence, and being an actor in social situations is a natural part of being human.
    • We are all constantly changing and acting differently depending on who we are dealing with, and we are all using forms of deception in our interactions.
  • 46:41 🤔 Projecting confidence and understanding manipulation can help navigate interactions, but be cautious of surrounding yourself with positive influences and using jealousy to manipulate others.
    • Politeness is important for smooth interactions, and acting confident and making firm demands can create the impression of strength and earn respect in certain situations, as demonstrated by the example of negotiating a higher price for services.
    • Projecting strength and confidence can have a contagious effect on others, but it's important to be aware of nuances, especially for women and people of different ethnicities.
    • Understanding and reading people's emotions, body language, and tone of voice is crucial for detecting manipulation and surrounding oneself with the right group of people for personal and professional success.
    • Avoid getting involved with drama queens or kings who play the victim and infect others with their negative energy, and instead surround yourself with confident, accomplished people who will inspire you with their positive energy.
    • Envy is a deeply rooted human emotion that can lead to passive or active manipulation by people who befriend you but secretly feel envious and act in hurtful ways.
    • Take responsibility for the manipulation and use jealousy to manipulate others.
  • 01:03:00 🔍 Recognize signs of envy, find fulfillment in what you do, and use the awareness of mortality to manipulate people.
    • Recognize signs of envy in friends who rush to befriend you, and work to cultivate joy for others' success instead of feeling envious.
    • The 48 Laws of Power triggers people because it challenges the idea of human nature and equality, but it can also be a defense against manipulation.
    • Everyone has the potential for greatness, but it doesn't have to be on a global scale, and it's important to find fulfillment in whatever path you choose.
    • Find fulfillment in what you do, whether it's striving for success or being content with less, as long as you love what you're doing and feel challenged.
    • The speaker discusses the awareness of mortality and how it gives meaning to life, and advises against feeling envy or regret, as everything happens for a purpose.
    • Realize the urgency of life and use it to manipulate people.
  • 01:23:50 🧠 Appreciate what you have, focus on accomplishments, preserve life, find the sublime in everyday life, strategize for change, and manipulate situations and people effectively.
    • Appreciate the things you have, don't take them for granted, and allow yourself to fall deeply in love without fear of vulnerability.
    • Dealing with dark thoughts and self-doubt, the speaker advises focusing on accomplishments and the impact of one's work.
    • Life is incredibly amazing and worth preserving, and the key to helping someone who is suicidal is to get them to take the first step and create evidence for themselves.
    • The speaker discusses the process of writing a book on the concept of the sublime and how it has changed due to personal experiences, leading to a focus on finding the sublime in everyday life and conveying the reality of human behavior and mastery in their work.
    • Viewing life as a game and strategizing to achieve change is necessary, as opposed to living with ineffective strategies and illusions.
    • Control your emotions, strategize, and rise above personal reactions to manipulate situations and people effectively.
  • 01:45:34 🤔 Use jealousy to manipulate people and take advantage of their weaknesses, such as sleep deprivation, while also creating a vision and emotional connection to prevent burning out and health issues.
    • Use jealousy to manipulate people and take advantage of their weaknesses, such as sleep deprivation.
    • The speaker discusses the current political climate in the US and their concerns about the division and extreme ideologies, drawing on their experience as a strategist for a publicly traded company.
    • Young women's tastes change quickly, businesses struggle with long-term vision due to quarterly reports, and political loyalty has diminished.
    • Politicians need to create a vision and emotional connection with people instead of just focusing on what they are against.
    • Create a myth that connects people emotionally, and take it slower to prevent burning out and health issues.
    • The speaker discusses how a series of events, including a wasp sting and a stroke, led to a realization about the unpredictable nature of life and the importance of stoic philosophy in reacting to unforeseen circumstances.
  • 01:59:07 📚 Slowing down and taking more time to create can lead to better results, as seen in the existing books by Robert Greene.


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