A Golden Age for Assholes | Sam Harris

Ascholes, Philosophy, Sam Harris -

A Golden Age for Assholes | Sam Harris

The digital age has allowed certain individuals, like Donald Trump, to gain enormous influence by prioritizing themselves over others, disregarding decency and moral standards, and encouraging others to do the same 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the key idea of the video?

    The key idea of the video is that the digital age has allowed certain individuals, like Donald Trump, to gain enormous influence by prioritizing themselves over others, disregarding decency and moral standards, and encouraging others to do the same.

  • How has the digital age impacted individuals like Donald Trump?

    The digital age has allowed individuals like Donald Trump to gain enormous influence by prioritizing themselves over others, disregarding decency and moral standards, and encouraging others to do the same.

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    The main focus of the video is the influence gained by individuals like Donald Trump in the digital age and their disregard for decency and moral standards.

  • How does Donald Trump prioritize himself over others?

    Donald Trump prioritizes himself over others by using the digital age to gain enormous influence and encouraging others to do the same, disregarding decency and moral standards.

  • What impact does Donald Trump have on others?

    Donald Trump's influence in the digital age encourages others to prioritize themselves over others, disregarding decency and moral standards.

Key Insights

  • 😕 Many people believe that calling someone an asshole says more about the person making the allegation than the actual person being called an asshole.
  • 🤔 An asshole only truly cares about themselves, using causes and expressions of love as instruments to inflate their own ego.
  • 😈 The most admired quality of assholes is their shamelessness, as they live without feeling any shame for their actions.
  • 🤔 The celebration of cynicism and the absence of shame in this movement raises questions about the moral values being promoted.
  • 🤷‍♂️ Trump's fans don't admire him in spite of his flaws, but because of them, as he gives them permission to reject societal norms and institutions.
  • 🎭 The comfort and charisma that comes from being true to oneself, even if it means being seen as selfish and uncharitable, can be strangely captivating.


#Philosophy #Sociology #SamHarris #Ascholes 


  • 00:00 👋 Sam Harris asks listeners to subscribe to his podcast for full episodes and support, and mentions being asked about his thoughts on prominent people in our culture.
    • 00:52 🤔 Some people who should be insignificant have gained enormous influence in the digital age, such as Andrew Tate and Donald Trump.
      • 01:56 📺 Many people misunderstand what it means to be an asshole, often confusing it with personal style or weakness, but being an asshole goes beyond just style.
        • 02:56 🤔 To be an asshole is to prioritize oneself over others, mistaking vices for virtues and shamelessness for integrity, ultimately failing to live a good life and encouraging others to do the same.
          • 04:23 😎 People who lack wisdom and shamelessly live their lives without caring about the opinions of others often have admirers, as shame is a disempowering emotion that can be overcome by either living in a way that minimizes its causes or by completely disregarding it.
            • 05:32 😈 Everyone is selfish, and those who pretend to be better are actually worse; this self-worship movement celebrates cynicism and absolves shame, beckoning us to return to a childish state.
              • 06:19 👑 Trump is an unshameable figure who sets a precedent for disregarding decency and moral standards, allowing his supporters to embrace a moral holiday and disregard societal norms.
                • 07:45 😈 It's liberating to embrace selfishness, dishonesty, and uncharitableness without being hypocritical, as it allows one to be true to oneself and possess a dark charisma.


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