Jordan Peterson Challenges Swedish Politician's Feminist Views on Occupational Choice

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Jordan Peterson Challenges Swedish Politician's Feminist Views on Occupational Choice

The differences in occupational choice between men and women are mostly due to biological differences, not social engineering, and that maximizing equality of opportunity maximizes individual free choice and differences in choice

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What does Jordan Peterson challenge in the Swedish TV debate?

    Jordan Peterson challenges the cultural orthodoxy of political correctness and gender equality, highlighting evidence that suggests differences between men and women are primarily biological, not cultural.

  • What does Jordan Peterson believe about young men and women?

    Jordan Peterson believes that many young men follow him because he genuinely wants the best for them and thinks that young women are encouraged more than young men, leading to a belief that there is something pernicious about male competence and activity.

  • What is the impact of egalitarian policies in Scandinavia?

    Egalitarian policies in Scandinavia have led to larger personality differences between men and women, as measured by psychologists using validated tests and statistical models.

  • What does Jordan Peterson argue about gender equality?

    Jordan Peterson argues that social policies promoting gender equality have actually maximized the differences between men and women, and that technological advancements have played a significant role in allowing women to progress.

  • What does Jordan Peterson believe boys need to combat toxic masculinity?

    Boys need discipline, strong father figures, responsibility, accountability, ambition, and competitiveness, not dolls, to combat toxic masculinity.


Key Insights

  • 🧠 "There's only two reasons that men and women differ one is cultural and the other is biological."
  • 🧬 "If you minimize the cultural differences, you maximize the biological differences."
  • 🧠 The differences in occupational choice between men and women are mostly due to biological differences, not social engineering.
  • 🤔 The purpose of setting up a society with maximal equality of opportunity is to maximize people's free choice, which in turn maximizes differences in choice between individuals.
  • 🤔 "It's not so much that you don't agree with Dr. Peterson. It's that you don't agree with reality and you don't agree with truth."
  • 🐺 Life was very difficult and the fact that we survived at all meant that fundamentally we cooperated despite the fact that we're rif with stupidity, ignorance, and malevolence.
  • 📚 "The narrative that we're fed now is that up until 1960 when the enlightened feminists developed their egalitarian doctrines, men had kept women down, and the truth of the matter is that from about 1895 onward there was a series of technological revolutions that were extraordinarily powerful in their impact."
  • 🌍 Jordan Peterson emphasizes the importance of taking on responsibility and developing a vision to transcend vulnerability and misfortunes.
#Transactivism #Gender
XMentions: @jakerattlesnk; @JordanBPeterson @HabitatsDigital


  • 00:00 🔍 Jordan Peterson challenges gender equality in Sweden, highlighting biological differences between men and women, and argues against striving for equality of outcome.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges the cultural orthodoxy of political correctness and gender equality in a Swedish TV debate, highlighting the evidence that suggests differences between men and women are primarily biological, not cultural.
    • Jordan Peterson believes that many young men follow him because he genuinely wants the best for them and thinks that young women are encouraged more than young men, leading to a belief that there is something pernicious about male competence and activity.
    • Western society is not a tyrannical patriarchy and the notion of gender equality is challenged in Scandinavia.
    • Equality of opportunity is important, but striving for equality of outcome is a fool's game and has proved to be dangerous and impossible in the past.
  • 04:21 🔍 Jordan Peterson challenges Swedish politician's feminist views on gender differences, highlighting the impact of egalitarian policies on personality traits and interests of men and women.
    • Egalitarian policies in Scandinavia have led to larger personality differences between men and women, as measured by psychologists using validated tests and statistical models.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges the feminist worldview of a Swedish politician, highlighting the differences between men and women and the potential impact of her decision-making power.
    • Gender differences in personality traits are small relative to individual variation within genders, and are broadly consistent with gender stereotypes, with women reporting higher neuroticism, agreeableness, warmth, and openness to feelings, and men reporting higher assertiveness and openness to ideas, with differences varying across cultures.
    • As societies become more free and egalitarian, the differences between the interests of the sexes become more pronounced, contrary to the expectations of feminists.
  • 08:24 🔬 Gender equality is important for both sons and daughters, but biological differences influence occupational choices and social engineering cannot minimize them.
    • Gender equality is important for both sons and daughters to have the same opportunities and dreams, and it is important for children to see both parents in non-traditional gender roles.
    • Equality of opportunity is reasonable, but minimizing cultural differences can maximize biological differences between men and women.
    • There are scientific findings that show differences in participation rates in different occupations between men and women are not solely due to socialization, as men are generally more interested in things and women are more interested in people.
    • Occupational choices are influenced by biological differences, and social engineering cannot minimize these differences.
    • Maximizing free choice in society leads to differences in choices between people, which can be influenced by how individuals are raised and the cultural attitudes they are exposed to.
  • 13:48 🔍 Jordan Peterson challenges the Swedish politician's feminist worldview, arguing that men and women have historically cooperated and questioning the need for women to struggle for equal opportunities.
    • The speaker argues that the Swedish politician's feminist worldview is not based on reality or truth, and that woke feminist ideology is resistant to data and evidence.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges the idea that everything is a social construct and argues that men are naturally better suited for certain roles, which is offensive to the woke mindset.
    • The problem is not that men are struggling with women being more in control, but that the narrative of the West being a patriarchal tyranny leads to suspicion of young men striving forward, which is unhelpful for both men and women.
    • Jordan Peterson argues that throughout history, men and women have cooperated to survive despite difficulties, and questions the definition of gender equality and the need for women to struggle for equal opportunities.
  • 18:32 🔍 Jordan Peterson challenges a Swedish politician's feminist views, arguing that gender equality policies have increased gender differences, and emphasizing the importance of discipline and strong father figures for boys.
    • The speaker argues that social policies promoting gender equality have actually maximized the differences between men and women, and that technological advancements have played a significant role in allowing women to progress.
    • Jordan Peterson criticizes a Swedish politician's feminist worldview, questioning her understanding of the role of birth control in women's liberation and expressing disbelief at her perspective.
    • Boys need discipline, strong father figures, responsibility, accountability, ambition, and competitiveness, not dolls, to combat toxic masculinity.
  • 21:51 🔍 Jordan Peterson challenges the idea of the current period being the best for men and women, warns of destabilizing western culture due to identity politics, and cites literature to support his views on gender differences.
    • Jordan Peterson challenges the idea that the current period is the best time in history for both men and women.
    • The danger of destabilizing western culture is due to the regression to tribalism caused by identity politics.
    • Jordan Peterson believes that he is not provoking people, but simply stating what he believes to be true, and cites literature to support his views on gender differences.
  • 25:28 🔍 Jordan Peterson challenges Swedish politician's feminist views and promotes personal responsibility and vision.
    • Jordan Peterson criticizes the feminist worldview of a Swedish politician and demonstrates patience in the face of condescension.
    • Jordan Peterson believes in the strength of people to overcome their misfortunes and encourages them to take on responsibility and develop a vision for their lives.
  • 27:57 🔍 Jordan Peterson emphasizes responsibility and truth, and shows principled communication without alienating others.
    • Jordan Peterson discusses the importance of being responsible and truthful, and how irrationality can be linked to hunger.
    • Jordan Peterson demonstrates the ability to express his convictions without alienating others, serving as an example of principled communication in a divisive world.


Duration: 0:21:5

Publication Date: 2023-10-05T16:26:27Z



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