FSD Beta 12: Navigating a Busy School Zone

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FSD Beta 12: Navigating a Busy School Zone

The car successfully navigates through a busy school zone with pedestrians and crossing guards

Questions to inspire discussion

  • How does the car navigate through a busy school zone?

    The car uses advanced sensors and algorithms to detect and avoid pedestrians and crossing guards.

  • What challenges does the car face in the school zone?

    The car must navigate through a crowded and unpredictable environment with children and adults crossing the street.

  • Is the car able to safely navigate through the school zone?

    Yes, the car successfully avoids any potential collisions with pedestrians and crossing guards.

  • What technology does the car use to navigate the school zone?

    The car utilizes lidar, radar, and cameras to detect and respond to the presence of pedestrians and crossing guards.

  • How does the car ensure the safety of pedestrians in the school zone?

    The car slows down and yields to pedestrians and crossing guards to ensure their safety while navigating through the school zone.


Key Insights

  • 🚸 The FSD Beta 12 successfully navigated a very busy school zone, picking up all the people and cars, showing its capability in handling complex environments.


#FSDStories#Tesla FSD Beta 


  • 00:00 🚗 Car successfully navigates through a busy school zone with pedestrians and crossing guards.


    Duration: 0:2:56

    Publication Date: 2024-03-30T20:19:20Z

    WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlINRukKcEI



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