19 Times Impressive Tesla FSD V12 Leaves Drivers in Awe!

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19 Times Impressive Tesla FSD V12 Leaves Drivers in Awe!

Tesla's FSD V12 impresses drivers with its advanced navigation and decision-making capabilities, including navigating complex driving situations and making unexpected decisions

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is Tesla's FSD V12?

    Tesla's FSD V12 is the latest version of their Full Self-Driving software, which includes advanced navigation and decision-making capabilities for autonomous driving.

  • How does Tesla's FSD V12 navigate complex driving situations?

    Tesla's FSD V12 uses advanced algorithms and sensors to navigate complex driving situations, such as merging onto highways and navigating through construction zones.

  • What unexpected decisions can Tesla's FSD V12 make?

    Tesla's FSD V12 is capable of making unexpected decisions, such as changing lanes to avoid obstacles or adjusting speed to accommodate other vehicles on the road.

  • What are the most impressive features of Tesla's FSD V12?

    The most impressive features of Tesla's FSD V12 include its ability to handle complex driving situations and make quick, accurate decisions in real-time.

  • How does Tesla's FSD V12 compare to previous versions?

    Tesla's FSD V12 represents a significant improvement over previous versions, with enhanced navigation and decision-making capabilities for a more seamless autonomous driving experience.


Key Insights

  • 😲 "The car actually drove up on the curb because that truck literally was coming at me."
  • 🚗 FSD V12 attempted a U-turn and almost pulled it off, leaving the driver speechless.
  • 🚗 "That level of not giving up. Now I would say that it needs to add reverse because reverse is just another tool."
  • 🚗 The driver was amazed at how the Tesla FSD V12 handled a difficult U-turn with "speedy traffic" coming from the oncoming side.
  • 🛣️ The excitement and relief of finally experiencing a successful merge onto the highway after 5 and 1/2 years of owning FSD.
  • 🚗 The new version of FSD handles busy intersections with ease, leaving drivers speechless.
  • 😱 The Tesla FSD V12 is nerve-wracking, but also impressive in its anticipation and lane changes.


#Tesla #FSDDrives 
X Mentions: @farzyness 


  • 00:00 😲 Tesla's FSD V12 impresses drivers with its ability to navigate complex driving situations and make unexpected decisions.
    • 05:37 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 left drivers speechless as it navigated through traffic and made decisions based on what it could see.
      • 06:38 😲 Tesla's FSD V12 left drivers speechless with its ability to navigate challenging situations and almost pull off a difficult U-turn.
        • 08:02 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 impresses with its ability to navigate and make U-turns without human intervention, but it still needs to learn how to reverse in emergency situations.
          • 09:22 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 impresses drivers with its smooth and cautious U-turn capabilities.
            • 10:38 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 is impressing drivers with its ability to make quick and confident decisions, finally achieving a tough merge after 5 and 1/2 years.
              • 12:19 🚗 Tesla's FSD V12 impresses drivers with its ability to navigate busy intersections and make complex turns with ease.
                • 14:00 🚗 Tesla’s FSD V12 impresses drivers with its flawless anticipation and navigation, even taking a surprising route through Chipotle.



                  Duration: 0:16:32

                  Publication Date: 2024-04-04T15:25:29Z

                  WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs96BKDCDR4



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