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AI, AI Models, GPT-4 -

GPT 4 Code Interpreter is unlike any other plug-in. It upgrades GPT 4 to a whole new level. I am going to show you 18 use-cases (actually more like 23), including image editing (wait till the end!), text-to-speech, video editing, 3d modelling, data analytics, QR Codes, times series, sankey diagrams, steganography, mp4s, GIFs, treemaps, better math, editing csv and excel files and much much more! Whether you are a professional looking to transform your data analytics, an observer concerned about GPT X escaping from an island (!), a student looking to do a heatmap, venn diagram or radial bar plot,...

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AI, AI Ethics, AI Models, Deep Thought, Ethical AI, PJ Manney -

Author: Patricia J. Manney Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (Con)science, a novel by Patricia J. Manney, invites readers to explore the depths of moral conundrums and the impact of emerging technologies on our lives. Set in a near-future world, the story revolves around a brilliant scientist who inadvertently creates a machine that can detect and predict individual actions based on their moral compass. The novel is a roller coaster of emotions, delving into the complex landscape of ethical and technological implications. One of the strongest aspects of (Con)science is Manney's exploration of morals. The story challenges readers to confront...

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