DeepMind’s New AI Saw 15,000,000,000 Chess Boards!

AI, Deep Mind, Two Minute Papers -

DeepMind’s New AI Saw 15,000,000,000 Chess Boards!

DeepMind's AI system achieved grandmaster-level chess playing ability by learning from playing against itself billions of times, challenging traditional AI development techniques and opening up possibilities for broader applications beyond chess

    Questions to inspire discussion

    • What is the title of the video?

      The title of the video is "DeepMind's AI system achieved grandmaster-level chess playing ability."

    • How did DeepMind's AI system achieve grandmaster-level chess playing ability?

      DeepMind's AI system achieved grandmaster-level chess playing ability by learning from playing against itself billions of times.

    • What did DeepMind's achievement challenge?

      DeepMind's achievement challenged traditional AI development techniques.

    • What are the broader applications beyond chess?

      The achievement opens up possibilities for broader applications beyond chess.

    • What is the most important idea in the video?

      The most important idea in the video is DeepMind's AI system achieving grandmaster-level chess playing ability. 


    Key Insights

    • 🧠 DeepMind's AI system learns from playing against itself billions of times, a key idea that led to its grandmaster-level chess playing ability.
    • 🤔 The new AI achieved grandmaster-level without using search or self-play, challenging traditional techniques in AI development.
    • 🌟 It learned from Stockfish and looked at 15 billion board states, making moves on these boards, resulting in the ability to play at a grandmaster level.
    • 🚀 The AI can give 20 moves per second on a $200 graphics card, making it extremely fast and efficient in playing chess.
    • 🧩 The goal of the AI's design is not necessarily to create a strong chess engine, raising questions about the purpose and potential applications of the technology.
    • 🕰 The incredible achievement of the AI in learning from a master and generalizing well to novel situations is a key factor in understanding its importance.
    • 🤯 The new AI not only learned how to make moves in chess, but also approximated algorithms, opening up possibilities for self-driving cars and other applications. 


    #AI #DeepMind

    XMentions: @twominutepapers  


    • 00:00 🤖 Google DeepMind created an AI system that plays Chess at a grandmaster level by learning from playing billions of matches against itself.
      • 00:45 🤯 DeepMind created a grandmaster-level AI technique without search and self-play.
        • 01:38 🤯 AI learned from Stockfish, can play at grandmaster level without playing a single game.
          • 02:28 🤯 DeepMind's new AI has 270 million parameters, is tiny compared to GPT-4, and can play extremely well at a fast speed on affordable hardware.
            • 03:26 🤯 GPT-4 AI in chess only considers one board position and one move ahead with high probability of winning, not aiming to create a strong chess engine.
              • 04:19 🤖 AI learns chess expertise by watching masters, demonstrating ability to make good moves and generalize well to novel situations, marking an incredible achievement.
                • 05:02 🤖 AI was created to generate algorithms and readable programs, providing a glimpse of the future.
                  • 05:43 🤯 New AI learns chess techniques and algorithms, which could be applied to create self-driving cars and other useful algorithms for the world.


                    Duration: 0:7:12

                    Publication Date: 2024-04-15T13:32:47Z




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