Singularity Ready: Transhumanism suitability for Singularity life

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Singularity Ready: Transhumanism suitability for Singularity life

We explore Transhumanism and its principles and their appropriateness for life in these accelerating exponential times


Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates for the use of technology and science to transcend the limitations of the human body, mind, and lifespan.

The ultimate goal of transhumanism is to enhance human abilities and to create a post-human species that is superior to humans.

Transhumanists believe that technology can be used to overcome aging, disease, disability, and even death, and that this will ultimately lead to a better, more advanced society.

The primary concepts of transhumanism include the belief in the potential of technology to enhance human abilities, the pursuit of longevity and immortality, the idea that humans are not fixed, but rather are constantly evolving, and the belief that ethical considerations should guide the development and use of technology.

Transhumanism is a suitable philosophy for a Singularity Ready Lifestyle because it embraces the idea of exponential technological progress, and advocates for the use of technology to enhance human capabilities.

The Singularity refers to a hypothetical point in the future where technological progress becomes so rapid that it surpasses human understanding, and transhumanism aims to embrace and utilize this progress to create a better future.

Transhumanism is a philosophy that aligns with a Singularity Ready Lifestyle due to its focus on the use of technology to enhance human abilities and its pursuit of post-humanism.

Its principles, such as the belief in technological potential, the idea of constant human evolution, ethical consideration, longevity, and immortality, are essential to a Singularity Ready Lifestyle.

While there are criticisms of transhumanism, such as the risk of over-reliance on technology, deterministic thinking, ethical considerations stalling progress, losing touch with humanity, and the negative consequences of immortality, the overall Singularity Score of transhumanism is positive.

It is important to note that transhumanism is a highly debated philosophy, and there are many differing opinions on its feasibility and desirability.

However, as the world becomes increasingly dependent on technology and science, transhumanism may become an important philosophy for navigating a rapidly changing future.  

Transhumanism Singularity Scores 



Singularity Score






The belief in the potential of technology to enhance human abilities is essential for a Singularity Ready Lifestyle.

The criticism is that there is a risk of over-reliance on technology, which could lead to negative consequences such as the loss of human autonomy and the exacerbation of social inequalities.




The idea that humans are constantly evolving is crucial for embracing the exponential progress of the Singularity.

The criticism is that there is a risk of deterministic thinking, where humans believe that they are inevitably progressing towards a specific goal.

Ethical Consideration



The belief that ethical considerations should guide the development and use of technology is important for responsible use.

The criticism is that ethical considerations can sometimes stifle technological progress, and that it can be difficult to reach a consensus on what is ethical.




The pursuit of post-humanism is aligned with the Singularity, as it aims to create a superior form of human.

The criticism is that there is a risk of losing touch with humanity, and that the definition of what it means to be human may become distorted.

Longevity and



The pursuit of longevity and immortality is in line with the goal of the Singularity to overcome the limitations of aging.

The criticism is that the pursuit of immortality could have negative consequences, such as overpopulation and the exacerbation of social inequalities.



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