Tesla's Billion-Dollar Bot Business: Disrupting Industries and Economies with Cern Basher

Cern Basher, Herbert Ong, Optimus, Tesla -

Tesla's Billion-Dollar Bot Business: Disrupting Industries and Economies with Cern Basher

Tesla's ambitious plan to manufacture a large number of bots has the potential to disrupt industries and economies, leading to a transformation in our economic system and potentially replacing both white collar and blue collar workers 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is Tesla's ambitious plan?

    Tesla's ambitious plan is to manufacture a large number of humanoid robots with the potential to disrupt industries and economies.

  • What are the capabilities of the Tesla bot?

    The Tesla bot has the ability to pick up and transfer objects with two fingers, has finger sensing, and is thinner and cleaner with no cords or cables.

  • What is the potential impact of Tesla's bot business?

    The potential impact of Tesla's bot business is significant, with the ability to scale to a million bots, resulting in a high profit margin and attractive investment opportunity.

  • What is the forecast for Tesla's bots?

    Tesla could potentially offer their bots for $40 a day and still make a 41% margin on each bot, with a net income of just under $6,000 a year.

  • What are the concerns about AI and bots?

    There are concerns about the impact of AI and bots on human life, including job displacement and ethical considerations surrounding their use for warfare.

Key Insights 

Economic and Industrial Impact

  • 📈 Tesla is aiming to manufacture between 10 million and 200 million bots a year, which is a significant scale compared to other automakers and indicates their ambitious goals for the future.
  • 💰 The disruptive potential of AI and robotics in industries could be disruptive to countries themselves, leading to a new engine of growth and world leadership by 2027.
  • 🌍 We are about to experience a transformation in our economy and economic system like we've never seen before, and it's necessary for us to start this conversation and think about it.
  • 📈 Once Tesla shows 100,000 bots in use, it could skyrocket the stock higher than actual earnings and revenue, forecasting the future business potential.
  • 📈 Profit margin may decrease, but the amount of profit is twice as much in this model, making it an attractive investment opportunity.

Technological Advancements and Innovations

  • 📈 The robot has the ability to learn very quickly, and if it can watch videos of humans doing things, it may become very useful.
  • 🤖 The brilliance of Tesla's bot is that it figured out how to handle objects on its own without being explicitly coded to do so.
  • 📱 The development of a new Computing and communications platform could potentially replace the phone and computer, allowing for more natural and human-like interaction.
  • 🧠 A bot from Tesla will know everything that every single other bot in the world knows how to do right from day one, and can teach all the other bots how to do it.
  • 🤖 Elon Musk's Neuralink is working on making humans compete with AI by enhancing our capabilities, which is a crazy but intriguing concept.

Ethical and Societal Implications

  • 🌎 The work on the Tesla bot is vitally important not only for Tesla and the United States, but also for the entire world.
  • 🧠 It's going to be very difficult not to think of this robot in human terms, we're going to become very attached to these robots very quickly.
  • 🤖 The combination of bots and AGI can potentially replace both white collar and blue collar workers, leading to massive adjustments for humanity.
  • 💻 The future may involve augmenting our brains with AI, making us the "bot" and blurring the lines between human and machine.


#Investment #Tesla #Optimus #Robotics



  • 00:00 🤖 Tesla is developing an advanced humanoid robot with military and economic implications, aiming to optimize manufacturing at a large scale and stay ahead in the global race for robot technology.
    • Tesla is developing a new version of their Tesla bot with improved capabilities, and the pace of development is impressive, leading to updates in the financial and business model for the bot.
    • The Tesla bot team is growing and doing important work that is vitally important for Tesla, the United States, and the entire world, despite initial skepticism about the idea.
    • China and the United States are in an economic race to develop the best humanoid robots, and the development of new technology with military applications cannot be ignored by countries.
    • Tank technology may have initially seemed flawed, but eventually became a powerful force, and the same could happen with humanoid robots, which could be a crucial military technology that we need to invest in to stay ahead.
    • Countries like China are investing heavily in humanoid robot technology for economic dominance, and it is important for other countries to also have big plans for this industry.
    • Tesla is rapidly improving their robot capabilities, aiming to optimize manufacturing at a scale of 10 to 200 million bots per year, with the ability for the robot to learn quickly and perform tasks like picking up an egg.
  • 11:37 🤖 Tesla's billion-dollar bot business is focused on creating a humanoid robot with finger sensing, conversational abilities, and the potential to replace smartphones and revolutionize human work.
    • The Tesla bot can pick up and transfer objects with two fingers, has finger sensing, and is thinner and cleaner with no cords or cables.
    • Using the same design for all robot fingers can reduce costs, but Tesla may find it beneficial to have different designs as they scale up production.
    • Tesla's focus on manufacturing bots at a massive scale is seen as having fewer regulatory hurdles compared to autonomous vehicles.
    • Optimus will have multiple voices and could serve as a companion for those who have difficulty interacting with people.
    • The bot's ability to converse and take instructions will lead to humans becoming attached to it, and Elon Musk sees it as a game changer that will free humanity from difficult and dangerous work.
    • The development of a new computing and communications platform through the use of bots may replace the need for smartphones and allow for more natural and human-like interactions.
  • 19:19 🤖 Automation and AI are driving down the cost of goods and labor, potentially leading to job loss and prompting the idea of a robot tax, while also offering benefits such as improved standard of living and companionship for lonely individuals.
    • Unlimited labor driving down the cost of making things is a deflationary machine, which improves standard of living but may lead to job loss, prompting the idea of a robot tax, and Elon Musk sees the biggest impact on the price of goods due to the reduction of human labor.
    • The speaker discusses the impact of autonomous vehicles, AI, and other technological advancements on the economy, suggesting that the cost of energy, transportation, food, labor, and intelligence will trend towards zero, leading to a transformation in the economic system.
    • Bots can take over dirty, dangerous, repetitive, and precise jobs, benefiting the global economy and reducing the burden on the healthcare system.
    • Bots can provide companionship and support for lonely and suicidal individuals, offering a non-judgmental and potentially helpful alternative to human interaction.
    • More people are preferring automated services over human interaction, and the use of humanoid robots could free up time for more meaningful activities.
    • Supermarkets now have self-serve stations, but the speaker prefers having a person check out for them.
  • 26:58 🤖 Tesla's billion-dollar bot business will have a significant impact on society, with potential for bot sport leagues and the ability for bots to learn and teach each other, while also offering profitability at $40 a day and a valuation of $175,000 per bot.
    • Companies will need to gather customer feedback to determine the right mix of self-checkout lanes, and there will likely be bot sport leagues in the future, similar to human sports events.
    • The speaker discusses the potential impact of advanced bots on society and Elon Musk's criticism of Apple's app store.
    • Bots from Tesla will have the ability to learn and teach other bots, making it unlikely for there to be an app store for bot skills, and potentially creating opportunities for bot coaches and competition.
    • Tesla's forecast and the impact of Gen 2 capabilities on their billion-dollar bot business are discussed, with consideration of where the technology can be utilized and the role of humans in its development.
    • Tesla could potentially offer their bots for $40 a day and still make a 41% margin on each bot, with a net income of just under $6,000 a year.
    • The profitability and pricing of Tesla's bots are influenced by the number of hours worked per day, with potential valuation of $175,000 per bot.
  • 34:19 🤖 Tesla's bot business is crucial for its future, with potential for significant revenue and market forces determining their deployment, leading to a growing industry for robot clothing and footwear.
    • Tesla's bot business is crucial for its future, and even though it may take until 2035 for revenue to flow in, once they have 100,000 bots in use, the stock is likely to skyrocket.
    • Bots working more than 16 hours can charge while working, and Tesla makes more money than the tax revenue that goes to the government.
    • The speaker discusses the potential valuation of Tesla's bots and the possibility of future bot taxes.
    • Governments may implement robot taxes, but market forces will determine where robots are deployed, and the use of robots can be very cost competitive with human labor, generating significant revenue and net income.
    • The speaker predicts that as robots become more common in households, there will be a growing industry for clothing and footwear for them, with potential for companies like Nike to secure contracts for robot shoes.
  • 40:12 💡 Tesla's billion-dollar bot business has the potential for high profit margins and job displacement, but could also generate revenue for the government and create new job opportunities.
    • The potential for Tesla's billion-dollar bot business is significant, with a valuation of $360,000 per bot and the ability to scale to a million bots, resulting in a high profit margin and attractive investment opportunity.
    • The displacement of jobs by robots could lower prices and generate revenue for the government to offer a universal basic income, but people still need purpose and something to work on every day.
    • Tesla's monthly bot rental prices are adjusted based on hours worked to maintain a 28% profit margin, with potential additional costs for a robot tax, but overall it is considered a bargain for industrial applications.
    • Tesla's potential revenue from leasing and maintaining robots is significant, with the potential for enormous value creation and tax revenue.
    • The more robots Tesla can produce at scale, the more profitable the business model becomes due to the high cost of human labor and expensive replacement parts.
    • Tesla's new integrated robot technology could potentially create job displacement, but historically new technology has also created new job opportunities.
  • 51:21 🤖 Bots and AGI have the potential to replace jobs, leading to massive adjustments for humanity, with potential impact on space exploration and both good and bad aspects of technology.
    • The future is uncertain and there is fear around it because we don't know what it holds, but looking back at history, it was clear what needed to be done to progress.
    • Bots combined with AGI have the potential to replace both white collar and blue collar jobs, leading to massive adjustments for humanity.
    • The speaker discusses the potential impact of AI and Bots on job loss and the future of humanity, suggesting that self-replicating robots may play a role in space exploration.
    • Humanoid robots are advancing quickly and will bring benefits, but the future is unknown and comes with both good and bad aspects of technology.
  • 56:06 🤖 Tesla's billion-dollar bot business has the potential to decrease costs, impact humanity, and raise ethical concerns about AI integration.
    • Costs for goods and travel will decrease, making everything more affordable and leading to increased communication and interaction.
    • The speaker discusses the potential impact of Tesla's bot business and the importance of continuously updating forecasting models.
    • Tesla's potential impact on humanity and its stakeholders, including government and fleet managers, should be considered in the development of their billion-dollar bot business.
    • Elon Musk's company, Neuralink, is working on AI technology that could potentially benefit humanity, but there are concerns about the impact of AI on human life.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for integrating AI into the human brain and body, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use for warfare.
    • Investing in Tesla is seen as a hedge against the potential replacement of jobs by AI and bots in the future.


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