Unveiling TeslaBot Gen 2 Secrets with Scott Walter: Legal Issues and Redesigned Features

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Unveiling TeslaBot Gen 2 Secrets with Scott Walter: Legal Issues and Redesigned Features

Tesla has redesigned the TeslaBot Gen 2 with humanlike features and improved design, but may face potential legal issues due to false copyright claims by Legacy Media and Univision  

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What changes have been made to the TeslaBot Gen 2?

    The TeslaBot Gen 2 has been redesigned to be less threatening, has lost weight, and follows a diet plan involving squats and eating lots of eggs.

  • What potential legal issues does Tesla face?

    Tesla faced negative media coverage and potential legal issues due to the Tesla bot news and software updates, impacting shareholders and prompting the need for legal action.

  • What is the controversy surrounding copyright claims?

    Legacy Media and Univision have issued false copyright claims, causing a loss of views and affecting many creators who used the video for commentary.

  • What improvements have been made to the TeslaBot Gen 2 design?

    The TeslaBot Gen 2 has humanlike features, with new actuators and improved routing for power and control systems.

  • What is the potential future use of the TeslaBot Gen 2?

    The TeslaBot Gen 2 is a big leap ahead in robotics, with the potential to be functional in factories next year and to move the needle in terms of usefulness.

Key Insights

  • 🤖 The design of the TeslaBot Gen 2 is extremely humanlike, with specific attention to details like the pelvis, wrist, and ankle joints.
  • 🔍 The hand has been improved to open more gracefully, with mechanisms to ensure it opens smoothly.
  • 👣 The articulated toe sections in the TeslaBot allow for natural movement and provide a 30% boost in walking speed without requiring more power.
  • 🏋️‍♂️ The TeslaBot Gen 2's impressive movement and lack of jittering is very impressive, making it a potentially effective training tool.
  • 🤖 TeslaBot Gen 2 may be able to thread a needle within a year, which is pretty impressive.
  • 🧠 The 48 volt architecture and data rates used in the TeslaBot Gen 2 suggest advanced technology and capabilities.
  • 🏒 "Skate to where the puck is going" - Tesla's approach to design and innovation is reminiscent of Steve Jobs' famous quote, positioning them ahead of the curve in the robotics industry.
  • 🤖 The TeslaBot Gen 2 is moving rapidly towards existing with humans without needing cages around it, a significant shift in robotics.


#Robotics #Optimus 


  • 00:00 🤖 The TeslaBot Gen 2 has been redesigned and Dr. Scott Walter discusses the abuse of the DMCA by Legacy Media and Univision's theft of intellectual property, leading to legal action against YouTube.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has been redesigned to be less threatening, has lost weight, and follows a diet plan involving squats and eating lots of eggs.
    • Dr. Scott Walter discusses the Tesla Bot video and his analysis of various takes on it.
    • The speaker discusses the abuse of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act by Legacy Media in relation to a video with Bradford Ferguson.
    • The speaker discusses the theft of intellectual property by Univision, who claimed ownership of a Tesla video and issued copyright strikes to other creators who used the video for commentary, causing a loss of views and affecting many creators.
    • YouTube needs to hold creators accountable for copyright infringement and ensure that they are manually declaring ownership of their source material.
    • Bradford is taking legal action against YouTube for the unfair use of the DMCA, and YouTube is being blamed for not having a proper procedure in place to prevent mistakes.
  • 07:40 🤖 Tesla faced negative media coverage and potential legal issues due to the Tesla bot news, with the legal team having a clear road to support in any potential lawsuit and YouTube possibly being pulled into the legal process due to false copyright claims.
    • Univision and other bad actors should face penalties for falsely claiming ownership of content on YouTube, and the current system of copyright strikes and monetization needs to be reformed.
    • Tesla faced negative media coverage and potential legal issues due to the Tesla bot news and software updates, impacting shareholders and prompting the need for legal action.
    • Tesla's legal team has a clear road to support in any potential lawsuit, and YouTube may be pulled into the legal process due to false copyright claims.
    • Two years after the initial announcement, the Tesla bot concept remains similar to the original, with some changes to the feet and the presence of cabling below the ankle.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 has a softer material for flexibility, refined knee and hand design, and potential touch sensors.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has a functional mesh covering, a Tesla logo, LED light bar, possibly plastic covering, and a simpler design in the pelvic area.
  • 18:40 🤖 The TeslaBot Gen 2 has humanlike features and improved design, with a focus on efficient movement and energy optimization.
    • The speaker discusses potential changes in the materials and design of the TeslaBot Gen 2, including the placement of actuators and the addition of a shoulder roll, which makes the robot appear more human-like.
    • The robot's movements in Terminator were carefully designed to appear less human and more machine-like, with specific attention to the head and shoulder movements.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has humanlike features, with new actuators and improved routing for power and control systems.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has a sophisticated hand motion with two actuators, six tiny servos in the palm, and torsion springs in the knuckles to ensure graceful and efficient movement.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 uses actuators to route power, reducing harnessing and exposure, with articulated toe sections for natural movement and a 30% boost in walking speed.
    • Life is an energy crisis, so everything is optimized to minimize energy use, leading to improvements and weight savings.
  • 33:04 🤖 TeslaBot Gen 2 has articulated head and harnessing hooks, potential weight reduction, changes in materials, and design refinements, with 52 volt architecture and FSD computer cooling.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 has an articulated head and harnessing hooks in the back to hold it up, with the covers exposing the shoulder.
    • The speaker discusses the possibility of the TeslaBot Gen 2 having the same elbow mechanism flipped around and the presence of three ser actuators in the shoulder.
    • Tesla may have released the Gen one opticin to the public in preparation for Gen two, with potential weight reduction achieved through changes in materials and injection molded plastic.
    • The speaker discusses the material and construction of the TeslaBot Gen 2, speculating on whether it is made of injection molded plastic, aluminum, or magnesium, and questioning the durability of the anchor points for the hinges and the white element in the small of the back.
    • The speaker discusses the changes in the TeslaBot Gen 2 design, including the absence of the red stop button and potential refinements to the battery pack and computer function.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has a 52 volt architecture with FSD computer cooling, power and compute contained in the torso, and a charge port location that is not obvious.
  • 40:48 🤖 The TeslaBot Gen 2 has advanced hand movements and balance, but lacks dexterity for precise tasks and may need design changes to resolve potential pinch points.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 maintains balance using foot sensors and hand movements, with a heavy torso and actuators contributing to its center of mass, and it may have learned its movements from trainers.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 hands have 11 degrees of freedom, with springs and tendons causing the fingers to close, and the fingers are all the same length, possibly to eliminate stickiness in the mechanisms.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 may be able to use tools but lacks the dexterity to be an artist or perform precise tasks like playing the piano or threading a needle.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has mechanisms and coverings to prevent pinch points and keep out dust and particulates, with potential pinch points in the wrist area that may need to be resolved.
    • The speaker discusses the design changes made to the TeslaBot Gen 2, including the angle of the arms, the shorter attachment point at the wrist, and the placement of the actuator in the upper shoulder.
    • The speaker discusses the potential reasons for a change in the TeslaBot Gen 2 design, considering the trade-offs between torque and weight.
  • 49:51 🤖 The speaker discusses the potential resolution and capabilities of the TeslaBot Gen 2 hand, including its structural components and cabling, as well as its potential audio processing features.
    • The speaker discusses the details of the TeslaBot Gen 2 hand and its potential resolution, noting that both the thumb and index finger have the same number of pixels in a square pattern.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 may have a resolution of 6 by 6 or 8 by 8 pixels, with a low resolution of 360 pixels per hand, and possibly only 4-bit color resolution.
    • The speaker discusses the potential capabilities of the TeslaBot Gen 2, including its potential resolution and audio processing features.
    • The handoff and cabling of the TeslaBot Gen 2 is impressive, with neatly routed cables and the use of a 48 volt architecture for power and data transmission.
    • The speaker discusses the structural components of the TeslaBot Gen 2, including the knuckles, spring mechanisms, and materials used, and notes that it is difficult to determine the exact material but it seems to match everything else, and then moves on to the dancing feature.
    • The speaker discusses the different components and features of the TeslaBot Gen 2, including the white component, back shield, and stop button.
  • 58:24 🤖 TeslaBot Gen 2 has impressive hardware and design, evolving to exist with humans without cages, with potential future coverings for legs and pelvic section, and a weight loss program, and may have a relationship with Xai and grock built in for seamless communication.
    • The speaker discusses the possibility of the TeslaBot Gen 2's red color and the molded appearance of its backpack, speculating that it may be for cooling or rigidity.
    • The TeslaBot Gen 2 has impressive hardware and design, with the Tesla logo added at the end of the prototyping process, and a focus on usability and safety.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 is rapidly evolving to exist with humans without the need for cages, with potential future coverings for the legs and pelvic section, and a weight loss program involving squats and a high protein diet.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 is a big leap ahead in robotics, with the potential to be functional in factories next year and to move the needle in terms of usefulness.
    • Tesla is working on a bot that could potentially be used in homes, but there are still some engineering and design issues to work out, including what to do with the face display.
    • TeslaBot Gen 2 may have a relationship with Xai and potentially have grock built in for seamless communication between the bot and humans.
  • 01:07:20 🔍 TeslaBot Gen 2 secrets were unexpectedly revealed, with more announcements to come.


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