Tesla's FSD Advancements: AI Vision Auto Park and Crash Prevention

FSD, Hans C Nelson, Herbert Ong, Tesla, Tesla AI, Tesla Robotaxi -

Tesla's FSD Advancements: AI Vision Auto Park and Crash Prevention

Tesla's massive video data and AI team have led to exponential improvement in full self-driving, with the new AI Vision Auto Park feature being a major step forward in autonomous driving technology, and the system now preventing seven crashes per day on net

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What are the new updates on Tesla's full self-driving features?

    Elon Musk announced updates on Tesla's full self-driving features, including the new pure AI Vision Auto Park, smart summon, and banish, with the utilization of Tesla's massive video data leading to exponential improvement in full self-driving.

  • How does Tesla's new AI Vision Auto Park feature work?

    Tesla's new AI Vision Auto Park feature will allow the car to automatically park at the destination, using only vision and without the need for ultrasonic sensors.

  • What is the impact of Tesla's full self-driving system on preventing crashes?

    Tesla's full self-driving system is now preventing seven crashes per day on net, making it a valuable system for society.

  • What is the goal of Tesla's full self-driving system in terms of data collection?

    Elon Musk estimates that having six billion miles of full self-driving data is necessary for worldwide regulatory approval, and there are competitors expanding from city to city using similar technology.

  • How is Tesla utilizing its massive video data for full self-driving improvements?

    Tesla is processing and filtering data on the car itself to find outlier moments and train the model, constantly fine-tuning their autonomous system by uploading updated models to their cars, leading to exponential improvements and putting them ahead of competitors. 


Key Insights

  • 📈 Tesla's massive video data is now able to be finally utilized by the AI team, leading to exponential Improvement in full self-driving.
  • 🚗 Tesla's new AI Vision Auto Park feature will take you to your destination and park automatically, a major step forward in autonomous driving technology.
  • 🛣️ FSD has the ability to navigate surface roads and highways, but parking functionality is the last piece of the puzzle.
  • 🚀 The rate of progress for Tesla's FSD is expected to accelerate with the new unconstrained compute, leading to a giant leap forward in capability.
  • 🚗 Tesla's autonomous system constantly fine-tunes models and re-uploads them to the car, leading to exponential improvement in performance.
  • 📊 Tesla is processing data from 5 million cars on the road to update the system, giving them a unique advantage in the industry.
  • 🚗 Tesla's full self-driving is now preventing seven crashes per day on net, making it a valuable system even without going to Robo taxi.
  • 📊 "The technology is getting better and better, and we'll only be saving more and more lives moving forward."



#Robotaxi #Tesla #FSD

XMentions: @herbertong @HansCNelson @HabitatsDigital 



  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla's new FSD features, including pure AI Vision Auto Park and improvements to smart summon, will allow the car to park and reverse on its own, utilizing Tesla's massive video data for exponential improvement in full self-driving.
    • Elon Musk announced updates on Tesla's full self-driving features, including the new pure AI Vision Auto Park, smart summon, and banish, with the utilization of Tesla's massive video data leading to exponential improvement in full self-driving.
    • New Auto Park feature has larger visualization, labeled spots, and improved accuracy, making it easier to use and more effective.
    • Elon Musk announced that Tesla's new AI Vision Auto Park feature will allow the car to automatically park at the destination, using only vision and without the need for ultrasonic sensors.
    • Tesla is working on new Full Self-Driving features for parking, which is essential for a functional Robo taxi system.
    • Elon Musk discussed the improvements to smart summon and the upcoming feature of the car being able to find parking and reverse on its own.
    • Tesla's new FSD features will allow the vehicle to find parking without the driver, but there are concerns about reliability and safety.
  • 08:15 🚗 Tesla is releasing new FSD features in version 12.4, utilizing unconstrained compute and massive data uploads for significant capability improvements.
    • Tesla is about to release new FSD features in version 12.4, which will be trained on new unconstrained compute and will lead to a significant leap in capability.
    • Tesla is taking full advantage of the data lead they have with the switch to neural net, allowing for massive data uploads and infrastructure improvements.
    • Tesla has an enormous amount of data from its cars that is a challenge to store and process.
  • 11:27 🚗 Tesla is using onboard data processing to train their autonomous system, constantly updating models to improve FSD and facing validation as the new limiting factor for AI training.
    • Tesla is processing and filtering data on the car itself to find outlier moments and train the model.
    • Tesla is constantly fine-tuning their autonomous system by uploading updated models to their cars, leading to exponential improvements and putting them ahead of competitors.
    • Elon Musk mentioned that only 1 in 10,000 miles of driving is useful for training the FSD neural net system, with validation now being the limiting factor instead of AI training compute.
  • 14:06 🚗 Tesla is improving their autonomous software by focusing on data quality and distribution, with the goal of minimal human intervention, and has completed infrastructure for Full Self-Driving, now focused on validation and testing.
    • Investors are recommended to watch the bg2 podcast as it provides more relevant commentary on investments and technical subjects compared to the Allin podcast.
    • Tesla is working on improving their autonomous software by focusing on the quality and distribution of data, with the goal of creating a system that operates with minimal human intervention.
    • Tesla has completed the necessary infrastructure for Full Self-Driving and is now focused on validation and testing, including running simulations and recorded video situations to improve the system.
  • 16:36 🚗 Tesla is increasing real-world data collection for testing, using cameras and neural net processing, and utilizing 10,000 GPUs for solving driving problems.
    • Tesla is likely increasing the number of miles driven in the field to gather real-world data for validation and testing of their improved models, and no other company has the infrastructure to solve this.
    • Tesla's solution to the problem of driving involves taking in data through cameras, processing it with a neural net brain, and filtering driving data to update the system.
    • Utilizing 10,000 h100 GPUs to solve a narrow use case problem, which no one else in the industry is doing.
  • 19:53 🚗 Tesla's FSD system is close to reaching 2 billion miles, with competitors also expanding using similar technology, and it is currently preventing seven crashes per day.
    • Elon Musk estimates that having six billion miles of full self-driving data is necessary for worldwide regulatory approval, and there are competitors expanding from city to city using similar technology.
    • Tesla has crossed 1.5 billion FSD miles and is estimated to hit 2 billion before the annual meeting, with the increase in miles likely due to the free one month trial.
    • Tesla's full self-driving system is now preventing seven crashes per day on net, making it a valuable system for society.
  • 23:08 🚗 Tesla's FSD has driven over 6 billion miles, saving over 500 lives, and new features like banish and summon are expected to go viral and accelerate subscription uptake.
    • The six billion mile number is relevant, with 1.35 people saved per mile.
    • Tesla's FSD has driven over 6 billion miles, saving over 500 lives, and the data proves that it is statistically significant in saving lives, which will help win over regulators.
    • The rate of uptake for subscriptions is good and it is expected to accelerate, reaching 6 billion new miles in about a year and a half.
    • Tesla's new FSD features, such as banish and summon, will be the killer app that goes viral as it can drop off, find parking, and pick up users, blowing people's minds.


Duration: 0:27:48

Publication Date: 2024-05-08T12:39:41Z




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