Mastering Emotional Control for Peak Athletic Performance

Lesley Timbol Mental Iron -

Mastering Emotional Control for Peak Athletic Performance

Competitive emotions are mostly within your control, and by understanding what you can and cannot control, you can develop strategies to manage your emotions and perform at your peak 

Questions to inspire discussion

  • Can I control my competitive emotions?

    Yes, competitive emotions are mostly within your control. By understanding what you can and cannot control, you can develop strategies to manage your emotions. This allows you to perform at your peak.

  • What affects my competitive emotions?

    Your emotions are affected by what you can and cannot control. Understanding this distinction is key to managing your emotions and performing well.

  • How can I manage my emotions?

    By developing strategies based on what you can control, you can manage your emotions and perform at your peak. This involves focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you can't.

  • Can emotions impact my performance?

    Yes, emotions can significantly impact your performance. By managing your emotions, you can perform at your peak and achieve your goals.

  • Is it possible to perform at my peak?

    Yes, by understanding and managing your emotions, you can perform at your peak. This involves developing strategies to control what you can and letting go of what you can't.


Key Insights

  • 🤯 Emotions can alter your physiology, affecting your breathing, heart rate, muscle tension, and blood pressure.
  • 😬 Emotions can impact your level of performance in competitions so when you're overwhelmed by this intense unproductive emotion your reaction becomes slower your mechanics and technique less fluid.
  • 🏆 Competitive emotions are mostly within your control.
  • 🏈 You cannot control the officiating but you can control your response to officiating calls.
  • 💡 Once you know what you can control you can develop strategies to manage your emotions effectively so you can focus on competing at your peak.
  • 📝 Brainstorming aspects of a competition that you can and cannot control can help keep your perspective in challenging situations.



#LesleyTimbol #MentalIron #Psychology #PersonalDevelopment


  • 00:00 🏋️‍♀️ Athletes can manage their competitive emotions, which affect physiology, mental state, and performance, by recognizing they are within their control and can vary in intensity.
    • 01:19 💪 Athletes can experience physical symptoms like a pounding heart, shallow breathing, and muscle tension when managing their emotions.
      • 01:28 🏋️‍♂️ Negative emotions can impact an athlete's performance by affecting focus, confidence, mechanics, technique, and decision-making abilities.
        • 01:57 🏋️‍♂️ Athletes can control their competitive emotions and respond to challenging situations, such as bad calls, in a way that doesn't compound the problem.
          • 02:26 🏋️‍♀️ To manage intense emotions, understand what you can and cannot control, and focus on responding to situations rather than reacting to them.
            • 02:56 🏋️‍♀️ Focusing on what you can control helps manage emotions and maintain peak performance.
              • 03:16 🏋️‍♀️ Brainstorm aspects of a competition that you can and cannot control to keep perspective in challenging situations.



                Duration: 0:3:59

                Publication Date: 2024-08-25T04:00:08Z




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