The True Costs of Divorce | Stu Weintraub | TEDxSanDiego

Divorce, Justice, Stu Weintraub -

The True Costs of Divorce | Stu Weintraub | TEDxSanDiego

It's time to prioritize the well-being of children in divorce by placing love before law, seeking support from clergy, counselors, and coaches, and establishing pre-marital mediation and arbitration agreements to protect children from the emotional and financial costs of divorce 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • How can we prioritize the well-being of children in divorce?

    By placing love before law, seeking support from clergy, counselors, and coaches, and establishing pre-marital mediation and arbitration agreements.

  • What can protect children from the emotional and financial costs of divorce?

    Pre-marital mediation and arbitration agreements can protect children from the emotional and financial costs of divorce.

  • Who should we seek support from during divorce?

    Seek support from clergy, counselors, and coaches during divorce.

  • What should be prioritized in divorce?

    Prioritize the well-being of children in divorce.

  • How can we protect children in divorce?

    Protect children in divorce by placing love before law and seeking support from clergy, counselors, and coaches.

Key Insights

  • 👨‍👦 The emotional impact of divorce on children can be devastating, affecting their perception of themselves and their relationship with their parents.
  • 💰 The true costs of divorce are not just financial, but also emotional and psychological, affecting the hearts and spirits of those involved.
  • 💼 It's time we start to refer to divorce-related conflict as the epidemic that it is and change how we approach divorce in this country, prioritizing love, mediation, and counseling over litigation and legal battles.
  • 🚸 It's time to change how we divorce in this country.
  • 🔒 The children have no voice. It's time we include protection for them before they are even born when two companies merge.
  • 💬 Model for your children how to be loving and respectful to one another, as verbal attacks between parents can deeply affect the hearts of the children.
  • 🔥 The evidence of what can happen when we place love before law is an exceptionally close relationship with our children.


#Justice #Divorce #StuWeintraub 


  • 00:00 😢 Child expresses guilt and sadness over financial strain caused by divorce, highlighting the emotional and financial costs of divorce on children.
    • 01:45 💔 Divorce can have devastating effects on children's mental and emotional well-being, leading to a range of issues including addiction, self-harm, and broken lives.
      • 03:21 ⚖️ American children are affected by divorce, and it's time to prioritize their well-being by changing the way we approach divorce in the country.
        • 04:51 💔 Children are the innocent victims of divorce and need protection from the collateral damage caused by court battles.
          • 05:39 💔 Couples should prioritize love over law, seek support from clergy, counselors, and coaches before court, and establish a pre-marital mediation and arbitration agreement to resolve conflict and co-parenting issues in the event of divorce.
            • 07:11 👨‍⚖️ Protect children in divorce by including mediation and arbitration clauses, and prioritize love over law by taking a pause and detaching from the legal process.
              • 08:30 💔 Prioritize professional counseling, avoid negativity, and model love and respect for the sake of the children, as the true cost of divorce is the impact on them.
                • 09:46 💔 It's time for a child safe divorce, placing love before law, mediating instead of litigating, and prioritizing clergy counseling and coaching over court, because kids don't belong in the crossfire.


                  ------------------------------------- 0:11:8 SourceUrl: 2024-03-11T23:28:13Z


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