Should We Automatically Believe All Women?

Justice, Mens Rights, Toxic Femininity -

Should We Automatically Believe All Women?

False accusations and the automatic belief of women can have devastating consequences for men, and there needs to be a neutral system in place to address these issues 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Why is it important to advocate for men in cases of domestic violence?

    It is important to advocate for men in cases of domestic violence and only listen to women who take action, as false accusations can ruin lives without evidence.

  • Why should we question the automatic belief of all women in cases of domestic violence?

    We should question the automatic belief of all women in cases of domestic violence because giving excessive benefit of the doubt to women automatically makes the accused guilty.

  • What is the speaker's stance on automatically believing all women in cases of domestic violence?

    The speaker questions the automatic belief in women's accusations without proof and argues that it can have serious consequences for innocent men.

  • Why is it unfair to expect sons to be able to discern the intentions of women without holding women to the same standard?

    It is unfair to expect sons to be able to discern the intentions of women without holding women to the same standard, as believing all women without question can have serious consequences for innocent men.

  • Why is a neutral system of laws necessary in cases of domestic violence?

    A neutral system of laws is necessary in cases of domestic violence because historically women have been persecuted without proof, and not all women should be automatically believed.


Key Insights

  • 🤔 The case of Brian Banks shows how false accusations can ruin a man's life, even when proven to be lies.
  • 🔍 Men are guilty until proven innocent, and false charges are filed often, leading to a lynch mob mentality.
  • 🤯 "We have to have a neutral system. If we don't know that we don't believe until we have what until we have what we have a system."
  • 👊 Men responding with physical violence to verbal and emotional abuse from women is not fair play.
  • 👀 The speaker challenges the idea of automatically believing all women by sharing personal experiences of women being violent towards men. 

#Justice #BelieveAllWomen #MensRights #ToxicFemininity


  • 00:00 🚫 Believing all women in cases of domestic abuse can have serious consequences for men, as false accusations can ruin lives without evidence.
    • Believing all women in cases of domestic abuse can have serious consequences for men, as false accusations can ruin lives without evidence.
    • Advocate for men in cases of domestic violence and only listen to women who take action.
    • The speaker questions the automatic belief of all women without proof and asks why people are quick to defend women without asking questions.
    • Believing all women in cases of domestic violence requires documented proof such as photos, videos, and evidence, and the responsibility for documenting lies with the police.
    • Questioning the automatic belief of all women in cases of domestic violence, citing an example of a man falsely accused of rape and the lack of consequences for the accuser.
  • 06:21 🤔 Believing all women without question can unfairly make men guilty until proven innocent, and it's unfair to expect sons to discern women's intentions without holding women to the same standard.
    • The speaker questions the automatic belief in women's accusations without proof, arguing that giving excessive benefit of the doubt to women automatically makes the accused guilty.
    • Believing all women without question can have serious consequences for innocent men, and it's unfair to expect sons to be able to discern the intentions of women while not holding women to the same standard.
    • Men are automatically assumed guilty until proven innocent, and the speaker challenges the idea of automatically believing all women.
  • 10:47 🚫 Men should not automatically believe all women without evidence, as historically women have been persecuted without proof and a neutral system of laws is necessary.
    • Men should not automatically believe all women without evidence, as historically women have been persecuted without proof and a neutral system of laws is necessary.
    • Believing all women without question can be problematic as women are capable of lying in their own best interest.
  • 13:55 🚫 Not all women should be automatically believed, as generalizations are not accurate and evidence and statistics should be considered instead of blindly believing all women's claims.
    • Not all women should be automatically believed, and generalizing women as a whole is not accurate.
    • Generalizations are necessary in conversations, and it is important to consider the evidence and statistics rather than automatically believing all women.
    • Women's claims of domestic violence may not always be accurate, and men should be in charge because women often base their logic on emotion.
  • 17:45 🚺 Women who claim domestic violence without proof are often also violent, leading to mutual combat situations, with emotional and verbal abuse being common weapons used by women, and men should not respond with physical violence to women's abuse.
    • Women who claim domestic violence without proof are often also violent, leading to mutual combat situations, with emotional and verbal abuse being common weapons used by women.
    • Men should not respond with physical violence to women's verbal and emotional abuse, as they are physically stronger and should walk away instead.
    • Women should not provoke men because they cannot defend themselves, and in cases of domestic violence, both parties should either walk away or not hit back.
    • Police officers and responders often find that the initiator of violence is often female, but women are fixated on times when they are being outright abused.
  • 23:08 🔍 Believing all women automatically is not always justified, as mutual combat and lack of evidence are common, and it's important to consider both perspectives.
    • Believing all women automatically is not the majority of cases, as mutual combat and escalation are common.
    • The speaker questions the automatic belief of women in cases of domestic violence, citing the lack of police reports and evidence as a reason to not automatically believe them.
    • Believing all women automatically can ruin a man's life, and it's important to consider the experiences and perspectives of both men and women.
  • 26:36 🔍 Women's accusations of sexual assault should not automatically be believed, as there are cases of false accusations and violence by women towards men.
    • A woman came to the dorm and was engaging in sexual activity with multiple people.
    • A girl falsely accused men of rape to protect her reputation and her father's image, leading to the wrongful conviction of innocent men.
    • The speaker discusses the prevalence of violence by women towards men and the double standard in society's reaction to it.
  • 30:32 🚫 Believing all women without proof is wrong, and both physical and emotional violence between men and women should be condemned.
    • Believing all women without proof is wrong, and both physical and emotional violence between men and women should be condemned.
    • Some people engage in sexual behavior that they don't understand, but the speaker does not condone it.


Duration: 0:33:2


Publication Date: 2024-07-15T11:20:21Z



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