Recognizing and Addressing Domestic Violence in Police Training with Donald Dutton

Domestic Abuse Models, Domestic Violence, Don Dutton, Justice, Police Training -

Recognizing and Addressing Domestic Violence in Police Training with Donald Dutton

Domestic violence is not solely perpetrated by men, and it is important for police to use the conflict tactic scale to gather information and ask about it as a general question in order to recognize and address domestic violence as a crime, regardless of the gender of the perpetrator or victim 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the most common pattern of domestic violence?

    The most common pattern of domestic violence is bilateral, with both parties using potentially injurious actions, followed by female-perpetrated violence at 35% and male-perpetrated violence at 15%.

  • Why is it important for police to use the conflict tactic scale?

    It is important for police to use the conflict tactic scale to gather information on domestic violence and ask about it as a general question in order to recognize and address domestic violence as a crime, regardless of the gender of the perpetrator or victim.

  • What is the commonly perceived scenario of domestic violence?

    The commonly perceived scenario of domestic violence is a man with anger and jealousy issues beating up his wife.

  • What does the speaker discuss about the statistical prevalence of domestic violence?

    The speaker discusses the statistical prevalence of a different type of domestic violence pattern compared to the commonly perceived scenario of a man with anger and jealousy issues beating up his wife.

  • What do studies on male victims of domestic violence show?

    Studies on male victims of domestic violence show they experience similar problems as female victims.

Key Insights

  • 📊 The statistical type of domestic violence is very different from the common scenario we think of, according to the conflict tactic scale.
  • 🌍 Meta analytic studies provide a best estimate of how much domestic violence occurs and the different types of domestic violence.
  • 🤔 Women were found to be more likely to be perpetrators of domestic violence than men, challenging the preconceived notion that all domestic violence is male-perpetrated.
  • 🔍 239 surveys of domestic violence consistently found the same result, regardless of the sample, making it a robust and significant finding.
  • 🤔 "There's been very few studies on male victims of domestic violence for largely political reasons."
  • 🏥 A study in Philadelphia found that 13% of men coming into the emergency ward reported domestic violence as the cause of their injuries, a higher number than comparable studies on female victims.
  • 📊 Research shows that police intervention in domestic violence cases often results in the arrest of men, despite both partners engaging in domestic violence.
  • 💭 "We have to develop a better view of domestic violence that's more inclusive that sees that anyone can be a victim of domestic violence.


 Male/female straight gay doesn't matter.


#Justice #DonDutton #DomesticViolence #PoliceTraining



  • 00:00 👮 Police should use conflict tactic scale to gather information on domestic violence and ask about it as a general question to help overcome the issue of people not recognizing it as a crime.
    • The speaker discusses the statistical prevalence of a different type of domestic violence pattern compared to the commonly perceived scenario of a man with anger and jealousy issues beating up his wife, and explains the use of conflict tactic scale to gather information on domestic violence.
    • Asking about domestic violence as a general question can help overcome the issue of people not recognizing it as a crime.
  • 01:34 📊 The conflict tactic scale is a valuable tool for measuring domestic violence in society, with meta analytic studies providing the best estimate of its prevalence.
    • 02:50 📊 Women are found to be more likely to perpetrate domestic violence than men, and they are only slightly more likely to be injured than men, challenging the preconceived notion that all domestic violence is male-perpetrated.
      • 04:02 📊 Women are more likely to be perpetrators of domestic violence and men are more likely to be victims, as shown by 239 surveys, regardless of the sample population.
        • 05:07 👮 Police need to be aware that domestic violence is often bilateral, with both parties using potentially injurious actions, and studies show that male victims experience similar problems to female victims.
          • The most common pattern of domestic violence is bilateral, with both parties using potentially injurious actions, followed by female-perpetrated violence at 35% and male-perpetrated violence at 15%.
          • Most research on domestic violence focuses on female victims, but studies on male victims show they experience similar problems.
        • 06:53 🚔 Men who are victims of domestic violence report similar long-term psychological and health problems as women, and the number of male victims may be higher than previously thought.
          • 08:21 👮‍♂️ Men seeking help for domestic violence were often labeled as the real batterer, and a study showed that both men and women were using domestic violence in couples.
            • 09:38 👮‍♂️ Domestic violence intervention needs to be more inclusive and recognize that anyone can be a victim, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.


              ------------------------------------- 0:10:37 SourceUrl: 2024-03-11T02:12:32Z


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