Feminist driven Coercive Control Legislation is coming to Canada will destroy lives

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Feminist driven Coercive Control Legislation is coming to Canada will destroy lives

Gaslighting and coercive control are serious issues that can extend beyond physical violence, and there is a need for legislation and support to protect both women and men from these forms of abuse 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is coercive control?

    Coercive control involves constant monitoring, criticism, gaslighting, deprivation of basic needs, and threats, and can be perpetrated by both men and women.

  • Can women exhibit coercive control?

    Yes, women can also exhibit coercive control, leading to concerns about women being unfairly caught up in the criminal system due to coercive control.

  • Is coercive control difficult to prove?

    Yes, coercive control legislation is problematic because it is difficult to prove and the broad definition could criminalize normal behavior.

  • How does coercive control manifest in relationships?

    Coercive control in intimate relationships can involve pressuring a partner for sexual activity, monitoring their actions, and controlling their physical appearance and access to health services.

  • What are the concerns about coercive control legislation?

    Concerns include the difficulty in assessing patterns of behavior, potential consequences for women, and the burden on the legal system.


Key Insights

  • 🔍 Gaslighting is a big problem with coercive control, causing someone to doubt their own perceptions of the world around them.
  • 🔒 Coercive control can extend beyond physical violence to include financial and emotional manipulation.
  • 👚 The case of a battered spouse being forced to cut up his own shirts as part of coercive control highlights the insidious nature of this behavior.
  • 🔒 "Gendered violence legislation is meant to protect women against violence, with no special legislation designed to protect men."
  • 🚺 "We need to have women speaking up for women. We don't need male protectors. Women are strong individuals."


#Justice #FemaleInfantilization  #LegalOverreach  #CoersiveControl #BadLaw

 XMentions: @NotonRecord @d2davison


  • 00:00 🚺 Coercive control legislation in Canada, supported by all parties, is being voted on, with feminist groups initially expressing concern.
    • 01:27 🚺 Coercive control can be perpetrated by both men and women, leading to concerns about women being unfairly caught up in the criminal system, but there are already laws in place to address these behaviors.
      • Coercive control involves constant monitoring, criticism, gaslighting, deprivation of basic needs, and threats, and can be perpetrated by both men and women.
      • Feminist groups are concerned that women may be unfairly caught up in the criminal system due to coercive control, which can also be exhibited by women.
      • Coercive control is a way for women to manipulate and gain power through third parties and manipulation, leading to concerns about women being charged with a crime, but there are already laws in place to address these behaviors.
      • Women are not weak and can manipulate and control others through coercive tactics.
    • 05:15 🚫 Coercive control legislation is difficult to prove and could criminalize normal behavior, manifesting in non-violent ways such as withholding communication or controlling financial resources.
      • Coercive control legislation is problematic because it is difficult to prove and the broad definition could criminalize normal behavior.
      • Coercive control can manifest in non-violent ways, such as withholding communication or controlling financial resources.
    • 07:36 🔍 Coercive control legislation is unclear, creeping into family law, and can involve pressuring for sexual activity, monitoring actions, and controlling physical appearance and access to health services.
      • Coercive control legislation is not clear enough for people to know if they are breaking the law, and it has also crept into family law.
      • Coercive control in intimate relationships can involve pressuring a partner for sexual activity and monitoring their actions and social interactions.
      • Is nagging considered coercive control and at what point does it become criminal activity?
      • Coercive control in intimate relationships can manifest through attempts to control a partner's physical appearance, manner of dress, diet, and access to health services or medication.
    • 11:23 🚺 Legislation and feminist groups may blur the line between genuine concern and coercive control, but teaching women how to speak and take responsibility for their own economic wealth is the best way to help them protect themselves.
      • Concerns about controlling behavior in relationships can be subjective, with the line between genuine concern and coercive control being blurred, and threats of violence against a partner or their property are separate crimes.
      • Legislation intended to catch certain types of acts can capture things that are not criminal in nature, leading to potential arrests for unknowingly committing a crime.
      • Feminist groups seek to create legislation that portrays women as victims and gives them the power to put men in jail, but the best way to help women protect themselves is to teach them how to speak.
      • Women are often portrayed as unable to protect themselves and take responsibility for their own economic wealth, while men are more likely to be victims of crime and die at work.
    • 15:57 🚺 Feminist groups provide resources for women to use coercive control tactics to gain advantage in legal battles, leading to frustration for police and accusations of lack of justice for women.
      • Feminist groups provide resources for women to use coercive control tactics to get their spouse charged and take possession of their belongings and custody of the children.
      • Coercive control cases often result in weak charges and evidence, leading to frustration for police and little consequence for the perpetrator.
      • The burden on the legal system is complicated by the need to assess patterns of coercive control, leading to frustration for police and accusations of lack of justice for women.
    • 19:14 🚺 Coercive control is not just physical assault, but also recognizing behavior patterns, and the new law unfairly portrays women as helpless, potentially impacting men.
      • Coercive control is not just about physical assault, but also about recognizing patterns of behavior and the burden of analysis.
      • The speaker argues that the new law on coercive control unfairly portrays women as helpless and infantile, leading to potential consequences for men.
    • 21:36 🚺 Women are often portrayed as making choices and being treated as stupid, but legislation aimed at preventing gendered violence against women is unnecessary as women are strong individuals and there are also male victims of violence, and the speaker warns that the legislation will lead to consequences for women.
      • Women are often ridiculed for paying their own bills, but the speaker is angry about the pattern of women being portrayed as making choices and being treated as stupid.
      • Legislation aimed at preventing gendered violence against women is unnecessary, as women are strong individuals and there are also male victims of violence.
      • The speaker discusses the issue of coercive control and domestic violence, highlighting the need for women to address their violent behavior and warning that the legislation will lead to consequences for women.



    Duration: 0:25:12

    WatchUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0L00ysuBqI

    Publication Date: 2024-06-17T09:08:30Z



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