With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Diana Davison, Joseph Neuberger, Justice -

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Power dynamics in sexual interactions are complex and subjective, and understanding the accused's intent is crucial in preventing abuse of power 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the main issue in determining inducement to sexual activity by the abuse of power?

    The main issue is whether the determination of inducement to sexual activity by the abuse of power is subjective or objective, considering factors such as age difference, financial status, celebrity status, and education.

  • Can power imbalances automatically vitiate consent in sexual activity?

    Yes, power imbalances can automatically vitiate consent in sexual activity, and the crown must prove incitement or inducement of sexual activity by abusing a position of power.

  • What is the importance of understanding the accused's state of mind and intent in preventing abuse of power?

    Understanding the accused's state of mind and intent is crucial in preventing the abuse of power, as ignorance of the law is not a defense.

  • How can therapy help differentiate between exploitation and unhealthy relationships?

    Therapy can help realize the truth and differentiate between exploitation and unhealthy relationships, especially in cases where power has been abused to manipulate relationships.

  • What is the significance of power dynamics in relationships and the perception of power in law?

    Power dynamics in relationships and the perception of power are important considerations in law, as individuals may not realize they are in a position of power and this can lead to problematic situations.

Key Insights

  • 📚 The criminal code of Canada states that there is no consent obtained if the complainant is incapable of consenting to the activity for any reason other than the one referred to in other sections.
  • 💡 Power is more than just the law and intent, it also requires understanding the subjective state of mind of the accused in order to prevent abuse.
  • 🚨 The power to lay a charge is one of the most powerful authorities in our society, with a lasting impact.


#Justice #JosephNeuberger #DianaDavison 



  • 00:00 🔍 A case involving mental intent and sexual assault will set a precedent for future consent and abuse of power cases, highlighting the responsibility of authority figures to protect the vulnerable and addressing the subjective nature of inducement to sexual activity by the abuse of power.
    • A case involving mental intent and sexual assault will set a significant precedent for future cases regarding consent and abuse of power.
    • Authority figures, such as police officers, teachers, and religious leaders, have a responsibility to protect the vulnerable and weak from sexual abuse.
    • Abusing a position of trust or authority over another by using personal feelings, confidence, or other factors is not clearly litigated, especially in the context of power abuse.
    • The main issue is whether the determination of inducement to sexual activity by the abuse of power is subjective or objective, considering factors such as age difference, financial status, celebrity status, and education.
    • Issues arise when individuals who are addicts are seen as vulnerable, leading to unequal responsibility and victim-centered focus in cases of intoxication and drug abuse.
  • 06:52 🔍 Power dynamics in sexual interactions are complex and subjective, with certain feminist groups arguing that the power dynamic always vitiates consent, leading to the belief that normal intercourse is always rape due to the inherent power imbalance.
    • 21-year-old complainant with a minor drug addiction accuses 45-year-old doctor earning $350,000 a year of not helping with their addiction due to age, financial, and educational differences.
    • Consent and power dynamics in sexual interactions are complex and subjective, and there is no clear answer based on objective analysis.
    • Certain feminist groups argued that the power dynamic always vitiates consent, leading to the belief that normal intercourse is always rape due to the inherent power imbalance.
    • Power imbalances can automatically vitiate consent in sexual activity, and the crown must prove incitement or inducement of sexual activity by abusing a position of power.
  • 12:17 🔍 Power analysis is subjective and must consider abuse in relationships with significant age gaps, as seen in a sexual assault case overturned on appeal, and understanding the accused's intent is crucial in preventing abuse of power.
    • Power analysis must be subjective because the language implies intentional abuse and misuse of power, which is a dynamic concept requiring active participation and intent.
    • The abuse of power in relationships with significant age gaps can nullify consent and must be addressed in future cases.
    • A case was overturned on appeal due to the judge's stereotype about age difference and consent in a sexual assault case, highlighting the importance of considering power dynamics in relationships.
    • The speaker discusses the abuse of power in situations where a drug supplier takes advantage of a vulnerable individual addicted to drugs.
    • Understanding the accused's state of mind and intent is crucial in preventing the abuse of power, as ignorance of the law is not a defense.
  • 18:18 🔑 Youth and beauty can create power in relationships, but abuse of power requires intent; re-framing past relationships based on perceived exploitation is dangerous.
    • Youth and beauty can be a source of power in relationships, influencing decision-making and creating a position of trust and attraction.
    • The existence of power in a sexual relationship does not automatically mean that the person in power abused their position, as there must be a mental intent to abuse that position.
    • The person was charged with both sexual assault and sexual exploitation, with the determination that there was an abuse of power and intention to coerce the person into the relationship.
    • The speaker discusses the dangerous re-framing and re-labeling of past relationships based on perceived exploitation and the use of interesting language and analysis.
  • 23:20 🔍 Examining past relationships can reveal unhealthy dynamics and exploitation, leading to manipulation and the need for therapy to differentiate between exploitation and legitimate relationships.
    • Examining past relationships and influences can lead to the realization of unhealthy dynamics and exploitation, which can be dangerous if used as a precedent in a legal case.
    • The complainant admitted to manipulating the accused, and despite the power dynamic, her intent and evidence of manipulation are clear.
    • Abusing power can lead to manipulation, but therapy can help realize the truth and differentiate between exploitation and unhealthy relationships.
    • Prostitution laws have an exclusionary clause for people in legitimate relationships, but the definition of "legitimate" is subjective and there are relationships based on financial trade.
  • 27:53 🔍 Power can lead to misunderstandings and false accusations, especially in cases of sexual assault, and it's important to assess the impact and consider therapy records when necessary.
    • Power can be exploited in the future to manipulate relationships and historical allegations, leading to misunderstandings and false accusations based on articles and studies about power imbalances.
    • Misunderstandings about sexual assault can lead to wrongful charges, especially when authorities are involved in the investigation.
    • We need to be mindful of the power to lay charges and assess the impact, as it can be dangerous to relabel it through therapy later on.
    • Therapy records can be difficult to access due to privacy concerns, but there are cases where they may be necessary to address false accusations.
  • 32:22 🔍 Power dynamics in law and relationships, interpretation of words and laws, and the need for clear statements in cases of abuse of power.
    • Power dynamics in relationships and the perception of power are important considerations in law, as individuals may not realize they are in a position of power and this can lead to problematic situations.
    • The legal system involves interpreting and arguing about words, which can have a significant impact on people's lives, and the meaning of words can change over time.
    • Interpretation of laws and rights can evolve over time, with power dynamics changing based on interest groups lobbying and influencing the system.
    • The speaker discusses the need for clear statements about the accused's state of mind and subjective intent in cases of abuse of power to influence a person into a sexual act.
    • Client has gone through a difficult journey, hoping for clarity to prevent abuse of terms and paradigms.
  • 36:44 👍 Consider doing an episode on cross-examination and Court tricks used against falsely accused domestic violence and sexual assault defendants.


    ------------------------------------- 0:38:15 SourceUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1cAfB44cbs 2024-03-17T03:43:32Z


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