Examining Domestic Violence Allegations with Dr. Don Dutton | EP#109

Diana Davison, Domestic Abuse Models, Domestic Violence, Don Dutton, Gender Paradigm, Joseph Neuberger, Justice -

Examining Domestic Violence Allegations with Dr. Don Dutton | EP#109

Domestic violence is not solely male-perpetrated, and there is a need for a more balanced and evidence-based approach to addressing domestic violence allegations and policies 

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Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the dominant belief about domestic violence?

    The dominant belief is that domestic violence is male-perpetrated against innocent female victims.

  • What percentage of domestic violence is bilateral?

    50% of domestic violence is bilateral, with 35% female-perpetrated and 15% male-perpetrated.

  • What is the speaker's experience with domestic violence laws in Canada?

    The speaker has faced frustration and lack of recognition in Canada compared to the US.

  • What is the impact of false charges of domestic violence?

    False charges can have long-lasting impacts, affecting vulnerable sector searches and highlighting the need for charging policies based on facts.

  • What is the speaker's view on the gender paradigm of domestic violence?

    The speaker challenges the gender paradigm, arguing that psychological causes are gender neutral and that the Duluth model has been debunked. 

Key Insights

  • 🧠 Dr. Don Dutton challenges the Gender Paradigm in domestic violence by presenting evidence that contradicts it.
  • 📊 The importance of using real statistics in making laws and defining criminal code based on well-conducted large sample surveys.
  • 🤯 People are stunned to hear about the data on domestic violence because they've been so brainwashed to think about something else.
  • 🚨 The majority of couples engaged in bilateral domestic violence, yet the police arrested the man 85% of the time, leading to a skewed perception of who commits domestic violence.
  • 👩‍⚖️ Eron Pizzy faced backlash and death threats for suggesting an interactive pattern in domestic violence, despite evidence proving her right.
  • 💬 There have been movements to put coercive control into the criminal code and make it a crime, similar to what has been done in England.
  • 🔍 Without objective evidence, a male victim of coercive control would never be able to defend themselves in a custody dispute.
  • 🔥 The gradual escalation of domestic violence can be compared to a fish boiling to death in water. 

#Justice #DonDutton #DomesticViolence #DianaDavison #JosephNeuberger 


  • 00:00 🔍 Domestic violence is not solely male-perpetrated, with 50% being bilateral, and only 5% of male-perpetrated violence being potentially injurious, challenging the dominant gender paradigm.
    • Domestic violence was rediscovered in the 60s, leading to a widespread belief that it is male-perpetrated against innocent female victims, and this view dominated the media and professional organizations.
    • The speaker discusses the challenges of presenting evidence in disputes about domestic violence, particularly when it contradicts the gender paradigm.
    • Five major surveys in the US found that 50% of domestic violence is bilateral, with 35% female-perpetrated and 15% male-perpetrated, and only 5% of male-perpetrated violence is potentially injurious.
    • Dr. Don Dutton discusses the 5% of domestic violence cases that are not well understood.
  • 04:37 📊 Domestic violence data in Canada does not favor the gender paradigm, with age being the only demographic variable predicting domestic violence to a certain extent, and large sample surveys from 1985 to 2011 informing laws and policies, despite frustration and lack of recognition in Canada compared to the US.
    • Canada's survey on domestic violence every four years does not measure bilaterality and the data does not favor the gender paradigm.
    • Age is the only demographic variable that predicts domestic violence to a certain extent, and data shows that domestic violence is usually reciprocal, with slightly more female perpetrators in one-directional cases.
    • Large sample surveys from 1985 to 2011 are important for informing laws and policies on domestic violence, but the speaker has faced frustration and lack of recognition in Canada compared to the US.
    • The speaker discussed the surprising data on domestic violence and how it has influenced policing policies.
    • Police in Oregon arrest men 85% of the time in domestic violence cases, even though longitudinal data shows that women are as or more violent than the men who get arrested.
  • 10:26 🔍 The arrest of a man with a knife in his belly and the woman involved not being arrested highlights bias in domestic violence arrest rates, challenging the gender paradigm and debunking the Duluth model.
    • A man with a knife in his belly was arrested while the woman involved was not, highlighting the circular reasoning and bias in domestic violence arrest rates.
    • The speaker challenges the gender paradigm of domestic violence, arguing that psychological causes are gender neutral and that the Duluth model has been debunked.
  • 12:51 🔍 Eron Pizzy faced backlash for suggesting an interactive pattern in domestic violence, Duluth model is based on limited experience, and study findings show majority of abuse allegations in cases of parental alienation are determined to be untrue.
    • Eron Pizzy, who opened the first domestic violence shelter for women in the UK, faced backlash and death threats for suggesting an interactive pattern in domestic violence, highlighting the difficulty in getting funding to support male victims.
    • The Duluth model of domestic violence was based on limited experience and imposed by the law, and there is a push to eliminate men as a category of victim.
    • Barbara requested research studies for her columns and had a good relationship with the speaker, who met her in Ottawa.
    • Study findings show that the majority of abuse allegations in cases of parental alienation are determined to be untrue, with a higher rate of unsubstantiated claims in custodial issues compared to non-custodial issues.
  • 16:34 🔍 The speaker, Dr. Don Dutton, discusses his experience as an expert witness in domestic violence cases, highlighting the lack of investigation and policy, as well as the societal and political influence on the issue.
    • The speaker discusses their experience as an expert witness in high-profile cases involving domestic violence allegations and custody disputes.
    • Dr. Don Dutton discusses his qualifications as an expert witness in domestic violence cases.
    • The speaker discusses the qualifications for an expert witness in domestic violence cases and the importance of having someone with sufficient expertise to explain relevant issues to the judge or jury.
    • A man suffering from complex trauma due to abusive control by his wife used it as a defense in a sexual assault case, which was a first in Canada and highlights the alien concept of male victims of domestic violence.
    • Police are quick to arrest in domestic violence cases, without allowing the accused to present evidence, and the speaker believes this needs to change.
    • The speaker discusses the lack of investigation and policy in domestic violence allegations, as well as the societal and political influence on the issue.
  • 22:28 🔍 Coercive control and parental alienation are important factors in domestic violence cases, with concerns about potential charges against women and the psychological effects on men in caretaking roles.
    • Coercive control is being considered as a factor in domestic violence cases, with concerns about potential charges against women.
    • A man is able to save text messages as evidence of coercive control in a custody dispute case.
    • The man's history of caretaking and his wife's injury led to a gradual escalation of domestic violence.
    • Men in caretaking roles often face impossible demands and are criticized for not meeting them, leading to psychological effects that they may not recognize until a crisis occurs.
    • Courts are hesitant to recognize parental alienation as a motive for fabricating abuse allegations in domestic assault trials, with only a small percentage of cases being corroborated.
  • 27:30 🔍 The speaker emphasizes the need for presenting scientific evidence to lawmakers to address domestic violence allegations, despite bias towards feminist perspectives and challenges in obtaining funding for research.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of presenting scientific evidence in a fact-based and understandable manner to lawmakers in order to make a difference in addressing domestic violence allegations.
    • There is a bias in legislation and presentations towards feminist perspectives on domestic violence, despite there being more data supporting a non-gender paradigm.
    • Government publication with no data dispelled 8 out of 10 allegations, confusion between allegations and convictions, feminist perspective dominates discussions on domestic violence legislation.
    • The speaker discusses the challenges of obtaining funding for research on domestic violence and highlights the importance of spreading awareness about their work through lectures and books.
    • It is challenging to change ingrained views on domestic violence that have been fed to politicians, police services, and the public, making it difficult to challenge policies and legislation.
  • 32:22 🔍 False charges of domestic violence can have long-lasting impacts, highlighting the need for charging policies and laws based on facts rather than politics.
    • Domestic violence is not exclusive to one gender, with both males and females being charged and wrongfully accused in many cases.
    • False charges of domestic violence can have long-lasting impacts, as police notations and records can be difficult to remove and can affect vulnerable sector searches, highlighting the need for charging policies and laws based on facts rather than politics.
    • The speaker thanks the viewers for watching, encourages them to like, share, and subscribe, and mentions the live messaging and discussions, as well as the support and viewership.


------------------------------------- 0:35:46 SourceUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XdWZsi0kok 2024-03-13T13:06:29Z


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