Dr.Don Dutton (intro) for "The Accusation Is The Verdict"

Anti-male, Don Dutton, Justice, Legal System -

Dr.Don Dutton (intro) for "The Accusation Is The Verdict"

The criminal justice system is biased against men, with experts falsely assessing men for potential domestic violence and perpetuating myths about domestic violence being solely male-perpetrated against blameless female victims 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • Is the criminal justice system biased against men?

    Yes, experts falsely assess men for potential domestic violence and perpetuate myths about domestic violence being solely male-perpetrated.

  • What are some myths about domestic violence?

    One myth is that domestic violence is solely male-perpetrated against blameless female victims.

  • How are men falsely assessed for potential domestic violence?

    Experts in the criminal justice system falsely assess men for potential domestic violence, contributing to bias against men.

  • Are there any examples of bias against men in the criminal justice system?

    Yes, experts perpetuate myths about domestic violence being solely male-perpetrated, which contributes to bias against men.

  • What is the main issue with the criminal justice system and domestic violence?

    The main issue is the bias against men, with experts falsely assessing men for potential domestic violence and perpetuating myths about domestic violence.

Key Insights

  • 🔎 In 2009, I got drawn into a custody divorce case in Seattle, a guy named Eric Jorgensen whose common-law partner was in the midst of a custody dispute with him and had accused him of sexual abuse and physical abuse.
  • 🤔 The expert assessed a thousand men for potential domestic violence and found all of them high risk, raising questions about the validity of his assessments.
  • 📊 Using isolated incidents from the past to label someone as abusive can be misleading and unfair.
  • 🔍 The ongoing debate in the literature regarding the relationship between domestic violence and child custody is a polemic academic knock down dragomote.


#Justice #Anti-Male #LegalSystem #DonDutton  


  • 00:00 🤔 The speaker shares three personal anecdotes to address the question of whether the criminal justice system is biased against men.
    • 00:32 🔍 Most of the work is in the U.S, mainly in criminal court, with occasional involvement in custody and divorce cases.
      • 01:11 🔍 Some experts may falsely assess men for potential domestic violence, leading to biased and unfair court judgments.
        • 02:27 💬 Jorgensen's ex-girlfriends testified he was never abusive, but an incident from when he was 18 was used to show he had an abusive personality, despite nothing happening since.
          • 03:13 😬 Dr. Dutton didn't see the charlatan coming, despite having empirical support for his claims.
            • 03:27 📝 Dr. Dutton was asked to write a review article on the relationship between domestic violence and child custody, and got drawn into an ongoing debate in the literature.
              • 03:53 🔍 Assessing appearance for risk of child abuse is not indicative of spouse abuse, as there is only a six percent overlap between wife abuse and child abuse, and no one had ever measured the overlap between husband abuse and child abuse.
                • 04:43 🔍 The American Bar Association website perpetuated myths about domestic violence being solely male-perpetrated against blameless female victims, using flawed evidence and interpretations, leading to a gender paradigm that is not supported by research data.


                  ------------------------------------- 0:6:24 SourceUrl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXRfu4FfHXc 2024-03-11T02:12:46Z


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