TSLA Stock Will SKYROCKET With Tesla Bot

cobots, Herbert Ong, investment, Larry Goldberg, Optimus -

TSLA Stock Will SKYROCKET With Tesla Bot

Tesla's stock valuation and potential profitability should be considered by investors, despite uncertainty in quantifying revenue and profit, as the development and sale of the Tesla Bot has the potential to significantly increase TSLA stock 

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What should investors consider in Tesla's stock valuation?

    Investors should consider the potential for autonomy and the Tesla Bot in addition to the auto business.

  • Why are institutional investors hesitant to add the Tesla Bot to their financial models?

    Institutional investors are hesitant until they see the value and understand the unit economics of the Tesla Bot.

  • What makes it difficult to quantify revenue and profit for the Tesla Bot?

    Insufficient information makes it difficult to quantify revenue and profit, similar to the valuation of energy in the past.

  • Who should consider investing in speculative companies like Tesla?

    Professional investors who can measure and take on that level of risk should consider investing in speculative companies like Tesla.

  • What is the speaker's stance on whether the Tesla Bot should be part of Tesla's valuation?

    The speaker argues that the Tesla Bot should be considered due to Tesla's presence in multiple industries.



Financial Impact and Valuation of Tesla Bot

  • 🤖 Tesla bot is a real opportunity that should already be considered in the valuation of Tesla stock.
  • 💰 The potential financial impact of Tesla Bot on Tesla's valuation and profit is significant, with estimated incremental profit adding another 120 billion to Tesla's valuation.
  • 📈 Tesla's unlimited capital in building Optimus and the investment from Hyundai's deep pockets suggest a promising future for TSLA stock.
  • 🤖 Once we get to hundreds of millions of bots out, there may be no competing with each other for 10 plus years.
  • 🤖 Tesla's AI skills and manufacturing capability are in place for the Tesla Bot to become a real business soon.
  • 📈 The profitability of the Tesla bot will be determined by the savings it provides and the cost to run it, which will impact its potential stock value.
  • 💰 The value of savings for the replaced labor is $83,000, making the potential profit from using a bot for that work significant.
  • 📊 The numbers supporting the potential income from the Tesla bot are based on factual data, not just guesses.
  • 🤖 The thesis that the bot will replace humans on a large scale is driven by the incredible value opportunity that spreadsheet shows and that so many other people's calculus is shown.

Speculative Investment and Risk with Tesla Stock

  • 💰 Investing in speculative companies like Tesla carries a higher level of risk, moving the investment thesis to a speculative level.


Reflections on Insights

Review and Analysis of Key Insights on Financial Impact and Valuation of Tesla Bot

Tesla Bot as a Valuation Factor in Tesla Stock

  • Content: Tesla bot is a real opportunity that should already be considered in the valuation of Tesla stock.
  • Analysis: Including the Tesla Bot in Tesla's valuation is forward-thinking, considering the potential market disruption it could bring. However, it's also speculative given the unproven nature of the product and the nascent stage of the market for such technology.
  • Score: 65/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Potential Financial Impact of Tesla Bot

  • Content: The potential financial impact of Tesla Bot on Tesla's valuation and profit is significant, with estimated incremental profit adding another 120 billion to Tesla's valuation.
  • Analysis: This insight assumes a highly successful integration and market adoption of the Tesla Bot. While the figure of 120 billion is an impressive projection, it's largely speculative and based on many assumptions about market dynamics and the bot's performance.
  • Score: 55/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Investment and Capital for Optimus

  • Content: Tesla's unlimited capital in building Optimus and the investment from Hyundai's deep pockets suggest a promising future for TSLA stock.
  • Analysis: The financial backing for the Optimus project does indicate a strong commitment and potential for success. However, the term 'unlimited capital' is overly optimistic, and investment alone is not a guarantee of success in a complex and evolving field like robotics.
  • Score: 60/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Market Dominance with Scale

  • Content: Once we get to hundreds of millions of bots out, there may be no competing with each other for 10 plus years.
  • Analysis: This insight assumes a massive scale of production and adoption that is unprecedented in the field of humanoid robotics. While it suggests a strong position for Tesla, it's extremely ambitious and overlooks potential competition and technological challenges.
  • Score: 50/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Tesla's AI Skills and Manufacturing Capability

  • Content: Tesla's AI skills and manufacturing capability are in place for the Tesla Bot to become a real business soon.
  • Analysis: Tesla has demonstrated strong capabilities in AI and manufacturing, particularly in the automotive sector. Their AI technology in autonomous vehicles could translate well to robotics. However, the shift from vehicles to humanoid robotics presents unique challenges. The timeline for the Tesla Bot becoming a "real business" is optimistic and should be approached with caution.
  • Score: 65/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Profitability of Tesla Bot

  • Content: The profitability of the Tesla bot will be determined by the savings it provides and the cost to run it.
  • Analysis: This insight is grounded in basic business economics. If the Tesla Bot can operate efficiently and provide significant savings over human labor, it could be profitable. However, the actual cost to run and maintain these bots, along with their effectiveness in diverse tasks, remains speculative.
  • Score: 60/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Value of Savings for Replaced Labor

  • Content: The value of savings for the replaced labor is $83,000, making the potential profit from using a bot for that work significant.
  • Analysis: This insight assumes a direct replacement of human labor with bots, which might not be straightforward. The figure of $83,000 is a strong point, but it depends on the bot's capabilities and the type of labor being replaced. It's a promising prospect but still speculative.
  • Score: 55/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Factual Data Supporting Potential Income

  • Content: The numbers supporting the potential income from the Tesla bot are based on factual data, not just guesses.
  • Analysis: Using factual data to support potential income claims is a robust approach. However, the real-world application of this data in the context of a new and untested market like humanoid robotics leaves room for uncertainty.
  • Score: 60/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐✩✩

Thesis on Large-Scale Human Replacement

  • Content: The thesis that the bot will replace humans on a large scale is driven by the incredible value opportunity.
  • Analysis: This is a bold prediction. While robotics and automation have the potential to replace certain human tasks, a large-scale replacement across diverse industries is highly speculative and fraught with technological, ethical, and practical challenges.
  • Score: 50/100
  • Stars: Image for two and a half stars

Speculative Investment and Risk with Tesla Stock

  • Content: Investing in speculative companies like Tesla carries a higher level of risk.
  • Analysis: This is a prudent insight. Investments in speculative technologies like humanoid robotics are inherently risky due to uncertainties in technology development, market acceptance, and regulatory environments.
  • Score: 75/100
  • Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✩

These analyses provide a comprehensive view of each Key Insight, taking into account the current knowledge and the speculative nature of the technology involved.

These insights are visionary and align with Tesla's reputation for disrupting markets.

However, they are heavily predicated on the success of a yet-to-be-proven technology and an uncertain market response, thus warranting cautious optimism.


#HerbertOng #Cobots #Investment



  • 00:00 🚀 Tesla's stock valuation heavily relies on the auto business, but the potential for autonomy and the Tesla Bot should also be considered, despite institutional investor hesitation.
    • Tesla's stock valuation is heavily based on the auto business, but the potential for autonomy and the Tesla Bot should also be considered in the stock price.
    • Analysts should start considering the Tesla bot as a potential investment opportunity, but institutional investors are hesitant to add it to their financial models until they see its value and understand the unit economics.
    • Tesla Bot could potentially generate significant profits for Tesla, but the numbers presented are speculative and may not hold real-world value.
  • 02:53 🚀 Retail and institutional investors should consider the potential profitability of Tesla and the Tesla Bot, despite uncertainty in quantifying revenue and profit.
    • Insufficient information makes it difficult to quantify revenue and profit, similar to the valuation of energy in the past.
    • Retail investors can take a venture capitalist view of Tesla, using tools that give profitability and good returns, which can be useful for institutional investors.
    • Institutional investors are cautious about adding AI and Tesla Bot into their estimates, but the speaker believes in investing ahead of the game.
    • The audience should consider their own perspective and judgment when making financial decisions.
  • 08:01 🚀 Tesla's bot development has the potential to increase Tesla stock, but investing in speculative companies is not suitable for retail investors.
    • Investing in speculative companies that have not yet completed product development and put the product on the market moves the investment thesis to a speculative level, which is not suitable for retail or casual investors but for professional investors who can measure and take on that level of risk.
    • Tesla's bot is at a point where it can be quantified, leading to a potential increase in Tesla stock.
    • The speaker gathers knowledge from experts and the internet to evaluate companies and their potential for investment.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of engineering and AI skills, chip development, and production facilities in relation to Tesla's potential for skyrocketing stock.
    • Tesla has the most funding and potential for success in the development of robotics compared to other companies.
  • 14:21 🚀 Successful development and sale of Tesla bots will lead to a significant increase in TSLA stock, but not all companies will succeed in this market.
    • Experts will be consulted to determine the most important factors for scoring companies, including website and video content, in order to assess market size, risks, and threats for potential investment.
    • The speaker is confident in their analysis of Tesla's finances and engineering skills, and is working to evolve and improve their assessment.
    • Successful development and sale of Tesla bots will lead to a significant increase in TSLA stock, but not all companies will succeed in this market.
  • 17:14 🚀 Tesla's stock will skyrocket with the addition of the Tesla Bot due to advanced technology and manufacturing capability, partnerships with Nvidia and Amazon, and the potential for success in the robotics industry.
    • Tesla's stock will skyrocket with the addition of the Tesla Bot due to its advanced technology and manufacturing capability, making it a real and successful business.
    • Nvidia has partnered with various robotics companies to provide AI skills and training, and Tesla's partnership with Amazon and plans to build 10,000 bots in Oregon will likely lead to their success, causing TSLA stock to skyrocket.
    • Tesla announced the sale of a humanoid bot, but the success of the product will depend on their in-house capabilities rather than relying on third-party suppliers.
    • Tesla has created a prototype humanoid bot but needs to partner with other companies for AI and manufacturing, which presents both positives and negatives for the stock.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for TSLA stock to skyrocket with the introduction of the Tesla Bot and the opportunities it presents.
  • 23:12 🚀 Tesla bot's potential savings, high income, and favorable cost make it a profitable investment, with the possibility of Tesla managing and training bot forces for other companies.
    • The profitability of the Tesla bot is based on the potential savings for the user, the cost to run the bot, and the purchase price compared to the cost of building the bot.
    • The value of savings from replacing labor with a bot is $83,000, and even with high operating costs, it is still possible to make a profit.
    • The potential income from the Tesla bot is high and the cost of the bot is also favorable, with potential savings ranging from $110,000 to $484,000 over a five-year period.
    • The potential selling price of the Tesla bot is much higher than the cost of its components, resulting in a significant profit margin.
    • The speaker believes that the expenses for maintenance, training, and supervision of the Tesla bot will be higher than expected, creating a potential business opportunity for Tesla to manage and train bot forces for other companies.
    • The speaker emphasizes that even if some predictions are inaccurate, the high profit and revenue of Tesla cannot be ignored.
  • 33:06 🚀 Tesla's humanoid bot could lead to a significant increase in Tesla stock value as it replaces humans on a large scale, but the slow adoption of robots in the workforce may limit its impact until breakthroughs occur.
    • Bots are already replacing human workers and the question is whether Tesla's humanoid bot can compete with other bots in terms of economic value.
    • Small businesses, including some parts of larger companies, are building bots, but they are not among the top 50 companies in the world.
    • The Tesla bot will likely replace humans on a large scale, leading to a significant increase in Tesla stock value.
    • The slow adoption of robots in the workforce will lead to a limited level of adoption until breakthroughs occur, but there is an imperative for the United States to get into this business.
  • 38:28 🚀 Tesla Bot adoption may be slower than expected, but will decrease labor costs and increase demand, impacting Tesla's valuation and providing a competitive advantage for early adopters.
    • The speaker believes that the speed of adoption for Tesla Bot will be slower than anticipated, with significant financial impact expected in the 2030s.
    • Tesla's labor costs will decrease with the introduction of Tesla Bot, leading to increased demand and potential for companies to gain a competitive advantage by being early adopters.
    • The speaker prefers to consider the most likely negative outcome when investing in order to have a valuable margin and a realistic baseline.
    • Tesla investors are debating whether the Tesla Bot should be part of the company's valuation, with the speaker arguing that it should be considered due to Tesla's presence in multiple industries.


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