Tesla's AI Investment: A Game-Changing Billion-Dollar Bet!

Herbert Ong, Jeff Lutz -

Tesla's AI Investment: A Game-Changing Billion-Dollar Bet!

Tesla's significant investment in AI technology, including the development of their own inference chip and network infrastructure, positions them as a strong competitor in the market and could generate trillions in revenue by 2030

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is Tesla's focus on AI technology?

    Tesla is investing $10 billion in AI this year, with a focus on inference AI in cars, which is crucial for competing in the market and could generate trillions in revenue by 2030.

  • Why is Tesla's investment in AI significant?

    Tesla's investment in inference compute and training Compu is significant for future real-world usage and should be considered in evaluating the company's earnings.

  • What sets Tesla apart from other companies in AI development?

    Tesla's vertically integrated approach with low power, high performance silicon is the most efficient path for AI development, giving them a competitive advantage over other companies.

  • How is Tesla saving money in AI development?

    Tesla is saving money by developing their own AI chip and software platform, and now they are focusing on network infrastructure, allowing them to have an end-to-end solution for their vehicle fleet without depending on partners or paying margins.

  • What is the potential revenue from Tesla's AI investment?

    Tesla's investment in AI technology for autonomous vehicles is expected to generate trillions in revenue, separating them from other companies in the market.


Key Insights

  • 🚗 Most investors still see Tesla as a car company, but Elon Musk sees it as the biggest AI project on Earth.
  • 🚗 Tesla's AI project is the biggest in the world, making it a billion-dollar bet.
  • 📈 The winner take most market in AI is likely to be in the autonomous taxi platforms, which will scale enormously in the next 5 to 10 years.
  • 🔋 Elon Musk claims that Tesla's inference is far more efficient and better than anyone else's, based on data and compute power.
  • 🧠 The majority of analysts and investors misunderstand the significance of Tesla's investment in AI inference, underestimating its potential impact on the market.
  • 💰 By developing their own AI infrastructure, Tesla is avoiding the need to pay up to 70% in gross margins to third-party suppliers like Nvidia.
  • 🚗 Tesla's end-to-end solution with their own silicon will eliminate the need to depend on partners and pay margins, giving them a competitive advantage in the market.
  • 🤖 Tesla's billion-dollar bet on AI infrastructure and training compute is a game-changer in the automotive industry. 


#Tesla #TeslaAI

XMentions: @herbertong @thejeffLutz @HabitatsDigital 



  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla is investing $10 billion in AI this year, with a focus on inference AI in cars, which is crucial for competing in the market and could generate trillions in revenue by 2030.
    • Tesla is not just a car company, but also the biggest robotics AI company in the world, with plans to spend $10 billion on AI training and inference this year.
    • Jeff, a former supply chain CEO, is now running his own consulting firm and discusses the importance of Tesla's AI awakening.
    • Tesla is investing $10 billion in AI this year, with a focus on inference AI in cars, which is crucial for competing in the market and could generate trillions in revenue by 2030.
    • Tesla is the largest AI project in the world, with half of the investment going towards platforms like Tesla for the goal of autonomous taxi networks.
    • Tesla's investment in inference compute and training Compu is significant for future real-world usage and should be considered in evaluating the company's earnings.
  • 04:34 🚗 Tesla's AI chips in 5 million cars are a billion-dollar bet on autonomous taxi platforms, while legacy auto companies struggle to produce profitable EVs and contribute to the future of transportation.
    • Elon Musk foresaw the importance of AI in Tesla cars, with 5 million cars now equipped with AI chips, and Cathy Wood believes that the winner in the AI market will be the autonomous taxi platforms.
    • Tesla is investing in AI technology for autonomous vehicles, which they believe will generate trillions in revenue, separating them from other companies.
    • Legacy auto companies are financially engineering their quarters and attempting to launch EVs, but none of them can produce a profitable EV below $40,000 or $50,000.
    • Companies focused on short-term gains are not contributing to the future transformation of transportation towards a more automated, robo-taxi future.
  • 09:20 🚀 Tesla is investing in AI development, creating their own inference chip and focusing on network infrastructure, with a more efficient and effective approach than Nvidia and Open AI.
    • Tesla is working on various stages of AI development, setting the stage for different levels of performance and making adjustments to the models for potential profit.
    • Tesla has invested in their own inference chip and is focusing on building up their network infrastructure and training site.
    • Nvidia and Open AI have created large training compute, but Tesla's inference is more efficient and better at making real-world decisions.
  • 12:38 🤖 Tesla's AI inference is 100 times bigger and will generate real revenue through robot tax and Bots, but is often misunderstood by analysts and investors.
    • Chamath Palapa, a billionaire tech investor, discussed the significance of AI in a podcast.
    • Tesla's AI inference is 100 times bigger and will generate real revenue through robot tax and Bots, but is often misunderstood by analysts and investors.
  • 14:32 🚗 Tesla is saving money and gaining a competitive advantage by developing their own AI chip, software platform, and network infrastructure for their vehicle fleet.
    • Tesla's vertically integrated approach with low power, high performance silicon is the most efficient path for AI development.
    • Tesla is saving money by developing their own AI chip and software platform, and now they are focusing on network infrastructure.
    • Tesla is developing their own network infrastructure using Nvidia GPUs and potentially their own silicon, allowing them to have an end-to-end solution for their vehicle fleet without depending on partners or paying margins.
    • Tesla is investing in AI for both training and inference, giving them a competitive advantage over companies that have to pay for these assets and are at the back of the line in terms of development.
  • 17:58 🚀 Tesla's $10 billion annual investment in AI infrastructure positions them as a strong competitor in the market, with plans to increase AI training compute by 30%.
    • Investors recognize the massive opportunity in AI, rewarding Nvidia for generating revenue, but Tesla's $10 billion annual investment and willingness to spend is positioning them as a strong competitor in the AI market.
    • Tesla has spent a billion dollars on AI infrastructure and plans to increase AI training compute by 30%.
    • Tesla's investment in Dojo involves network infrastructure, power, cooling, and building locations from scratch, totaling a cost of 10 billion.
  • 20:33 🚗 Tesla is investing over 10 billion dollars in AI technology to ramp up their supply chain and efficiently utilize compute and power consumption for future advancements in FSD.
    • Tesla will be spending billions on buying inference compute for their vehicles ahead of time, ramping up their supply chain for the following year.
    • Tesla is spending billions on infrastructure and it's important to measure and efficiently utilize compute and power consumption.
    • Tesla is investing over 10 billion dollars in AI technology to eliminate bottlenecks and utilize their vast amount of data for FSD 12.3.3 and future advancements.
  • 23:09 🚀 Tesla's AI is getting global real-world data and video data that no one else can get, and they will need more compute as the data grows.


    Duration: 0:23:48

    Publication Date: 2024-04-30T22:47:15Z




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