2024 TESLA Stock: Legal Challenges and Market Dominance

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2024 TESLA Stock: Legal Challenges and Market Dominance

Tesla is facing significant legal and financial challenges, including a shareholder lawsuit and potential move of headquarters to Texas, but also has the potential to dominate the market with its Full Self-Driving technology and licensing opportunities

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What legal and financial challenges is Tesla facing?

    Tesla is facing a shareholder lawsuit and potential move of headquarters to Texas, with significant financial implications for the company and its shareholders.

  • What major events are happening for Tesla in 2024?

    In 2024, Tesla will have its annual shareholder meeting to vote on moving state of incorporation and ratifying Elon Musk's 2018 Compensation Plan, and potentially announce FSD licensing with another automaker.

  • What is the potential impact of the shareholder lawsuit on Tesla?

    The shareholder lawsuit against Tesla could result in a lengthy court case with significant financial implications for the company and its shareholders, potentially resulting in billions of dollars in damages.

  • What is the controversy surrounding the judge in Delaware?

    The judge in Delaware presiding over Elon Musk's case has ties to the governor and the president, raising questions about her independence and potential conflicts of interest.

  • What opportunities does Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology present?

    Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology has the potential to become a global standard with licensing opportunities, creating a big opportunity for Tesla and potentially leading to widespread adoption by other automakers. 


Key Insights

  • 🚗 The announcement of the first automaker to license FSD from Tesla will be a major event in the industry, with bold predictions about its impact.
  • 📚 The judge's writing style is impressive, with references to Shakespeare, but her rulings have been unfavorable to Elon Musk.
  • 📧 This is one of the biggest, most critical events happening today, with people already receiving emails from their brokers to vote on the move of incorporation to Texas and to ratify.
  • 🚗 The licensing of Tesla's FSD could become a global standard, similar to the North American charging standard.
  • 📈 Other car makers will struggle to match Tesla's FSD capability, potentially taking 5-10 years to achieve the same goal.
  • 🚗 The concept of full self-driving is an existential threat to car makers, as Tesla is the only automaker with autonomous cars, making other cars obsolete. 


#Tesla #Investment

XMentions: @herbertong @TeslaLarry @HabitatsDigital 



  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla in 2024: shareholder meeting for state move and Musk's compensation plan, potential FSD licensing with another automaker, and a shareholder lawsuit with significant financial implications.
    • Two major events for Tesla in 2024: annual shareholder meeting to vote on moving state of incorporation and ratifying Elon Musk's 2018 Compensation Plan, and the potential announcement of FSD licensing with Tesla by another automaker.
    • Shareholder lawsuit against Tesla could result in a lengthy court case with significant financial implications for the company and its shareholders.
    • The speaker questions the fairness of a case in Delaware and criticizes the judge's handling of the situation.
  • 03:50 🚗 Tesla facing lawsuit for billions in damages, shareholders may have to pay, but 70% of voters support Tesla in case against heavy criticism and opposition.
    • Tesla is facing a lawsuit from shareholders for billions of dollars in damages, which may result in the money coming out of the shareholders' pockets and still having to pay Elon Musk.
    • Despite heavy criticism and opposition, 70% of voters supported Tesla in a case where the judge accepted almost every argument against the company, prompting Tesla to acknowledge the judge's findings and commit to making corrections.
  • 07:48 🚗 Tesla may correct pay package error and move headquarters to Texas, while Elon Musk faces a ruling against him in a Twitter case.
    • Tesla is considering correcting an error in their pay package decision and potentially moving their headquarters to Texas to avoid further litigation.
    • The judge, while a great writer, has ruled against Elon Musk in a case involving Twitter.
  • 10:36 🚗 A judge with ties to government officials is presiding over Elon Musk's case, raising concerns about independence, while a vote on Tesla's move to Texas is pending.
    • A judge in Delaware with ties to the governor and the president is presiding over Elon Musk's case, raising questions about her independence and potential conflicts of interest.
    • The speaker expresses uncertainty about their competence in legal matters and business, and questions the potential influence of political factors.
    • Vote on the move of incorporation to Texas and ratify the decision.
  • 15:35 🚗 Tesla's 2018 compensation plan and potential global standard for Full Self-Driving (FSD) licensing could have a significant impact on the company and create a big opportunity for other automakers.
    • Elon Musk's 2018 compensation plan is important for retailers to check out, as it could have a significant impact on Tesla and other companies.
    • Delaware companies need to consider their political environment, and Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) may become a global standard with licensing, with Ford being the top contender for the first to license it.
    • Byd is the most likely to first license Tesla's FSD, and this could lead to many other automakers jumping into the market, creating a big opportunity for Tesla.
  • 18:47 🚗 Tesla's Full Self-Driving and charging network put them in a strong position to dominate the market and potentially license their technology to other car companies.
    • Once Tesla's Full Self-Driving reaches a high level of autonomy, other car companies will need to match that capability in order to compete in the market.
    • Tesla is in an ideal position to take advantage of the lack of charging network for electric vehicles, and Ford partnered with Tesla due to customer complaints about charging.
    • Tesla is predicted to become a tier five partner to automakers and license their technology to other car companies.
  • 22:23 💡 Car makers need to partner with Tesla for autonomous capabilities to stay competitive, recent breakthroughs are crucial for widespread adoption.
    • The concept of full self-driving and autonomy is an existential threat to car makers, and car companies need to partner with Tesla and outfit their cars with autonomous capabilities to stay competitive.
    • Recent breakthroughs in Tesla are coming to pass, and negotiating with one company is crucial for widespread adoption.
  • 25:00 🚗 Tesla's two biggest events in 2024 are the annual shareholder meeting and the robot taxi event, with the potential move of headquarters to Texas and the first license for the robot taxi being the most significant.


    Duration: 0:26:14

    Publication Date: 2024-05-06T19:52:57Z




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