AI Robotic Company CEO Plans to Beat Tesla to Home Market with Humanoid Robots

Bernt Bornich, Herbert Ong -

AI Robotic Company CEO Plans to Beat Tesla to Home Market with Humanoid Robots

Leading AI robotic company is developing humanoid robots for consumer use and plans to beat Tesla to the home market with a focus on safety, adaptability, cost, and consumer adoption.

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the focus of the leading AI robotic company?

    The company is developing humanoid robots for consumer use, with a focus on safety, adaptability, cost, and consumer adoption.

  • How does the company plan to beat Tesla to the home market?

    The company plans to beat Tesla to the home market by focusing on creating a safe and scalable system with advanced motor technology and a consumer-focused approach.

  • What is the company's approach to manufacturing their robots?

    The company is very vertically integrated, making their own components and manufacturing equipment in-house, including hardware, coils, motors, and automation systems.

  • What is the CEO's view on the impact of digital labor on productivity?

    The CEO believes that the impact of digital labor on productivity and sustainability will be incredible, leading to a transformative shift in society.

  • What is the CEO's plan for the future of the company's robots?

    The CEO plans to focus on perfecting the consumer use case, addressing privacy concerns, and scaling manufacturing for their robot competitor to Tesla.


Key Insights

Disruptive potential in consumer robotics

  • 🌍 Consumer-focused innovation can lead to the largest fleet size and most intelligent systems, disrupting the enterprise market.
  • 🤖 The partnership with ADT and deployment of 40 droids for security applications shows early commercial success and potential for widespread adoption of AI-powered robots.
  • 🤖 The partnership between 1X and openi is paving the way for the development of advanced robotics that could potentially surpass Tesla's innovations in the home robotics space.
  • 🤖 The key to scaling in robotics is a cost-effective system that can be deployed into domestic settings and learn among people.
  • 🏡 The ability for robots to gather egocentric data and interact in diverse consumer environments makes them suitable for deployment in homes, rather than being limited to factory settings.
  • 🏡 "We want to be big sister not big brother here if you're familiar with the terminology right yeah because we do need your data for the robot to be able to learn how to do things in your home."


AI development and data collection for robotics

  • 🌍 We are doing things to develop Next Generation AIS together, figuring out how to package this as a product, which is very interesting because there's a lot of unsolved problems especially on the ux side.
  • 🤖 The AI strategy of the entire system being completely end to end with no module trained on how to grasp things is incredibly scalable.
  • 🤖 We have the largest robotics data set on the planet, and it's going to get exponentially larger as we go.
  • 🤖 Embodied AI is necessary for artificial general intelligence to progress at the same velocity as language models due to the amount of data that reality provides.
  • 🧠 The CEO suggests that Tesla's full self-driving may not surpass human driving capability without its own reinforcement learning, questioning the reliance on human drivers as the ground truth.
  • 🧠 Building the biggest physical data flywheel ever created is incredibly powerful for AI development.


Vertical integration and manufacturing strategy

  • 🤖 Tesla Bot competitor CEO emphasizes vertical integration, making their own components and manufacturing equipment in-house.
  • 🤖 The company manufactures all their robots themselves, with no partner on the build side, following a manufacturing-first approach similar to Tesla. 



XMentions: @herbertong @BerntBornich



  • 00:00 🤖 A leading AI robotic company is developing humanoid robots for consumer use, with plans to beat Tesla to the home market and transition from R&D partnerships to providing paid services for customers.
    • The CEO of a leading AI robotic company discusses their development of humanoid robots for consumer use, with a focus on creating an abundance of labor and disrupting the enterprise market.
    • The company has a successful partnership with ADT and has deployed tens to 100 bots for commercial security applications, with plans to beat Tesla to the home market.
    • The company learned a lot from testing and deploying their product, and they are now scaling their manufacturing and rolling out new robots with backend infrastructure to deploy robots at scale and aggregate data for training.
    • The company's bots are physically present and already in use, with a focus on transitioning from R&D partnerships to providing paid services for customers, requiring the bots to be cost-effective and move as fast as humans.
    • 1X, a robotics company, received funding from openi and other investors to develop advanced technologies in robotics, including the creation of a home robot.
    • The CEO discusses the early relationship with Sam and being chosen as one of the first partners, highlighting Sam's understanding of AI and the way it would work.
  • 08:53 🤖 The CEO discusses their humanoid droid's unique design and capabilities, emphasizing safety, adaptability, and potential for useful labor among people, with a focus on user-friendly tools for data gathering through teleoperation.
    • The CEO discusses the unique design and capabilities of their humanoid droid, emphasizing its safety, adaptability, and potential for useful labor among people.
    • The company is very vertically integrated, making their own components and manufacturing equipment in-house, including hardware, coils, motors, and automation systems, as well as electron sensors, firmware, and AI stack.
    • The CEO discusses training models for robots to perform various tasks, including social interactions, long-term planning, and integration of multimodal models, with a focus on user-friendly tools for data gathering through teleoperation.
    • The humano robot is designed to closely mimic human movement and decision-making in order to efficiently teach and train the robot to perform tasks, with a scalable and end-to-end AI strategy.
    • The CEO discusses the robot's ability to recognize objects and perform tasks autonomously, with the potential for zero shot generalization but with a low success rate.
    • GPT language models can automate repetitive tasks well, but for diverse tasks like tidying a house, common sense reasoning is needed to recover from mistakes.
  • 19:55 🤖 The company plans to beat Tesla to the home with autonomous tasks and future planning capabilities by scaling data collection, improving AI, and focusing on bio-inspired design and vertical integration in manufacturing.
    • In 2024, the company plans to scale data collection, increase model size and compute spending, and push the boundaries of scaling laws to beat Tesla to the home with autonomous tasks and future planning capabilities.
    • The company has made nearly 100 droids and is gathering a significant amount of data to improve AI, with the belief that the lack of data is a major issue in robotics.
    • The CEO discusses the challenges of learning physical interaction and manipulation in simulation versus the real world, and the importance of real-world data for training robots.
    • The company manufactures its own robots and has focused on bio-inspired design for manufacturability and safety from day one.
    • The CEO discusses the importance of vertical integration in manufacturing cost and scalability, emphasizing the need for cost-effective androids for domestic deployment and learning among people.
    • The CEO discusses the in-house production of components for their robot, plans to manufacture at scale by 2025, and the transition from R&D to a product company.
  • 29:04 🤖 A competitor CEO believes they can beat Tesla's $25,000 price for a humanoid robot for domestic use, focusing on cost, safety, scalability, consumer adoption, and the importance of embodied AI and reinforcement learning.
    • Elon Musk believes the cost of the Tesla bot will be around $25,000, but the CEO of a competitor company thinks they can beat that price and is focusing on creating a humanoid robot for domestic use with potential applications in elderly care and learning.
    • The CEO believes that cost, safety, and scalability are crucial in the development of humanoid robots, and their company will focus on creating robots for domestic use.
    • The CEO believes that the quickest way to solve labor shortages is to focus on consumer adoption of AI and domestic use cases, which will lead to the largest fleet size and intelligent systems, and that starting in the consumer market is the key to success for disruptive products.
    • The CEO discusses the importance of embodied AI in robotics and the inefficiency of relying solely on language models, emphasizing the need for a robotics company to focus on hardware and manufacturing.
    • The CEO discusses the need for grounding in real-world facts and the potential for Neo at home to conduct experiments to increase its intelligence, highlighting the importance of reinforcement learning in the real world for surpassing human driving capability.
    • The CEO discusses the challenges of building an autonomous car company and emphasizes the importance of safety in their product.
  • 43:00 🤖 The CEO of a robot company discusses the development of a safe and compliant home robot competitor to Tesla, designed to understand human emotions and interact with people.
    • The Neo robot weighs 66 pounds, is soft and collapsible, and was designed to be non-threatening and safe for home use.
    • The CEO discusses the kinetic energy of robots and the potential dangers of their movements.
    • The CEO discusses the development of a low-energy, safe, and compliant robot built for reinforcement learning.
    • The CEO discusses the use of simulation and neural network to learn physics and behavior in their robot competitor to Tesla.
    • A CEO believes that robots need to be able to understand human emotions and interact with them in order to effectively work with people in home environments, and that their robots are designed to be safe and can be deployed into consumer environments.
    • The CEO plans to sell a competitor to Tesla's home robot.
  • 50:31 🤖 The CEO of a company creating humanoid bots for homes plans to mass produce low-cost consumer bots that can perform various tasks based on common sense, emphasizing the importance of manipulation over walking and the use of legs for manipulation.
    • The CEO discusses the challenges and progress of developing a robot for home use, emphasizing the importance of manipulation over walking.
    • The CEO discusses the capabilities of their robot, emphasizing the importance of safety and the use of legs for manipulation, but acknowledges that reliability issues still need to be addressed before it can be marketed to consumers.
    • The CEO discusses the potential capabilities and cost reduction strategies for a consumer-level robot, emphasizing the importance of vertical integration and simplifying the design to achieve a significantly lower price than $25,000.
    • The CEO discusses the design of their robot, highlighting the use of tendon-like structures for joints and the avoidance of traditional actuators to create a simpler and more manufacturable system.
    • The CEO of a company creating humanoid bots for homes plans to mass produce low-cost consumer bots that can perform various tasks based on common sense, and they are already testing a beta program for home use.
    • The Droid is capable of lifting heavy weights and performing tasks that require strength, making it different from other designs.
  • 01:03:43 🤖 The CEO of a Tesla bot competitor discusses their unique approach to developing a consumer-focused robot and plans to beat Tesla to the home with AI technology, focusing on perfecting the consumer use case and addressing privacy concerns while scaling manufacturing.
    • The CEO discusses their unique approach to developing a consumer-focused robot, emphasizing their early partnership with openi and their focus on creating a safe and scalable system with advanced motor technology.
    • The CEO believes their company will beat Tesla to the home with AI technology, despite the current lag in robotics development.
    • The CEO plans to focus on perfecting the consumer use case and addressing privacy concerns while scaling manufacturing for their robot competitor to Tesla.
    • The CEO discusses the importance of having the right data for AI to work well and the power of a physical data flywheel in enabling robots to learn from their failures and improve.
    • The CEO discusses the value of data from task failures and the importance of allowing the bot to fail in the real world.
    • Build reliable hardware for robots that can recover from failures, with soft compliance and safety in mind, allowing for frequent real-world testing and 8+ hours of runtime per day.
  • 01:12:07 🤖 The CEO of a Tesla Bot competitor emphasizes operational time and charge speed, highlights the convenience of self-charging, and discusses the impact of digital labor on society and productivity.
    • The CEO of a Tesla Bot competitor emphasizes the importance of operational time and charge speed over battery life, and highlights the convenience of the robot being able to plug itself in for charging.
    • The impact of Droids on society and the lack of productivity increase in physical automation.
    • The impact of digital labor on productivity and sustainability will be incredible, and the transformative shift will have an enormous impact on our ability to enjoy life and ensure everyone has what they need.
    • The CEO of a robotics company discusses their approach to humanoid robots and their focus on details, positioning themselves ahead of competitors like Tesla.
    • The speaker created a comprehensive website for Tesla investors.


Duration: 1:18:49

Publication Date: 2024-04-14T02:48:25Z WatchUrl:



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