Tesla's FSD 12.4 Update: 5-10x Improvement in Autonomous Driving Technology

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Tesla's FSD 12.4 Update: 5-10x Improvement in Autonomous Driving Technology

Tesla's FSD 12.4 release has shown a 5-10 times improvement in miles per intervention, marking a significant leap in autonomous driving technology and potentially bringing FSD closer to being "solved."

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What improvements have been made to Tesla's Full Self-Driving system?

    Elon Musk announced a 5-10 times improvement in miles per intervention for Tesla's FSD 12.4 release, with 12.5 set to be released in late June, marking a significant leap in autonomous driving technology.

  • When will the new version of Tesla's Full Self-Driving be released?

    The upcoming version 12.5 is expected to be released in late June, with potential improvements in safety and fewer interventions.

  • What are the potential challenges in the development of Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology?

    The delay in the Cybertruck's FSD may be due to the unique four-wheel drive system and the need for additional compute bandwidth, and there are still challenges in accurately measuring disengagements.

  • What is the potential impact of Tesla's Full Self-Driving advancements on the market?

    The speaker believes that the stock will react positively to Tesla's advancements in technology, and analysts will take Elon Musk's statements more seriously.

  • What is the current state of Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology?

    Tesla's Full Self-Driving system has improved significantly, with the ability to navigate without human intervention, although there are still some minor issues to be addressed.



Key Insights

  • 🚗 Elon Musk announced a 5-10 times improvement in miles per intervention for Tesla's FSD 12.4 release, a significant leap in autonomous driving technology.
  • 📈 The iterations are coming out faster and more meaningful, with Elon claiming Tesla FSD is now 5-10 times better.
  • 📈 The FSD is now being talked about in terms of 5 to 10x tangible quantifiable metrics, showing a significant improvement.
  • 👀 The ability of the car to make fine movements and decisions, such as not crossing a sidewalk while waiting at an intersection, is a key factor in changing people's perceptions of FSD technology.
  • 🚗 Elon Musk announced that the FSD is 5 to 10 times better than the previous version, a massive improvement in miles per intervention.
  • 🤯 "5 to 10x better. I mean that sounds like feature complete could essentially be at 12.4."
  • 🚗 "If it is five to 10 times less interventions compared to what it is right now, that's solved, that to me will say FSD is solved."
  • 🌍 The hardest part of any endeavor is scaling, and Elon's track record of successfully scaling new business models makes him crucial for the success of Tesla's FSD.
  • 🚗 Testing FSD beta has shown significant progress and is now so good that the speaker feels comfortable using it all the time. 


#Tesla #FSD

XMentions: @herbertong @NickGibbsIAG @GoingBallistic5 @DrKnowItAll16 @TeslaBoomerMama @FutureAza @farzyness @HansCNelson @TonySeba 



  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla's FSD has seen a 5-10 times improvement in miles per intervention, with version 12.5 set to be released in late June, and the system is expected to see a significant reduction in interventions and a major leap in performance.
    • Elon Musk announced a 5-10 times improvement in miles per intervention for Tesla's FSD 12.4 release, with 12.5 set to be released in late June.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving system is expected to see a 5-10 times improvement in miles per intervention, which could potentially result in a significant reduction in interventions and a major leap in performance.
    • Elon Musk announced that Tesla's Full Self-Driving system is now 5-10 times better, with improved safety and fewer interventions, and the upcoming version 12.5 is expected to be released in late June.
    • Elon Musk discusses how Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) is improving at a faster rate as they narrow down the problem set and gather more data to train the system.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) is now 5-10 times better, with a single stack on highways and upcoming improvements for the Cybertruck.
    • New camera placements and different steering capabilities have improved Tesla's Full Self-Driving capability, and the delay in the Cybertruck's FSD may be due to the unique four-wheel drive system and the need for additional compute bandwidth.
  • 11:26 🚗 Tesla is testing new camera locations for Model 3, Elon Musk discusses strategic placement for robo taxis, potential use of cameras instead of side mirrors, and low conversion rate for full self-driving trial users.
    • Tesla is testing new camera locations for the Model 3, including removing side mirrors and adding cameras in unconventional places.
    • Elon Musk discusses the strategic placement of cameras for robo taxis, suggesting that Tesla is stealthily preparing for their launch.
    • Elon Musk discusses the potential use of cameras instead of side mirrors in future Tesla models and the possibility of using them for Robot taxi hardware testing.
    • Only 2% of Tesla full self-driving trial users end up buying it, and the conversion rate is likely underestimated.
  • 16:04 🚗 Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology is making significant progress, with high take rates for the free trial and a 5-10x improvement in the new version, leading to questions about when the Robo taxi service will start and increased revenue for Tesla.
    • Elon Musk discusses the progress of Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology and addresses skepticism about a survey, stating that he doesn't comment on everything.
    • The FSD free trial has a high take rate and is a huge leap in improvement, with some people wanting to buy it and others not thinking it's good enough.
    • The main question is when the Robo taxi service will start and when mass take rate will occur, as the conversation about Tesla's subscription service has shifted over time.
    • FSD needs to be complete enough for Tesla to take liability, which will result in increased revenue and margins, and Tesla should cover the cost of FSD insurance.
    • The speaker believes that the stock will react positively to Tesla's advancements in technology, and analysts will take Elon Musk's statements more seriously.
    • The new FSD version is gaining mainstream attention and analysts are asking questions about it, with tangible and quantifiable metrics showing a 5 to 10x improvement.
  • 23:21 🚗 Tesla's FSD is 5-10x better, with upcoming releases and potential partnerships in China, but some skepticism remains.
    • Brother initially skeptical of Tesla FSD now believes it will happen, but personally doesn't want to use it yet.
    • China is showing movement in FSD with reports of a partnership between Tesla and BYD to use Tesla's upcoming Robo taxi in China.
    • Tesla is considering possible cooperation opportunities with Chinese autonomous driving companies for their robo taxi, but it is unclear if they will buy Teslas or outfit their own cars.
    • Elon Musk was surprised that the news about Tesla's FSD being 5-10x better was not widely reported, despite it being significant and part of a pattern of important news.
    • Elon Musk announced that the FSD version 12.4 will be released next week, with improvements of 5-10 times better than the previous version, and a further update, version 12.5, will be released in late June.
    • Elon Musk discusses the potential for Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) to be 5-10 times better at version 12.5, and emphasizes the exponential improvement in compute power and neural net learning.
  • 31:30 🚗 Elon Musk discusses potential launch of Tesla's Robo taxi service, delay in FSD 12.4 update, and improvements in Full Self-Driving system, with focus on safety and data gathering for autonomous driving technology.
    • Elon Musk discusses the potential for Tesla to roll out a robo taxi before the end of the year and the company's focus on increasing safety and gathering data for their autonomous driving technology.
    • Elon Musk discusses the potential launch of a Robo taxi service by the end of the year and the anticipation surrounding Tesla's upcoming event.
    • Government officials in China are preparing to launch Robo taxi with Tesla, and the speaker questions why it would happen in China before the US and why people are hung up on California.
    • Tesla is likely to first launch its Full Self-Driving feature in Austin, Texas, and there is a possibility of a licensing partnership with a Chinese automaker by the end of the year.
    • Elon Musk discusses the delay in the release of Tesla's FSD 12.4 update and speculates on the potential improvements, suggesting that if it is 5-10 times better, it could solve FSD.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving system has improved significantly, with the ability to navigate without human intervention, although there are still some minor issues to be addressed.
  • 42:00 🚗 Tesla's Full Self-Driving is now 5-10 times better, with the ability to navigate obstacles and construction, despite some limitations and disengagements on the highway.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving is now 5-10 times better, with the ability to navigate small obstacles and construction, signaling that FSD has been solved.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving is now 5-10 times better, leading to increased conversation and interest in the topic.
    • The conversation and excitement around Tesla's Full Self-Driving is growing, with results showing significant improvement, despite some pushback on the current capabilities.
    • FSD 12.3.3 performed well driving across Seattle, but disengaged multiple times on the highway, causing frustration.
    • Elon Musk discusses the improvements and challenges of Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) system, highlighting the need for further development and testing.
    • The speaker argues that the limitations mentioned in the video do not pose technological barriers to the deployment of FSD.
  • 49:02 🚗 Elon Musk believes Tesla's Full Self-Driving capability could be 5-10 times better, with supervised autopilot on the highway being five times safer than a human, and the system is already solved but the challenge now is scaling the business model.
    • Elon believes that Tesla's Full Self-Driving capability could be 5 to 10 times better and that it will be clear to people when it reaches that level of improvement.
    • Elon Musk discussed the safety of Tesla's autopilot, stating that supervised autopilot on the highway is five times safer than a human, but the safety of unsupervised local driving has not been disclosed.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving system has improved significantly, but there are still challenges in accurately measuring disengagements.
    • Understanding disengagements in Tesla's Full Self-Driving system and the need for human operators for real signal of disengagements.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving will roll out on a larger scale than anticipated, starting with a pool of vehicles waiting to be activated, and eventually moving towards driverless operation.
    • Elon Musk is confident that Tesla's full self-driving technology is already solved, but the real challenge now is scaling the business model, and his track record of successfully scaling new business models makes him essential for the success of this venture.
  • 56:59 🚗 Tesla's FSD has improved significantly, with major tech companies acknowledging a 5-10x better performance, making it essential for the speaker's wife and the speaker feeling unsafe driving without it.
    • Major tech companies are stepping up and saying that FSD beta has improved significantly, with the speaker being an early beta tester and noticing a significant improvement in the technology with the latest update.
    • Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) has become essential for the speaker's wife, and the speaker feels unsafe driving without it, especially after being in a recent car accident.
    • Consider the real topic, with less than three months to go, and check out Nick's YouTube channel.


Duration: 1:00:02

Publication Date: 2024-05-15T19:49:25Z




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