Sanctuary Signs Groundbreaking AI Deal with Microsoft for Humanoid Robots

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Sanctuary Signs Groundbreaking AI Deal with Microsoft for Humanoid Robots

 Sanctuary has signed a deal with Microsoft to create advanced AI for humanoid robots, aiming to dominate the labor industry by automating tasks and eventually deploying robots for practical use in various industries.

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is Sanctuary's partnership with Microsoft about?

    Sanctuary has signed a deal with Microsoft to create advanced AI for humanoid robots, aiming to dominate the labor industry by automating tasks and eventually deploying robots for practical use in various industries.

  • What is the focus of Sanctuary's Generation 7 AI robot Phoenix?

    Sanctuary's Generation 7 AI robot Phoenix has a focus on dexterity of the hand and general AI, with a partnership with Accenture, Magna, and Microsoft to create artificial general intelligence for robots.

  • What industries is Sanctuary targeting with their robotics technology?

    Sanctuary is considering various industries for their robotics, with manufacturing, logistics, defense, and hospitality being the main focus, but ultimately, the future is unpredictable and they are open to any outcome.

  • What is the goal of Sanctuary's partnership with Microsoft?

    The goal of Sanctuary's partnership with Microsoft is to introduce their technology into automotive manufacturing sites, focusing on specific use cases and iterating with customers to meet production standards.

  • What is the potential impact of Sanctuary's robotics technology on the labor industry?

    Sanctuary aims to dominate the labor industry by automating tasks due to declining birth rates and demographic changes, with a 96% reduction in the overall population of South Korea projected in three generations. 


Key Insights

Advancements in AI Robotics

  • 🧠 The new robot Phoenix is so similar to a person that its AI Control System carbon is capable of learning new tasks in under 24 hours, showcasing the rapid progress in AI robotics.
  • 🤖 Geordie Rose's company aims to create artificial general intelligence that can inhabit a robot and make it behave like a person, a very difficult challenge in his career.
  • 🧠 Using carbon, we are now able to teach a task within 24 hours, which is very exciting.
  • 🧠 "Your brain is an organ of motion, brains evolve to move your body. That's what they're for."
  • 🧠 If the premise is true that Intelligence being a person more generally can be derived from data then uh the that if that premise holds then these models will be the first truly generally intelligent models that exist.
  • 🧠 The hypothesis of embodied cognition suggests that in order to really understand the world, you need to be in it, challenging the traditional understanding of cognition and perception.
  • 🚀 The partnership with Magna is a game-changer, as they are already a massive manufacturer and can produce not only large cars but also small supplies, making them the right partner for the Tesla Bot.
  • 🤖 The Tesla Bot has seen near 100% success rates in some tasks, showing the potential for advanced capabilities in robotics.
  • 🚀 Elon Musk's vision and understanding of AI and humanoid robots has gained trust and attention, making him a key player in the industry.
  • 🤖 "Also so is you know de facto number one in building embodied general intelligence in my view even though they started after us and to a certain extent have copied what we've done."
  • 🔍 "If we want the robot to be able to pick this specific cup up or anything that's kind of like it, we can do that in 24 hours now." 

Impact of Automation on Society

  • 🤖 "We're not interested in Internet videos showing talking to robots or anything like that what we're interested in is being the first to deploy a thousand robots that's the marker that I've put internally where I think we we will win if we get there first a thousand robots that actually do valuable work in the world."
  • 🌍 The world is heading towards automation due to declining birth rates and demographic changes, leading to the need for nearly everything people don't want to do to be automated. 



XMentions: @herbertong @HabitatsDigital @geordierose @TheSanctuaryAI @Microsoft @GoingBallistic5 @DrKnowItAll16



  • 00:00 🤖 Sanctuary signs deal with Microsoft to create advanced AI for humanoid robots, focusing on dexterity and general intelligence, with partnerships with Accenture, Magna, and Nvidia.
    • Sanctuary, a major company in humanoid robots, has signed a deal with Microsoft and launched their Generation 7 AI robot Phoenix, with a focus on dexterity of the hand and general AI.
    • Sanctuary has partnered with Accenture, Magna, and Microsoft to create artificial general intelligence for robots, which is a challenging and transcendent technological endeavor.
    • Sanctuary has signed a partnership deal with Microsoft to work on general intelligence, and they are excited to share their progress in the next year.
    • Sanctuary has a partnership with Microsoft and Nvidia for advanced AI and simulation technologies.
    • Sanctuary signs deal with Microsoft to focus on humanoid robotics and large behavioral models for AI.
    • Large Behavior models are an attempt to use the same principles as large language models to understand and predict the sensory data and motion of a being in the world.
  • 08:32 🤖 Sanctuary signs deal with Microsoft to scale production of their humanoid bot, focusing on human-like senses and hands for work, aiming to achieve truly generally intelligent models.
    • Brains are organs of movement, and the data needed to train a brain would be all the input and output.
    • Robots equipped with human-like senses and trained using data can potentially become the first truly generally intelligent models, unlike language models.
    • Understanding the world requires being in it, so a robot that can't experience things like smell will never truly understand their meaning.
    • To build human-like intelligence, a humanoid form factor focusing on hands is necessary for work, as most work is data-driven and does not require the use of legs.
    • Sanctuary has developed a unique humanoid bot with advanced features and is partnering with Magna to scale production.
  • 12:57 🤖 Sanctuary signs deal with Microsoft to introduce their technology into automotive manufacturing sites, aiming to deploy a thousand robots that do valuable work and iterate with customers to meet production standards.
    • The development of the Tesla Bot rival Sanctuary is similar to the automotive industry, with the need for iteration and field testing to improve capability and robustness.
    • The progress towards creating a product that works in the real world is not made through demonstration videos, but through iterative design and working with companies who understand how to build things properly.
    • Sanctuary signs a deal with Microsoft and discusses the path to mass production of their prototypes with Magna.
    • Sanctuary is partnering with Microsoft to introduce their technology into automotive manufacturing sites, focusing on specific use cases and iterating with customers to meet production standards.
    • The goal is to be the first to deploy a thousand robots that do valuable work, with the potential to deliver the first million and then the first billion, with a focus on delivering valuable and useful work in various industries.
    • The humanoid form factor is only necessary for general tasks that require quick adaptability and the ability to utilize existing human tooling and infrastructure, while special purpose robots are more suitable for specific tasks.
  • 20:50 🤖 Sanctuary aims to dominate the labor industry by automating tasks due to declining birth rates, targeting a smaller market initially to eventually grow into the $30 trillion labor market, with the technology of robots that can be trained for various tasks and excel at specific tasks with minimal data.
    • Focus on automatable tasks that can be productized in the lab, targeting a smaller market initially to eventually grow into the $30 trillion labor market.
    • Sanctuary aims to dominate the labor industry by automating tasks due to declining birth rates and demographic changes, with a 96% reduction in the overall population of South Korea projected in three generations.
    • The technology of robots that can be trained for various tasks is necessary to overcome the existential threat of population depletion, and the underlying models are data agnostic, allowing for training with different tasks.
    • Machines can be trained to excel at specific tasks, but by feeding them data from various sources, they can learn to generalize and adapt like large language models.
    • Training AI systems with specific data allows them to excel in specific tasks, and with minimal data, they can automate simple policies.
    • Training robots to perform tasks is based on showing them how to do it multiple times, and once they have seen enough combinations of objects and locations, they can succeed near 100% of the time.
  • 27:20 🤖 Sanctuary is close to commercializing their robot, considering various industries for their robotics, aiming to deploy 1000 robots for practical use, and hoping to start selling robots to customers next year, while discussing the potential benefits of Tesla Bot's development with CEO Geordie Rose.
    • Sanctuary is close to commercializing their robot, but the business model and pricing details are still being decided.
    • Customers have different attitudes towards owning robots, with automotive manufacturing companies being used to it, while retail places may prefer to pay for robot usage by the hour, and the revenue model for robot sales and service contracts is still uncertain.
    • Sanctuary is considering various industries for their robotics, with manufacturing, logistics, defense, and hospitality being the main focus, but ultimately, the future is unpredictable and they are open to any outcome.
    • Sanctuary aims to deploy 1000 robots for practical use to gain a lead over Tesla and other competitors, and hopes to start selling robots to customers next year.
    • Elon Musk's vision for humanoid robots is trusted and he understands the potential of the industry, while other companies are not building the right things for the right reasons.
    • Sanctuary CEO Geordie Rose discusses the potential benefits of Tesla Bot's development and introduces colleagues in the AI field.
  • 35:30 🤖 Sanctuary CEO discusses the training and task planning process for robots, including grasp training, symbolic logic, neural nets, and transformers, with the goal of automating tasks beyond current technology capabilities.
    • The CEO discusses the mechanical part and task training of robots, comparing it to the instruction set in a processor and explaining how general intelligence in robots can be broken down into a small number of building blocks.
    • Learn how to grasp because there are only 100 things like grasp, and once a robot learns how to grasp, it can be used for various tasks, and the 24-hour training period is not the end, as the data can be used to train the model to generalize and grasp anything.
    • The CEO discusses the task planning process for robots, including the use of symbolic logic and reasoning to assemble movements in order to achieve goals, with the ultimate goal of being able to communicate with and instruct robots in any environment for any task.
    • The process of teaching a robot to perform tasks involves providing a task plan, learning from unpredictable environmental changes, and addressing difficult tasks such as chaotic picking and precision placement, with the goal of automating tasks just beyond the current capabilities of technology.
    • The CEO discusses the use of neural nets in robotics, error handling and correction, and training the machine to recover from failure using short coherence time instructions.
    • The speaker discusses the use of robotics transformers and sequence to sequence models to create motion primitives for the Tesla Bot rival Sanctuary.
  • 51:27 🤖 Sanctuary partners with Nvidia and Microsoft to develop robots with virtual and real-world simulations, focusing on locomotion and sensory input for commercial value in manufacturing jobs.
    • Sanctuary has partnered with Nvidia and other bot manufacturers to explore the relationship between virtual and real-world simulations for their robot, Phoenix.
    • Training neural nets in simulation allows for perception to action without being limited by physical hardware, with locomotion being one of the limited types of robotic motions that can be effectively simulated.
    • The future of AGI relies on improved physics simulators and data collection, with the potential for creating a Matrix-like simulation to solve AGI problems.
    • Sanctuary's robot does not have legs yet, but they are working on bipedal locomotion, although the product will likely have wheels due to the practicality and value it delivers to customers, as work is primarily delivered through the hands.
    • The Tesla Bot rival Sanctuary is focusing on developing robots with the ability to walk, sense, and communicate for commercial value in manufacturing jobs.
    • Sanctuary AI is partnering with Microsoft and other companies to build robots that can be controlled through verbal commands and sensory input, with the goal of creating machines like Data from Star Trek.
  • 01:01:13 🤖 Geordie Rose discusses opinions on X and promotes his website for Tesla investors.


    Duration: 1:1:49

    Publication Date: 2024-05-01T20:13:23Z




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