Elon Musk's Latest Updates on Tesla Bot: Human Hand Design and Potential Impact

Chris Smedley, Cobot Development, Cobot Economics, cobots, Elon Musk, Herbert Ong, Scott Walter -

Elon Musk's Latest Updates on Tesla Bot: Human Hand Design and Potential Impact

Elon Musk believes that studying the design of the human hand is crucial for building a successful humanoid bot, and he is excited about the potential impact of the Tesla bot on the stock and business


Questions to inspire discussion

  • What updates did Elon Musk give on the production of Optimus?

    Elon Musk gave updates on the use of Hardware 4 and changes to the design for next year's production of Optimus.

  • What are the plans for voice activation in the Tesla Bot?

    Elon Musk discussed plans for voice activation and the use of Hardware 5 in 2026 for the development of the Tesla Bot.

  • When will the production version of the Tesla bot be ready?

    Elon Musk stated that the production version of the Tesla bot will be ready in 2026, requiring engineering oversight.

  • What economic impact does Elon Musk predict for the Tesla bot?

    Elon Musk suggests that the valuation of the Tesla bot could reach $200 trillion, discussing its potential cost and economic impact.

  • What does Elon Musk believe is crucial for building a successful humanoid bot?

    Elon Musk believes that studying the design of the human hand is crucial for building a successful humanoid bot. 


Key Insights

  • 🖐️ Elon Musk emphasizes the importance of studying the design of the human hand when building a humanoid bot, to understand Nature's reasoning behind it.
  • 📈 Elon Musk emphasized the significant impact the Tesla bot will have on the stock and business, with the numbers being "crazy."
  • 🚗 The collaboration between Tesla and SpaceX on the Roadster suggests exciting developments in the automotive industry.
  • 🤖 It could probably maybe a few seconds that be able to hover or something like that. But it's going to be pretty wild and that he's pretty proud of that but no real details.



#Tesla #Cobots

XMentions: @herbertong @GoingBallistic5 @HabitatsDigital @ElonMusk 



  • 00:00 🚀 Elon Musk updates on Tesla Bot production for next year with Hardware 4 and voice activation, plans for Hardware 5 in 2026.
    • Elon Musk gave updates on the production of Optimus for next year, including the use of Hardware 4 and changes to the design.
    • Elon Musk gives updates on the development of the Tesla Bot, including plans for voice activation and the use of Hardware 5 in 2026.
  • 01:34 🤖 Tesla is making major design changes to the actuators in the forearm, possibly inspired by the human body's solution for the shoulder joint.
    • 02:24 🚀 The production version of the Tesla bot will require engineering oversight and be ready in 2026, with potential valuation reaching $200 trillion.
      • Elon Musk gave updates on the production version of the Tesla bot, stating that it will require a lot of engineering oversight and will be ready in 2026, and also discussed the impact it will have on the stock and business.
      • Elon Musk discusses the potential cost and economic impact of the Tesla bot, suggesting that the valuation could reach $200 trillion.
    • 03:51 🚀 Elon Musk gives updates on Tesla's future value, robo taxi, autonomous driving, and collaboration with SpaceX for the Roadster.
      • 04:47 🤖 Elon Musk gives updates on Tesla Bot, but no real details are revealed, and everything is being kept close to vest.
        • 05:14 🚀 Elon Musk gives updates on Tesla Bot, SpaceX collaboration, and plans for rocket propulsion and soft landings.
          • 06:27 🚀 Elon Musk is confident in the success of the Tesla Bot, but there is still a lot of work to be done before it is ready.
            • 07:23 👋 Elon Musk meets Scott Walter for the first time and jokes about their height difference.


              Duration: 0:7:52

              Publication Date: 2024-07-28T20:32:00Z




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