Support Elon Musk's Back Pay: Justified and Beneficial

Elon Compensation, FutureAza, Tesla -

Support Elon Musk's Back Pay: Justified and Beneficial

Supporting Elon Musk's back pay is justified due to his value creation, work ethic, and the potential financial benefits for shareholders


    Questions to inspire discussion

    • What justifies Elon Musk's back pay?

      Elon Musk's value creation and work ethic justify his back pay, as discussed in the video summary.

    • Is SpaceX subsidized?

      No, SpaceX is not subsidized but is the lowest bidder for services, as mentioned in the video summary.

    • Why may Elizabeth Warren not support Elon Musk's back pay?

      Elizabeth Warren may not support Elon Musk's back pay due to her criticism of billionaires, as highlighted in the video summary.

    • What should white collar workers consider about blue collar tradesmen?

      White collar workers should consider the value of the work and potential cost savings of blue collar tradesmen, as mentioned in the video summary.

    • What is the difference between a 250 and 300 batter?

      The difference between a 250 and 300 batter is one hit, which can mean a significant difference in contract value, as explained in the video summary. 


    Key Insights

    • 💰 Supporting Elon's back pay could actually result in him paying a record-breaking amount of taxes, which may not be what his haters want.
    • 🚀 SpaceX is not subsidized, it's the lowest bidder for services.
    • 💰 If we cancel it, Tesla could reclaim and refile their quarterlies going back years to bump it up, essentially coming from shareholders in the form of dilution.
    • 💰 Elon Musk's back pay would increase Tesla's free cash flow, resulting in greater capital available for the company.
    • 🤔 Engineers who have met Elon Musk and asked him hard questions on the spot have discovered that he does understand the engineering and has an answer.
    • 🚗 Elon Musk owns one car, a Model S, and no mansions, contrary to the stereotype of billionaires owning fleets of cars and multiple mansions.



    #Tesla #Elon #Compensation

    XMentions: @FutureAzA @Tesla @gfliche @farzyness @herbertong @theJeffLutz @TeslaBoomerMama @R6Alex @HansCNelson @NickGibbsIAG @Rebellionair3 @HeyItsYashu @HabitatsDigital 



    • 00:00 💰 Support Elon's back pay to stick it to him and make him pay a lot in taxes.
      • 01:41 🚀 Elon Musk will pay back more in taxes than his companies received in benefits, SpaceX is not subsidized but is the lowest bidder, Elizabeth Warren may not support his back pay due to her criticism of billionaires, but politics and business decisions are intertwined and share price should be considered when discussing Elon's wealth.
        • Elon Musk will be paying back more money in taxes than his companies have received in benefits, and SpaceX is not subsidized but is the lowest bidder for services.
        • Elizabeth Warren may not support Elon Musk's back pay, as she is critical of billionaires, but politics and business decisions are intertwined, and the share price should be considered when discussing Elon's wealth.
      • 03:28 📉 Elon's back pay is not in dollars but in shares, and cancelling it would result in Tesla shareholders having to pay for it through dilution.
        • 05:03 📉 Elon Musk's back pay is too expensive for the company and would increase their free cash flow, but it's not logical to support it.
          • 06:54 👍 Elon Musk's value creation and work ethic justify his back pay, and white collar workers should consider the value of blue collar tradesmen's work.
            • Elon Musk's value creation and work ethic justify his back pay.
            • White collar workers often underestimate the skills of blue collar tradesmen, but they should consider the value of their work and the potential cost savings.
          • 09:08 🚫 Elon Musk does not own multiple cars or mansions, and he worked more than full-time to achieve milestones, so supporting his back pay is justified.
            • 10:31 📺 Elon Musk has grown out of trying to impress people, but there are deeply cynical people who may not understand the opportunities that used to exist don't exist anymore, and that cynicism shouldn't extend blindly to everyone who has more than you.
              • 12:06 📉 Elon Musk's success can result in significant financial differences, and viewers are encouraged to vote against him and share their shares to support his back pay.
                • The difference between a 250 and 300 batter is one hit, which can mean a $5 million contract versus a half million dollar contract, and Elon Musk has had more than one hit in his career.
                • Commenters are encouraged to vote against Elon Musk and share their number of shares, but to be cautious about revealing their wealth, and to stay tuned for updates on punishing Elon with back pay.


              Duration: 0:14:7

              Publication Date: 2024-04-25T10:50:47Z




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