Tesla's Major Technological Advancements and Potential Partnerships

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Tesla's Major Technological Advancements and Potential Partnerships

Tesla is making significant technological advancements, including the launch of a semi-truck, robo taxi, and FSD version 12.4, with plans for fully autonomous vehicles by 2023, potential design changes for the Cyber truck, and a potential partnership with Dell to build a private Cloud for user profiles and interfaces 

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What technological advancements is Tesla making?

    Tesla is making significant advancements, including the launch of a semi-truck, robo taxi, and FSD version 12.4, with plans for fully autonomous vehicles by 2023.

  • What is the potential partnership with Dell about?

    Tesla is potentially partnering with Dell to build a private Cloud for user profiles and interfaces, which is a huge and expensive endeavor due to the amount of data they need to manage.

  • What updates can we expect for Tesla's Full Self-Driving?

    The new update for the fleet of cars will improve acceleration, braking, and communication, with a potential 25 to 100 times improvement in miles per intervention by June.

  • What is the speculation about the design of the Cyber truck?

    The discussion revolves around potential design changes for the Cyber truck, including the possibility of a new model with swooshy doors and no steering wheel.

  • What is the timeline for the rollout of fully autonomous vehicles?

    The speaker believes that by 2023, Tesla's Full Self-Driving will be ready for a prototype fleet of robotaxis, with a human driver initially and then transitioning to fully autonomous vehicles. 


Key Insights

  • 🎥 The video dropped by Tesla encouraging people to vote for shareholders hints at the potential of the robo taxi, leaving us curious about what the future holds.
  • 🤖 The debate over the front or back of the robot in the video sparked immediate arguments and speculation, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the unveiling.
  • 🚕 The rollout of FSD 12 and its improvement over time is almost feelable, and it's right around the corner.
  • 🚗 The testing of cameras for the Robo taxi shaped car is more exciting than anything, as it shows potential usability and data capture for future release.
  • 📅 The anticipation and speculation around Elon Musk's tweets and updates on FSD progress are creating a buzz in the Tesla community.
  • 🚗 The frequent FSD updates are showing promising iterative changes, solving problems and improving performance.
  • 🚗 FSD today is already robot taxi ready, but launching it too soon could be critical.
  • 🚗 The early testing of video cameras for the robot taxi suggests that Tesla may be further along in the development process than previously thought. 



XMentions: @FutureAzA @TeslaFix @HabitatsDigital @herbertong @NickGibbsIAG




  • 00:00 🚗 Tesla launches semi, robo taxi, and encourages shareholder voting, leading in technology with plans for new services in 2024, potential for new model with swooshy doors and no steering wheel, and impressive progress of robo taxi and potential for fast rollout of FSD 12.
    • The group discusses the recent news from Tesla, including the launch of the semi, the robo taxi video, and the shareholder voting encouragement.
    • The video discusses the interesting revelation of a small nugget of the robot in a commercial advertisement, and the internal support for Elon within Tesla.
    • Tesla is leading the way in technology and is optimistic about rolling out a new service in the second half of 2024.
    • The speaker discusses the new robot taxi and the design features, including the seats and doors, and how it proves their initial skepticism wrong.
    • The speakers discuss the potential for a new Tesla model with swooshy doors and no steering wheel, and speculate on the timing and production location of a compact car for European roads.
    • The speaker discusses the impressive progress of the robo taxi and the potential for a fast rollout of FSD 12, while expressing hope for a different design with two screens.
  • 10:01 🚗 Tesla is testing new camera placements for their Robo taxi, and the discussion revolves around the design of the vehicle interior and potential future use of data.
    • Herbert and I can share a Tesla taxi and sync our Bluetooth headphones to the screen, but it may be cost-effective to share a screen with others.
    • The discussion revolves around the placement of cameras on a model 3 car and how it relates to the design of the car.
    • Tesla is testing new camera placements for their Robo taxi, which is exciting because it shows they are moving towards usability and capturing data for potential future use.
    • The video discusses the design of a chair and speculates that it may be a prototype or concept for something in between a taxi seat and a car seat.
    • The design of the vehicle interior is intended to funnel crumbs and spills to one spot, potentially with waterproofing and drain plugs for industrial use.
  • 15:28 🚗 Tesla discusses potential design changes for Cyber truck, possibility of cyber-inspired vehicle line, and partnership with Dell to build private Cloud for user profiles and interfaces.
    • The speaker discusses the design of a car and speculates on whether it will have three or four wheels.
    • The speaker believes that the designs and concepts shown for the Cyber truck are not representative of the final product, but there may be hints and relationships to the initial designs.
    • The speaker discusses the possibility of the new vehicle line being cyber inspired and the potential for a detachable bumper for the robotaxi.
    • The speaker discusses the possibility of summoning a car with smart features, but expresses skepticism about the realistic 3D view in the interface design.
    • The speaker discusses the possibility of internal mapping for vehicles and the transmission of data over the network to the phone.
    • Tesla is partnering with Dell to build their own private Cloud to host user profiles and interfaces, which is a huge and expensive endeavor due to the amount of data they need to manage.
  • 24:38 🚗 Elon Musk is rolling out FSD version 12.4 with significant improvements, aiming for fully autonomous vehicles by 2023 and testing progress in Europe and China.
    • Elon Musk has been sharing information about FSD progress and is set to roll out version 12.4.
    • The new update for the fleet of cars will improve acceleration, braking, and communication, with a potential 25 to 100 times improvement in miles per intervention by June.
    • The speaker is excited about the frequent FSD updates and believes that the announcements are true.
    • The speaker believes that by 2023, Tesla's Full Self-Driving will be ready for a prototype fleet of robotaxis, with a human driver initially and then transitioning to fully autonomous vehicles.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for showcasing FSD technology to lawmakers and the progress of test vehicles in Europe and China.
    • The company keeps the cameras to themselves as part of their plan and they have been testing them.
  • 32:44 🚕 FSD readiness for robot taxi operation and potential challenges, Cruise cars parking strategy, China's early launch of data hub, potential four-seater cyber cab in Tesla video, Herbert's changed opinion.
    • The discussion revolves around the readiness of FSD for robot taxi operation and the potential challenges and considerations for its launch.
    • The speaker discusses the capabilities of robot taxis and how they could be implemented more effectively.
    • Cruise cars are avoiding difficult streets by parking a block away, which is a good strategy and sets them apart from others.
    • China is likely to be one of the early launchers of a data hub, with the country opening up pilot areas for autonomous vehicle approval and differentiating the types of data that can be exported.
    • The group discusses a potential four-seater cyber cab in a Tesla video, but ultimately concludes that it is likely a three-seater performance model.
    • Herbert's opinion has been influenced by others and has changed.
  • 41:53 🚗 Elon Musk may launch the app sooner than expected, with potential surprises in design, infrastructure, pricing, materials, and battery integration, leading to speculation about leaked Robo taxi details, while discussing the testing of video cameras on a car and the importance of asking the right questions.
    • Elon Musk may launch the app sooner than expected, with potential surprises in design, infrastructure, pricing, materials, and battery integration, leading to speculation about leaked Robo taxi details.
    • The new shots in the video are likely professional and intentional, indicating a significant upcoming trailer.
    • Video discusses the testing of video cameras on a car, suggesting that Tesla may already be building a robot taxi and preparing for its launch.
    • There is speculation about the purpose of a camera on a Tesla vehicle, with theories ranging from robo taxi testing to potential third party use.
    • Herbert and Brian agree on the importance of asking the right questions to get the right answer, while Nick and Jan express excitement about a new development.
    • The speaker discusses a secret about their wedding date.
  • 48:25 📈 Shareholders urged to vote in favor of Tesla, Elon Musk's calculated decision to put it up to a vote, potential campaign against him, and European politicians scheduled to test drive Tesla's FSD.
    • Shareholders are being urged to vote in favor of Tesla, with hints that they are behind and using a service to track proxy voting, and Elon Musk's calculated decision to put it up to a vote.
    • The speaker believes that Elon Musk may have overestimated shareholder appetite and that there are two different questions that need to be asked regarding advertising and courting investors for Elon's compensation package and relocation to Texas.
    • Voting is important and there may be a campaign against someone, but it seems unlikely that people would be willing to sacrifice their own investment just to hurt him.
    • Elon Musk's tweet and like on Twitter is seen as a hint that he will not leave if the vote doesn't go his way.
    • Elon Musk is confident that he will not let the teams down and is very aware of what's going on with the shareholder vote.
    • European politicians and Boris Johnson are scheduled to test drive Tesla's FSD, potentially hinting at future developments.
  • 57:12 🚀 Elon Musk's actions may worry investors, but he's still pushing boundaries for Tesla; value isn't tied to time spent; Herbert, Jan, and the speaker are doing a live Q&A, with Nick joining next week.
    • Elon Musk's actions and tweets may make investors nervous, but he is still doing a lot for Tesla and pushing boundaries.
    • Value should not be associated with time spent, as demonstrated by the example of Nike's logo being created in a few minutes but holding immense value.
    • Herbert, Jan, and the speaker are about to go to a live Q&A, and Nick will join them next week, directing viewers to join them on Tesla fix or futur oza.


Duration: 1:1:6

Publication Date: 2024-05-23T18:05:00Z




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