Tesla's RoboTaxi service presents a cost-effective alternative to traditional car ownership and ride-hailing, with potential profitability driven by low operational costs and the benefits of Full Self-Driving technology
Questions to inspire discussion
Cost Analysis
🚗Q: How much does it cost to own a Tesla RoboTaxi for 150,000 miles over 5 years?
A: The total cost is $31,800, including $30,000 for purchase, $300 for maintenance, $500 for registration, and $1,200 for insurance, resulting in a cost per mile of 40 cents.
⚡Q: What is the charging cost for a RoboTaxi compared to a personal vehicle?
A: RoboTaxi charging costs 9 cents per mile, significantly cheaper than the 23-26 cents per mile for a personal vehicle.
Operational Considerations
🧼Q: What is the estimated daily cleaning cost for a RoboTaxi?
A: The cleaning cost is likely to be $10-20 per day, depending on automation level and fleet size.
Regulatory and Financial Aspects
📋Q: How might registration costs differ for RoboTaxis?
A: Registration costs for RoboTaxis will likely be higher than personal vehicles, especially in the first year, due to additional EV fees in many states.
🛡️Q: How will insurance costs for RoboTaxis compare to personal vehicles?
A: Insurance costs for RoboTaxis are expected to be significantly lower, particularly if used primarily for FSD rides, with Tesla already offering discounts for frequent FSD users.
Key Insights
Cost Analysis
🚗The total cost of owning a Tesla RoboTaxi for 150,000 miles over 5 years is estimated at $31,800, resulting in a cost per mile of 40 cents, which is significantly cheaper than traditional car ownership.
💰Charging costs for a RoboTaxi are projected to be 9 cents per mile, a substantial savings compared to the 23-26 cents per mile for personal vehicles.
Operational Considerations
🧼Daily cleaning costs for a RoboTaxi are estimated at $10-20, depending on fleet size and automation level.
🛡️Insurance costs for RoboTaxis are expected to be significantly lower than personal vehicles, especially for those primarily used for FSD rides, with Tesla already offering discounts for frequent FSD users.
Regulatory and Subscription Factors
📋Registration fees for RoboTaxis are likely to be higher than personal vehicles, particularly in the first year, due to additional EV fees in many states.
XMentions: @FutureAzA @HerbertOng
00:00 🚗 RoboTaxi's $30,000 price and low maintenance costs bolster the case for using Model 3 or Y with FSD for profitability.
- FSD's impressive numbers support the business case for using a Model 3 or Y as a robo-taxi.
- The RoboTaxi's purchase price is estimated at $30,000, with additional subscription costs for Full Self-Driving (FSD), and maintenance is projected to be minimal, around $300 per year.
01:55 🚖 Robo-taxi ownership costs are estimated at 21 cents per mile, with efficiency potentially lowering it to 26 cents per mile.
- The cost of ownership for a robo-taxi is estimated at 21 cents per mile, assuming a lifespan of 150,000 miles and a resale value of $7,500.
- The vehicle's efficiency is underestimated, likely achieving six miles per kilowatt hour, resulting in a cost of approximately 26 cents per mile.
03:48 ⚡ Ongoing EV costs are higher than expected, averaging $1,700 annually, but Tesla's FSD could lower insurance and overall expenses for RoboTaxi services.
- Ongoing costs for EV registration are higher than initially estimated due to additional state charges and varying regional expenses.
- Annual costs for electric vehicle ownership, including charging and insurance, are estimated to be around $1,700, with variations depending on usage and duration of ownership.
- Tesla's insurance costs may decrease significantly for users who drive with Full Self-Driving (FSD) due to its lower accident rates and higher mileage, potentially leading to overall reduced expenses for RoboTaxi services.
06:33 🚗 Tesla's RoboTaxi network will feature automated cleaning, enabling owners to submit their cars for rides without cleanliness concerns.
- Cleaning a car costs about $10 a day, which is reasonable considering the time and labor involved, especially for multiple vehicles.
- Tesla's network will include automated cleaning for vehicles, allowing owners to submit their cars for rides without worrying about cleanliness.
08:19 🚖 Robo-taxi cleaning costs may reach $10 daily, influencing the decision to go car-free given the 40 cents per mile car ownership cost.
- Automated cleaning for robo-taxis will incur costs, potentially around $10 a day, due to the investment in industrial robots.
- The cost per mile for owning a car is around 40 cents, prompting a discussion on the price point at which individuals might choose to go car-free.
10:14 🚗 Buying a Tesla Model 3 for a daughter near her job was deemed more cost-effective than daily Uber rides, despite higher ownership costs.
- After considering the costs of daily Uber rides versus buying a car, a decision was made to purchase a Tesla Model 3 for a daughter living close to her job.
- Ownership costs are higher than many realize, especially considering limited time factors like a child's schooling.
11:57 🚖 RoboTaxis could lower transportation costs to 20-40 cents per mile, offering a profitable alternative to car ownership and traditional ride-hailing.
- RoboTaxis could significantly reduce transportation costs to as low as 20-40 cents per mile, making them a profitable alternative to car ownership and traditional ride-hailing services.
- In dense city centers, ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft can provide a vehicle within two to three minutes.
- 14:42 🤖 FSD costs minimally impact overall vehicle profit, prompting discussion on vehicle ownership versus ride-hailing.
Duration: 0:15:56
Publication Date: 2024-10-18T20:38:11Z