Tony Seba's Prediction: Nuclear Obsolete by 2030 - Wind, Solar, and Battery Storage the Future

#EVKing, Decentralized Energy, Energy, energy harvest, renewable energy, solar energy, Tony Seba -

Tony Seba's Prediction: Nuclear Obsolete by 2030 - Wind, Solar, and Battery Storage the Future

Small modular nuclear reactors are too expensive, too slow, and too risky, and the focus should be on wind, solar, and battery storage for energy needs

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What did Tony Seba predict about nuclear power in 2014?

    Tony Seba predicted in 2014 that nuclear power would be obsolete by 2030, and recent research has shown that his predictions about the cost blowouts and inefficiency of small modular nuclear reactors were accurate.

  • Why is the focus shifting away from nuclear power?

    The focus is shifting away from nuclear power towards solar, wind, battery storage, and electric cars because these options are more cost-effective and efficient.

  • What are the drawbacks of small modular nuclear reactors?

    Small modular nuclear reactors are too expensive, slow, and risky, facing massive construction delays and cost overruns, making them too expensive for deployment.

  • What makes nuclear power obsolete by 2030?

    The excessive cost and time required for building small modular reactors, along with the availability of cleaner, quicker, and safer energy sources like wind, solar, and battery storage, make nuclear power obsolete by 2030.

  • What are the risks associated with small modular nuclear reactors?

    The reliability and safety of small modular nuclear power plants are uncertain, and it is unlikely that China and Russia will provide accurate information about them, making them too risky and untested.



Key Insights

  • 💰 The cost blowouts and insane mathematical calculations of small modular nuclear reactors have proven Seba's predictions to be 100% accurate.
  • 🌬️ The cost and time of batteries combined with solar and wind make them a much better solution for energy needs.
  • 💸 The cost of building a nuclear power plant almost always doubles, sometimes triples, making it financially unsustainable.
  • 📉 The findings on small modular nuclear reactors don't look very good, despite sounding awesome in theory.
  • 💰 The cost overruns and scheduled delays that have plagued large reactor construction projects will not be repeated with the new designs, but the few small modular reactors that have been built paint a very different picture in the real world.
  • ⏳ Building SMRs takes too much time, while wind, solar, and battery storage resources are available now and can be quickly installed to push the transition from fossil fuels forward significantly in the coming 10 years.
  • 🛠️ All of which have taken significantly longer than projected to begin commercial operation and significantly longer is uh a massive understatement.
  • 🌍 SMRs are too expensive, too slow, and too risky, and not where we should be focusing our energy. 


#NuclearEnergy #Renewables

XMentions: @TheEVKing @HabitatsDigital @TonySeba @Adam_Dorr @PeterDiamandis @SalimIsmail @ramez



  • 00:00 🔮 Tony Seba predicted in 2014 that nuclear power would be obsolete by 2030, and recent research has shown that his predictions about the cost blowouts and inefficiency of small modular nuclear reactors were accurate, with the future of energy relying on solar, wind, battery storage, and electric cars.
    • Tony Seba predicted in 2014 that nuclear power would be obsolete by 2030, and recent research has shown that his predictions about the cost blowouts and inefficiency of small modular nuclear reactors were accurate.
    • The future of the world is not based on nuclear, but rather on solar, wind, battery storage, and electric cars.
    • Nuclear power was once seen as a solution for energy needs, but the cost and time of batteries combined with solar and wind make them a much better solution.
  • 02:47 🔋 Nuclear power is obsolete by 2030 due to high costs, long construction times, and lack of accountability.
    • Communism may seem great in theory, but it has never worked in the real world.
    • Nuclear power has never worked well due to high costs and long construction times, leading to a lack of accountability for those who advocate for it.
    • Politicians often make decisions to build nuclear power plants knowing they won't have to deal with the consequences, which has led to the obsolescence of nuclear power by 2030.
  • 04:55 💡 Small modular nuclear reactors are not feasible and are still too expensive, slow, and risky to meet the increasing demand for energy.
    • Small modular nuclear reactors are not feasible and are still a pipe dream according to a new report.
    • Small modular nuclear reactors are still too expensive, slow, and risky to be a worthwhile solution for meeting the increasing demand for energy.
  • 07:01 🌞 Solar and battery prices dropping, small modular reactors facing delays and cost overruns, nuclear energy too expensive compared to renewables.
    • Solar and battery prices continue to drop, while small modular reactors are facing massive construction delays and cost overruns, making them too expensive for deployment.
    • The cost of nuclear energy has doubled or tripled, making it mathematically infeasible compared to renewables.
  • 09:45 💡 Nuclear energy costs are higher than claimed, and experts argue that investing in cleaner, quicker, and safer energy sources like wind, solar, and battery storage will push the transition from fossil fuels forward in the next 10 years.
    • Nuclear energy costs are much higher than claimed in YouTube videos.
    • Experts argue that the excessive cost and time required for building small modular reactors (SMRs) detracts from investing in cleaner, quicker, and safer energy sources like wind, solar, and battery storage, which are already available and can significantly push the transition from fossil fuels forward in the next 10 years.
  • 11:22 🚫 Nuclear projects have consistently taken much longer than projected, with billions of dollars wasted on projects that will never be completed, despite claims of faster construction times.
    • 12:56 💡 Small modular nuclear power plants face too many risks and uncertainties, making it unlikely for them to replace traditional nuclear power by 2030.
      • Nuclear industry experience and government approvals, along with unpredictable costs and building delays, make small modular reactor development too risky and untested.
      • The reliability and safety of small modular nuclear power plants are uncertain, and it is unlikely that China and Russia will provide accurate information about them.
    • 15:15 🔋 Renewable energy will likely replace nuclear power in the US within 7 years, as small modular reactors are not a viable option.
      • SMRs are not a viable option due to potential technology failures, high cost, and risk, and it is better to focus on existing energy solutions.
      • Renewable energy will likely be added to the US grid in the next 7 years, making nuclear power obsolete, and stakeholders should embrace this reality.


    Duration: 0:17:31

    Publication Date: 2024-06-09T07:39:57Z




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