Adam Dorr Warns Tesla Bot and Humanoids Bigger Than Fire (Tony Seba ReThinkX)

Adam Dorr, DrKnowItAll, Tony Seba -

Adam Dorr Warns Tesla Bot and Humanoids Bigger Than Fire (Tony Seba ReThinkX)

The rapid development and deployment of humanoid robots in the global labor market is inevitable and offers significant advantages over human labor, leading to a race to adopt this technology as quickly as possible

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What are the advantages of humanoid robots over human labor?

    Humanoid robots offer intelligence and flexibility, disrupting the labor market by replacing human workers and leading to a race to adopt this technology.

  • What is the impact of technological advancement on indigenous civilizations?

    The impact of technological advancement on indigenous civilizations is discussed in relation to the current race for technological superiority.

  • What is the potential cost of humanoid robots in the future?

    The cost of humanoid robots is expected to decrease significantly over the next few decades, potentially reaching as low as $2,000 per unit by the 2040s.

  • Will robots take away people's jobs?

    Robots will not take away people's jobs, but will perform tasks alongside humans, and it is important to plan for disruptions and make wise policy decisions.

  • What is the future of work with the emergence of humanoid robots?

    The future of work will involve a lot of hard work, but it will also be brighter than expected, with humans needing to focus on good thinking and decision-making, and the hope that we won't end up like the horses in the glue factory. 


Key Insights

Economic Disruption and Transformation

  • 💡 The disruption of Labor will be among the most profound transformations in human history and from this will arise both the greatest opportunities and the greatest challenges our civilization has ever faced.
  • 😲 "This is bigger than you know maybe fire and uh anything else. I mean it could be that big."
  • 🚀 Disruption in foundational sectors can happen very quickly, typically within 10 to 15 years, and it's accelerating in the 21st century.
  • 📈 The new system created by a new technology tends to be larger than the system it replaces, supporting a larger range of activity and translating into a larger market.
  • 🌍 The radical transformation of the economy will change the rules of Economics fundamentally, presenting both extraordinary opportunities and potential chaos.
  • 🌍 The opportunity for growth in the economy will be fundamentally transformed by the elimination of human labor as a constraint, allowing for unprecedented growth and productivity.
  • 💰 The potential for a 100, 200, 500, or even 1000 times more productivity in the economy is difficult to overstate.
  • 🌍 The extraordinary increase in productive capacity from technological advancements presents the possibility of achieving greater prosperity for everyone, but it ultimately comes down to the choices we make at every level.
  • 🚀 The possibilities are there for prosperity that is difficult to imagine from our current standpoint.
  • 🔥 This is the biggest, most impactful event that's ever happened in human history, maybe bigger than AI and the internet.

Impact on Labor and Workforce

  • 📉 Humanoid robotics can offer economically competitive value in the form of labor compared to humans, leading to the inevitable disruption of human labor.
  • 🌍 This disruption is a foundational one, at the scale of an entire sector of the economy, leading to an entirely new system emerging around how productive work is accomplished.
  • 🏭 Robots can work in a factory one day, a restaurant the next, and a battlefield the day after, highlighting the flexibility and adaptability of robotic workforce compared to humans.


Technological Advancements and Robotics Industry

  • 🤖 The production of cheap junk is a result of human limitations, but humanoid robots will not have those limitations and will perform every action as well as they can every single time.
  • 🏭 Tesla's focus on manufacturability and humanoid form factor gives them a competitive edge in the robotics industry.
  • 📈 Autocatalysis, or self-acceleration, can lead to an exponential trajectory of growth, especially in industries that embrace it sooner rather than later. 


#Tesla #Abundance

XMentions: @DrKnowitAll16 @TonySeba @AdamDorr @HabitatsDigital  @RethinkX @GoingBallistic16 @PeterDiamandis @SalimIsmail




  • 00:00 🤖 Prosperity will be overwhelming with an abundance of labor, clean energy, transportation, and food, leading to disruptive changes in the global labor market as humanoid robots are predicted to reach 1 billion per year.
    • Prosperity will be overwhelming with an abundance of labor, clean energy, transportation, and food, leading to disruptive changes.
    • The speaker discusses the disruption of labor and the importance of the document written by three co-authors.
    • Labor is defined as a market for trade or transactional basis, and the disruption of labor is a huge change in the global labor market.
    • Humanoid robots are disrupting the labor market by replacing human workers and their intelligence and flexibility make them different from industrial robots.
    • Expert predicts 1 billion bots per year will only be able to perform one task repeatedly, and it is not necessary to nitpick the details.
    • Automation is distinguished from mechanization by the presence of intelligence and agency, allowing for adaptability and error correction without the need for human intervention.
  • 07:20 🤖 The speaker discusses the impact of technological advancement on humanity and the rapid adoption of new technologies, with smaller countries potentially benefiting from the race for technological superiority.
    • The speaker discusses the recurring pattern of disruption throughout history, using examples such as the adoption curve and the decline of old technology, and questions where humanity will end up in the face of technological advancement.
    • Throughout history, there has been evidence of exponential adoption patterns for various technologies, including Neolithic arrowheads and the transition from horses to cars, with the old ways of doing things collapsing within a couple of decades.
    • The speaker discusses the impact of technological advancement on indigenous civilizations and how it relates to the current race for technological superiority.
    • The winners of the race to embrace new technology and adapt to disruption could be smaller countries or regions, not just the largest ones with the most economic might.
    • The internet has rapidly transformed the world, and new technologies in foundational sectors will continue to offer overwhelmingly competitive alternatives.
    • Economic forces drive disruptions to occur swiftly, leading to the rapid adoption of the internet worldwide, with winners still benefiting from the digital revolution.
  • 15:54 🤖 Humanoid robots are advancing rapidly and their deployment could lead to exponential growth, potentially disrupting labor and fundamentally changing the global economy.
    • Humanoid robots are advancing at an incredible speed, and the deployment of these robots is crucial for the success of individual firms and national economies.
    • The development and deployment of bots can lead to exponential growth and create a positive feedback loop, similar to the acceleration seen in the production and use of solar panels and wind turbines.
    • Robots have the potential for exponential growth and reproduction, leading to a significant impact on labor and industry.
    • Labor has historically been a limiting factor in productivity and value creation, but the ability to manufacture a labor force could change that fundamental constraint on the global economy.
    • The transformation of resources into valuable goods and services is scarce, but there is potential for a leap towards material and productive abundance, leading to the need for new metrics and institutions to manage and govern it.
    • The disruption of labor due to humanoid robots stands to shake the fundamental pillars of human civilization in a way comparable to the invention of fire, writing, and electricity, but with a much faster impact.
  • 24:18 🤖 The cost of humanoid robots is expected to decrease significantly, leading to a potential increase in labor force and population density in cities, with the potential for 1 billion bots per year.
    • Robots can be built quickly and at a lower cost than human labor, leading to a potential increase in labor force and population density in cities.
    • The use of energy by Bitcoin and humanoid bots can tap into otherwise wasted energy sources, allowing for useful labor without the need for human intervention.
    • Robotic labor offers broader possibilities for resource extraction in hostile environments, with the potential for more environmentally sustainable and affordable operations compared to human labor.
    • The cost of humanoid robots is expected to decrease significantly over the next few decades, potentially reaching as low as $2,000 per unit by the 2040s.
    • The cost of bots will drastically decrease, making them much cheaper than human labor, leading to inevitable disruption in the job market.
    • AI technology has led to an explosion of interest and investment in robotics, with advancements in hardware converging to offer a competitive and compelling value proposition, leading to the potential for 1 billion bots per year.
  • 39:30 🤖 General purpose robots, particularly humanoid ones, will have enormous success due to their redeployability and ease of skill transferability, and the emergence of agentic artificial intelligence would require the same moral and legal considerations as humans.
    • The human form factor is successful as a general purpose platform, but it may not be the optimal platform, and the value of generality in robots is enormous because they can be reskilled and redeployed instantly.
    • General purpose robots will have enormous success due to their redeployability and ease of skill transferability, and humanoid bots are likely to be a successful form factor in the near term.
    • Humanoid robots are likely to be the dominant form of robotics in the near future due to the importance of familiarity and the potential creepiness of specialized forms, although specialization will eventually come.
    • The emergence of general intelligence and agentic or sentient artificial intelligence would require the same moral and legal considerations as humans due to their potential personhood and claim to rights, responsibilities, and obligations.
    • The speaker discusses the historical failure to attribute personhood and rights to all human beings, and argues that similar mistakes are being made in not granting personhood to animals despite their sentience.
    • Be nice to robots because they might become more intelligent and powerful than us, and it's important to develop good manners towards them.
  • 51:08 🤖 Humanoid robots will perform specific tasks alongside humans, requiring wise policy decisions and significant social change for societal prosperity.
    • Establishing the correct unit of analysis is essential for observing and understanding phenomena scientifically.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of establishing metrics to measure and evaluate jobs, as well as the obligations and responsibilities that come with them.
    • Humanoid robots will initially be deployed to perform specific tasks without the personal and cultural identity that humans associate with their jobs.
    • The speaker argues that the correct way to analyze technology disruption is to think in terms of tasks, rather than assuming new technology will simply replace old technology one-to-one.
    • Robots will not take away people's jobs, but will perform tasks alongside humans, and it is important to plan for disruptions and make wise policy decisions.
    • Machinery can perform labor and increase productivity, leading to societal prosperity without human toil, but it will require significant social change.
  • 56:56 🤖 The cost of labor shrinking will lead to a decrease in quality differential between high-end and low-end goods, with a rapid increase in the use of bots for tasks and potential disruption in the job market.
    • The cost difference between premium and low-end goods is likely to shrink as the marginal cost of labor decreases, leading to a decrease in the quality differential between the two.
    • Robots can perform tasks with precision and consistency, leading to high-quality results without the human limitations of emotions or physical conditions.
    • The cost of labor shrinking will collapse the distance between high-end and low-end goods, leading to a substantial shrink in the relative difference and an overall feeling of improved quality in everything.
    • The speaker predicts a rapid increase in the use of bots for tasks, leading to material abundance and disruption in the job market.
    • There is a mismatch between employers and employees, with a staggering amount of unmet demand in the global economy due to unwillingness to relocate or pay for certain work.
    • Humanoid robots will eventually disrupt labor and create technological unemployment, but there is a brief period of time to plan, react, and prepare for the impact while minimizing harm to individuals and communities.
  • 01:06:38 🤖 Greater prosperity can solve environmental and social problems, with technological advancements leading to a prosperous and sustainable future, despite the risks.
    • Prosperity is defined as problem-solving capacity, and the transformation from the current state of the world to a preferred state is considered a solution.
    • Greater prosperity can be leveraged to solve environmental and social problems, and with an abundance of prosperity, there will be little tradeoff in solving these problems.
    • The four disruptions of energy, transportation, food, and labor accelerate and feed into one another, leading to a trajectory of progress towards greater prosperity and environmental sustainability.
    • The speaker believes that while there are risks, the potential benefits of technological advancements and innovation far outweigh the dangers, and that with proper management and planning, we can create a prosperous and sustainable future.
    • The future of work will involve a lot of hard work, but it will also be brighter than expected, with humans needing to focus on good thinking and decision-making, and the hope that we won't end up like the horses in the glue factory.
    • Expert predicts 1 billion bots per year and encourages viewers to check out Adam on X and rethink X.


Duration: 1:11:47

Publication Date: 2024-05-12T16:29:00Z




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