MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Collective Stupidity, Dark Psychology, Malevolent Minds, Mass Psychosis, Sociology, Stupidity -

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Mass psychosis occurs when a society disconnects from reality and falls into a delusional state, often induced by manipulation and control from those in power, leading to moral decline, irrationality, and group crimes

In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.

This video will aim to answer questions surrounding mass psychosis: What is it? How does is start? Has it happened before?

Are we experiencing one right now?And if so, how can the stages of a mass psychosis be reversed?

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is a mass psychosis?

    A mass psychosis is when a society loses touch with reality, leading to moral decline, irrationality, and group crimes.

  • How does a mass psychosis occur?

    A mass psychosis occurs when a population is driven into a state of panic by real, imagined, or fabricated threats, resulting in individuals losing touch with reality and developing delusions as a way to cope with extreme anxiety.

  • What is the role of totalitarianism in mass psychosis?

    Totalitarianism is a modern threat where rulers gain god-like status and the masses become psychologically regressed and childlike, leading to mass suffering and social ruin.

  • How can government officials and the media manipulate a population into a state of psychosis?

    Government officials and the media can use contradictory information and lies to confuse and manipulate a population, leading them into a state of psychosis and susceptibility to totalitarianism.

  • How can individuals prevent a descent into totalitarianism?

    Creating parallel structures within a totalitarian society can lead to the formation of a second culture or parallel society that functions as an enclave of freedom and sanity, requiring action by many people to prevent a descent into totalitarianism. 

 Key Insights

  • 🤯 Mass psychosis is the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.
  • 🤯 A mass psychosis can occur when a population is driven into a state of panic by threats, real or imagined, causing individuals to lose touch with reality.
  • 🌍 Totalitarianism is the modern phenomenon of total centralized state power coupled with the obliteration of individual human rights, leading to the attempted transformation of "human nature itself."
  • 🤯 The use of contradictory reports and blatant lies by government officials and the media can heighten a population's susceptibility to the delusions of totalitarianism.
  • 📱💻 The addictive nature of technology and social media allows those in power to easily assault the minds of the masses with propaganda and censorship.
  • 💭 The masses must give up their freedom and cede control of all aspects of life to the ruling elite in order to descend into the delusions of the totalitarian psychosis.
  • 📢 Information that counters the propaganda should be spread as far and as wide as possible to help effectuate a cure for mass psychosis.
  • 🌟 Action by as many people as possible is required to prevent a descent into the madness of totalitarianism, and the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.


  • 00:00 🧠 Mass psychosis occurs when a society disconnects from reality, resulting in moral decline, irrationality, and group crimes that individuals would never commit.
    • The greatest threat to civilization lies in our inability to deal with our own psyche, as mental illness becoming the norm in society creates a psychic epidemic that is more devastating than any natural catastrophe.
    • A mass psychosis is when a society loses touch with reality, leading to devastating consequences such as moral and intellectual decline, increased irrationality and unreliability, and the group committing crimes that individuals alone would never do.
  • 03:01 🧠 A mass psychosis occurs when a population, driven by negative emotions and panic, loses touch with reality and develops delusions as a coping mechanism.
    • A mass psychosis occurs when a population is unaware of their collective madness, which is often triggered by a flood of negative emotions that drive individuals into a state of panic.
    • A psychotic break is a way for individuals to escape from a state of panic by re-ordering their experiential world, blending fact and fiction, and ending feelings of panic.
    • A mass psychosis can occur when a population is driven into a state of panic by real, imagined, or fabricated threats, resulting in individuals losing touch with reality and developing delusions as a way to cope with extreme anxiety.
  • 06:22 🧠 Living under totalitarianism can lead to a social transformation where deluded citizens regress to obedient subjects, resulting in mass suffering and social ruin.
    • Totalitarianism is a modern threat where rulers gain god-like status and the masses become psychologically regressed and childlike.
    • Living under totalitarianism can lead to a social transformation where deluded citizens regress to obedient subjects, handing over control to politicians and bureaucrats, resulting in mass suffering and social ruin.
  • 09:20 🧠 The mass psychosis of totalitarianism is induced by manipulating collective feelings through fear, propaganda, and confusion, leading to a breakdown of the minds of the masses.
    • The mass psychosis of totalitarianism is induced by reorganizing and manipulating collective feelings through fear, propaganda, and confusion, leading to a breakdown of the minds of the masses.
    • Government officials and the media can use contradictory information and lies to confuse and manipulate a population, leading them into a state of psychosis and susceptibility to totalitarianism.
  • 12:17 📱 Smart phones, social media, television, and the internet, along with propaganda-spreading bots and censoring algorithms, allow those in power to easily manipulate and control the minds of the masses, who willingly subject themselves to this propaganda due to the addictive nature of these technologies, ultimately leading to a totalitarian psychosis.
    • Smart phones, social media, television, and the internet, along with propaganda-spreading bots and censoring algorithms, allow those in power to easily manipulate and control the minds of the masses, who willingly subject themselves to this propaganda due to the addictive nature of these technologies.
    • Isolating individuals and disrupting normal social interactions increases the likelihood of a totalitarian psychosis by diminishing the influence of positive examples and making people more susceptible to conditioning.
  • 14:41 🧠 A population under attack by totalitarians descends into a vulnerable state, craving order but must give up freedom and become submissive subjects in a delusional totalitarian psychosis, leading to stagnation, destruction, and death on a mass scale, raising the question of how to prevent it.
    • A population under attack by totalitarians descends into a vulnerable state, craving a return to order, but must give up their freedom and become submissive subjects in a delusional totalitarian psychosis.
    • Totalitarianism, regardless of its form, leads to stagnation, destruction, and death on a mass scale, and the crucial question is how to prevent it.
  • 17:05 🧠 To reverse the effects of mass psychosis, individuals must bring order to their own minds and inspire others to do the same, while also spreading counter-propaganda information widely.
    • 18:27 🧠 Creating parallel structures within a totalitarian society can lead to the formation of a second culture or parallel society that functions as an enclave of freedom and sanity, requiring action by many people to prevent a descent into totalitarianism.
      • Censorship and ridicule are tactics used by totalitarian rulers to maintain power, but humor can be used to undermine them.
      • Creating parallel structures within a totalitarian society can lead to the formation of a second culture or parallel society that functions as an enclave of freedom and sanity, requiring action by many people to prevent a descent into totalitarianism.





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