The Robot Workforce and Advancements in Robot Technology

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The Robot Workforce and Advancements in Robot Technology

Robots will become ubiquitous in businesses, working alongside humans, with a focus on humanoid robots designed to supplement, not replace, humans in the workforce, and the need for advancements in robot technology to solve difficult problems and improve productivity and reliability

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the future of robots in businesses?

    The future of robots in businesses involves them working alongside humans, similar to smartphones, to supplement, not replace, human workers.

  • What is the focus of Nvidia in robotics?

    Nvidia has announced a focus on robotics with their new AI chip and techstack, with an estimated 10 billion robots on the planet by 2035.

  • What is the goal of humanoid robots?

    The goal of humanoid robots is to become as ubiquitous as smartphones in various industries, supplementing human workers.

  • What is the training model for robots?

    The training model for robots involves a cooperative approach with human operators using the Avatar function and first-person video.

  • What is the advantage of robots with wheels?

    Robots with wheels are more practical and efficient than those with legs in most environments, especially in terms of mobility and stability.


Key Insights

Impact of Robotics on Society

  • 🤖 The rapid growth in robotics technology could lead to as many as 10 billion robots on the planet by 2035, outnumbering humans.
  • 📱 Robots are envisioned to become as ubiquitous as smartphones, with every business and eventually every home having some form of robotics.
  • 🤖 The robot was tested in public and was loved by both children and elderly patients, showing that it was not perceived as a threat.
  • 💡 The goal of robotics is not to replace humans, but to supplement them, emphasizing the potential for collaboration between humans and robots in the workforce.
  • 🤖 The integration of robots into society, including firefighting robots and robot casualties, raises interesting questions about their role and impact.


Advancements in Robotics Technology

  • 🌍 Dr. Harry Kloor and Ray Kurzweil have been collaborating on the idea of bringing humanoids to the world since 2001, with the first patent filed in 2003.
  • 🧠 The approach of creating an expert mind based on the human mind, using different neural nets, is a unique and trackable way to train humanoid robots.
  • 💪 The ability to pick up pounds and hold them straight out or deadlift 35 pounds while also being articulate enough to perform delicate tasks like taking a pinch of salt showcases the complexity of developing a versatile robot workforce.
  • 🤖 The potential for AI brains to be licensed to a multitude of robots, creating a widespread workforce of AI-powered machines.
  • 🤖 The challenge with robots is to have delicate operations like picking up a pencil while also being able to perform strong and complex tasks.


Integration of Artificial Intelligence with Robotics

  • 🤖 The future of robotics involves seamlessly integrating artificial intelligence with robots to perform functions like a human.
  • 🧠 The idea of merging man and machine is inevitable, with the creator of the singularity concept seeing neural nets and neurom mesh as part of it.
  • 🤖 The value lies in the networked mind, where individual minds share knowledge and learn from each other, creating a hive mind of intelligence across a range of devices.
  • 🤖 The concept of the hive mind, the internet of AI brains, is very exciting and powerful, showing great progress in the field.
  • 🤖 The future of robots is one where they are more like us, aware, able to see, react, and interact with humans without threatening or harming them. 


#Abundance #Cobots

XMentions: @HabitatsDigital @Superplex  @BrettKing @HarryDocKloor


  • 00:00 🤖 Robots will be ubiquitous in businesses, working alongside humans, similar to smartphones, with a focus on robotics from Nvidia and an estimated 10 billion robots on the planet by 2035, as Dr. Harry Kloor and Ray Kurzweil collaborate on bringing humanoids to the world and envision a future with a billion humanoids in the market.
    • Robots will be ubiquitous in businesses, working alongside humans, similar to smartphones.
    • Nvidia announced a focus on robotics with their new AI chip and techstack, and it is estimated that by 2035 there will be as many as 10 billion robots on the planet.
    • Dr. Harry Kloor and Ray Kerswell have been collaborating on bringing humanoids to the world for over 15 years.
    • The speaker discusses the future of living with robots, predicting a billion humanoids in the market and envisioning them as ubiquitous as smartphones in various industries.
    • The training model for robots involves a cooperative approach with human operators using the Avatar function and first-person video, which has been adopted by others in the industry.
    • The speaker discusses the development of humanoid robots and the creation of a synthetic brain and expert mind to match the capabilities of a human brain and body.
  • 09:03 🤖 The choice of wheels over legs for robots on the lunar surface was made by visionaries, and the big opportunity for robot workforce is to move beyond the factory floor into various human-centric spaces.
    • The use of legs in robots has advantages and disadvantages, but the choice to use treads or wheels on the lunar surface was made by visionaries, not business-focused individuals.
    • Robots with wheels are more practical and efficient than those with legs in most environments, especially in terms of mobility and stability.
    • The advantage of using a wheel base for robots is that it allows for longer running times and energy efficiency, as well as the ability to hot swap and run 24/7.
    • Robots with legs are not currently reliable enough for use in various environments, but the goal is to eventually integrate them into human-centric spaces.
    • The big opportunity for robot workforce is to move beyond the factory floor into complex manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and elder care environments.
  • 14:35 🤖 Humanoid robots are being designed to supplement, not replace, humans in the workforce due to a potential shortage of skilled workers by 2030, with a focus on social integration and advanced capabilities.
    • Humanoid robots require a lot of power to maintain stability and move on two legs, while robots on wheels are inherently stable and can focus on other tasks.
    • The robot was designed to fit into social environments and be appealing to people of all ages, tested in public and well-received by both children and elderly patients.
    • The goal is to supplement humans, not replace them, as there will be a shortage of skilled workers by 2030, leading to potential job opportunities for humanoids.
    • The design of the B Omni robot incorporates LED strips, antenna, and a holographic face screen to make it friendly and appealing, with the goal of being more articulate than the Star Wars robot.
    • Humanoid robots with the ability to pick up and manipulate objects with precision and strength have been demonstrated in various tasks, including opening bottles, using syringes, and performing surgical procedures.
    • The speaker discusses the progress made with expert minds and synthetic brain in teleoperation and training, with the goal of licensing AI brains to other companies.
  • 23:00 🤖 Firefighting robots are being integrated into society, but there are still difficult problems in robotics that need to be solved, such as the need for hands, wrists, and arms that can perform both strong and delicate tasks with precision control.
    • The futurist podcast is sponsored by Provoke Media and continues the conversation with Dr. Harry Kloor, founder of Beyond Imagination.
    • Firefighting robots are becoming integrated into society, but there are still difficult problems in robotics that need to be solved.
    • Robots need to have hands, wrists, and arms that can perform both strong and delicate tasks with precision control, but current sophisticated hand systems are bulky and expensive, making it impractical for deployment.
    • Hydraulic systems use water pressure to move things, while electronic systems use motors and are better for commercial use.
  • 28:10 🤖 The goal is to create a humanoid form factor for robots, with advancements in battery power, AI integration, and shift from hydraulics to electronically operated joints contributing to robot technology.
    • The goal is to create a humanoid form factor for robots, and hydraulic systems are not a good idea due to their unreliability and size limitations, with the challenge of battery power also being a concern.
    • The challenge of battery life in robots with legs has led to the development of robots with wheels and lower center of gravity, allowing for longer run times, and the shift from hydraulics to electronically operated joints has also contributed to advancements in robot technology.
    • AI and software are seamlessly integrated with robots, with true AI involving machine learning and neural nets, as well as a combination of software, physics engine, and AI loes.
  • 31:52 🤖 The future of robots involves a hybrid approach merging human capabilities with AI, creating cooperative robots to supplement human workload and improve productivity and reliability.
    • Llms have utility for humanoid robots, but they are becoming less reliable and safe for public interaction, so the speaker's approach is to use llm for conversation and interaction, but not for making decisions.
    • AI and other lobes are being developed to make decisions and interact together, mirroring the human structure with a different approach on neurons.
    • The future vision for robots is to merge human capabilities with robots, creating a hybrid or cyborg approach, which is inevitable and already happening.
    • The focus is on cooperative robots working alongside humans to supplement their workload, with the potential for labor savings and constant improvement through a "hive mind" system.
    • Productivity and reliability will increase as companies replace humans with robots, with a focus on creating Expert Minds that can run offline and complete specific tasks.
    • Using different lobes in robots makes them more reliable, safe around humans, and able to continue functioning even if the internet goes out.
  • 39:11 🤖 The value of the robot workforce lies in the networked mind and individual minds, with progress in AI and the need for funding to hire more experts.
    • The speaker discusses funding for their technology, mentioning that they have mostly bootstrapped and leveraged previous work, and are now looking to raise $60 million to hire more experts.
    • The value of the robot workforce lies in the network that connects them together, allowing for learning from expert minds and improving people's lives.
    • The value lies in the networked mind and the individual minds, with the ability to add intelligence to almost any machine.
    • The progress in artificial intelligence has been immense in the last 10 years, but some of it may be a hype bubble as the systems aren't entirely fully developed.
    • Robots are becoming more reliable, durable, flexible, and aware, and can interact with humans without causing harm.
    • The AI brain is taught to learn like a human and not just fill with knowledge, with the speaker highlighting the limitations of AI in certain tasks.
  • 45:12 🤖 The speaker discusses the robot workforce and encourages audience engagement and support.
    • Find out more about Beyond Imagination on their website beomni doai and reach out to the speaker on LinkedIn, as they prefer to work in stealth and show up on shows like this one.
    • The speaker thanks the producer, audience, and media, and encourages listeners to subscribe, share, and leave a five-star review, while also inviting suggestions for future guests and questions.


Duration: 0:47:8

Publication Date: 2024-05-25T10:19:00Z




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