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Tony Seba: Billions of Robots & The Era of Superabundance
Humanoid robots are on the verge of disrupting human labor across various industries, leading to a new era of material superabundance and prosperity within the next 10 to 20 years Questions to inspire discussion What is the potential impact of humanoid robots on human labor? —Humanoid robots are on the verge of disrupting human labor across various industries, leading to a new era of material superabundance and prosperity within the next 10 to 20 years. What is the cost and capability of humanoid robots? —Humanoid robots will enter the market at a cost capability of under $10 an hour for...
Cobot Economics
The Inevitable Shift towards Machine Labor Impact Multiplier of Artificial Cognition and Synthetic Minds Economic Benefits of Cognition and Embodied Services Addressing Displacement with UBI Funded with Cognitive Services Impact Multipliers Navigating the Future with AI, Robotics, and UBI Introduction In the context of the inevitable shift from human labor to machines, particularly in the realm of cognitive and physical tasks, the introduction of advanced technologies like Tesla's Optimus robot and the development of artificial cognition and synthetic minds carry profound implications. The Inevitable Shift towards Machine Labor The transition from human to machine labor in both cognitive...
Accelerating the Iteration Cycle from Design to Deployment in Autonomous Fabrication
Welcome to the thrilling world of autonomous fabrication, where the only constant is change, and the speed of that change is akin to a caffeinated cheetah on a treadmill. This blog focuses on revolutionizing the iteration cycle in autonomous fabrication, emphasizing the need for rapid and efficient transitions from design to deployment. The overarching theme is the synergy between advanced technology and a transformative mindset in manufacturing, aiming for smarter, more sustainable, and compliant operations. Top Twenty Five In this post, we'll dive into the multifaceted aspects that contribute to shrinking the iteration cycle from design to deployment - a...
IMF Report: AGI and Automation Threaten Job Destruction in 5-20 Years
AGI and automation will lead to the destruction of all human jobs within 5 to 20 years, with potential implications for various sectors and the economy Questions to inspire discussion What is the frontier of automation? —The frontier of automation refers to the increasing task complexity that machines are capable of, with the potential for AI to eventually subsume all human task complexity. Will machines surpass human capacities? —Yes, machines, including AGI, AI, robots, and automation, will eventually surpass all human capacities, leading to the destruction of all jobs within 5 to 20 years. What are the potential implications for...
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