The Future of Labor Economics in the Age of AGI: Implications for the Economy

Abundance Society, AI, Post-Capitalism, Synthetic Intelligence, Synthetic Mind, UBI -

The Future of Labor Economics in the Age of AGI: Implications for the Economy

The rise of AI and automation will fundamentally change the economy, leading to a shift in the value of goods and services, job displacement, and the need to renegotiate our relationship with labor and work 

Questions to inspire conversation

  • How will AI and automation change the economy?

    AI and automation will lead to a shift in the value of goods and services, job displacement, and the need to renegotiate our relationship with labor and work.

  • What impact will AI have on human jobs?

    AI and automation will lead to a hyper abundance of cognitive labor and knowledge work, disrupting the employment landscape and potentially replacing human labor in certain domains.

  • What industries will be affected by AI disruption?

    Industries may narrow and become obsolete as the economic landscape changes, with some businesses being replaced by new technologies, but it is difficult to predict which industries will fully collapse.

  • How will the economy change after AGI?

    The economy will pivot towards durable industries such as power generation, food production, and housing, as these are essential needs that will always be in demand.

  • What is the importance of forming a new social contract?

    The speaker discusses the need to rebalance power away from businesses and towards people and government in order to prevent a dystopian hellscape after the demand for labor goes away.

Key Insights

Societal and Economic Shifts Due to AI Disruption

  • 💰 The future economy may see a shift where primary resources like land hold their value, while other goods and services become essentially free due to AI disruption.
  • 💸 The rise of AI such as chat GPT is already disrupting a broad spectrum of industries, potentially leading to reduced aggregate demand and job displacement.
  • 🌍 The shift towards de-globalization and circular economies may lead to a new paradigm in manufacturing and providing services, with goods and services being provided on demand locally.
  • 🐎 Just like the horse industry was replaced by automobiles, we could see other industries collapse and be relegated to luxury services in the future.
  • 🧬 The economic incentive to nail Rejuvenation therapies is so high and it's getting investment from everyone from DARPA to Silicon Valley.
  • 🔮 The need for culture, community, spirituality, and connection will persist and are presently underserved, especially in the midst of a loneliness epidemic.
  • 🚗 Once self-driving cars become safer than human drivers, it might become illegal to allow humans to continue driving, except in certain circumstances.

Impact of AI on Labor Economics

  • 💰 If the combination of AI, quantum computing, robots, and automation replaces the need for human labor, we will have to fundamentally renegotiate our relationship with labor, work, money, and businesses.
  • 📈 Microsoft's co-pilots have proven to make developers 55% more productive, with the potential for 200% increase in productivity, showing the impact of AI on labor economics.
  • 🧬 DeepMind's AlphaFold AI model is fundamentally changing what is scientifically possible by accurately predicting the ways that proteins will fold, greatly accelerating drug discovery and biomedical research.
  • 🤖 The automation paradox: 0% of the work gets done until the very end, and then 100% of the work gets done very quickly.
  • 🚀 The impact of AI on various industries, from graphics to healthcare, will have knock-on effects that are difficult to overstate. 

Comprehensive Analysis of Labor Economics in the Age of AGI

Positive Elements

  1. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: The rise of AI and automation promises significant enhancements in productivity, particularly in sectors like healthcare and education.
  2. Shift Towards Essential Industries: The economy is likely to pivot towards durable industries such as power generation, food production, and housing, ensuring stability in vital sectors.
  3. Innovation in Scientific Research: Tools like DeepMind's AlphaFold AI model are revolutionizing fields like drug discovery, accelerating scientific advancement.
  4. Abundance of Resources: AI could lead to a hyper-abundance of cognitive labor and knowledge work, potentially making some goods and services much cheaper or even free.
  5. Cultural and Community Focus: Despite technological advances, the importance of culture, community, spirituality, and connection is expected to remain strong.

Negative Elements

  1. Job Displacement: AI and automation pose a significant threat to human jobs across various industries.
  2. Economic Disruption: The shift in the economy may lead to decreased human wages, reduced purchasing power, and potential economic stagnation.
  3. Uncertainty in Industry Survival: It’s uncertain which industries will adapt or collapse in the face of AI disruption.
  4. Social and Psychological Impacts: The transition to a post-labor economy could lead to challenges in personal fulfillment and societal structure.


  • Overemphasis on Displacement: The content may overly emphasize the displacement of jobs without considering the potential for new job creation and human adaptability.
  • Underestimation of Human Creativity: There seems to be an underestimation of human creativity and innovation, which could lead to new industries and opportunities.
  • Lack of Detailed Policy Framework: While the need for a new social contract is mentioned, there is a lack of a detailed policy framework to manage the transition to a post-labor economy.
  • Neglect of Ethical Considerations: The content does not deeply explore the ethical considerations of a society heavily reliant on AI and automation.


The discussion on labor economics in the age of AGI and automation presents a complex future landscape.

While it anticipates remarkable advancements in efficiency, productivity, and scientific research, it also warns of significant job displacement and economic disruption.

The potential for an abundance of resources and a focus on essential industries is balanced against the uncertainties of industry survival and the impacts on human roles and societal structures.

In relation to affordable natural language-based AI personal assistants, these advancements could lead to more accessible and efficient personal and professional assistance.

However, this also raises questions about the broader impact on the job market and the role of humans in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

The transition to a post-labor economy necessitates careful consideration of ethical, social, and policy implications to ensure a balanced and equitable integration of AI into society.

#AbundanceSociety #SyntheticMinds #AI #UBI #PostCapitalism #DavidShapiro



  • 00:00 🤖 The future economy after AI revolution will bring a new economic paradigm called post-labor economics, fundamentally changing the relationship with labor, work, money, and businesses, leading to a hyper abundance of cognitive labor and knowledge work, and drastically disrupting the employment landscape.
    • The speaker discusses the future of the economy after AI revolution and predicts a new economic paradigm called post-labor economics.
    • The rise of AI and automation will fundamentally change the relationship with labor, work, money, and businesses, leading to a hyper abundance of cognitive labor and knowledge work, and drastically disrupting the employment landscape.
    • Lowering costs through AI frees up capital and creates new sectors of demand and jobs, but the impact on human jobs is uncertain as post-labor economics is still evolving.
    • Machines are becoming more productive and will likely replace human labor in certain domains, leading to increased productivity but also potential consequences for scientific acceleration.
    • AI-based tools are being used by scientists to accelerate their work, including literature reviews and manuscript drafting, and Labs like deep mind are creating new capabilities in scientific research, such as Alpha fold, which accelerates drug discovery and biomedical research.
  • 05:26 🤖 AI will disrupt labor markets, leading to cost reductions, automation of industries, and a shift towards business-to-business transactions, while also impacting creativity and causing certain goods and services to become essentially free.
    • Creativity is being impacted, with the prediction that the first 90-minute Hollywood feature film will be created within the next year, disrupting the entertainment industry.
    • Once a good AI model is created, it can be replicated billions of times, leading to scalable cognitive labor and potential automation of various industries.
    • The speaker predicts a price collapse in various services due to the use of AI, leading to significant cost reductions and faster production.
    • Labor markets will be disrupted by AI, leading to drastically reduced costs for primary goods and services, causing some resources to hold their value while other goods and services become essentially free, prompting billionaires to invest in land and predicting certain industries will stick around.
    • Consumers losing jobs will lead to reduced aggregate demand, impacting businesses' production and shifting the economy towards business-to-business and business-to-government transactions.
  • 10:54 🤖 Rising unemployment from AI disruption could reduce purchasing power and aggregate demand, leading to potential economic stagnation, but new market paradigms may include on-demand manufacturing and services, as well as the production of digital and physical goods.
    • Rising unemployment rates due to AI disruption could lead to a significant reduction in purchasing power and aggregate demand, potentially stalling the economy.
    • New market paradigms and predictions for the economy after AGI include the potential for local on-demand manufacturing and services, leading to a shift away from long logistic chains and globalization.
    • AGI will lead to on-demand production of digital goods and services, as well as the possibility of local manufacturing of physical goods.
    • Industries may narrow and become obsolete as the economic landscape changes, with some businesses being replaced by new technologies, but it is difficult to predict which industries will fully collapse.
    • Investing in raw materials and energy, such as steel, concrete, stone, timber, and water, is essential for meeting basic human needs.
  • 15:30 💡 The post-AGI economy will be driven by the demand for semiconductors and AI-related hardware, with companies like Microsoft and Nvidia investing in sustainable tech and experience industries, while those that do not pivot to incorporate AI may go extinct.
    • The demand for semiconductors and AI-related hardware will persist and may become the primary industry, with companies like Microsoft and Nvidia hedging their bets on both closed and open source models.
    • Sell the tools that build the tools, invest in sustainable tech, and focus on experience industries for the post-AGI economy.
    • Disney is actively exploring ways to incorporate AI into their business, and industries that do not pivot to incorporate AI may go extinct.
  • 18:39 🤖 Healthcare and education will change with the advancement of regenerative medicine and AI, leading to potential industry restructuring and shifts in digital entertainment in a post-labor economy.
    • Healthcare will drastically change within 5 to 10 years with the advancement of regenerative medicine and rejuvenation therapies, with a significant economic incentive and investment from various organizations.
    • The economy will change after AGI, with increased investment in regenerative medicine and education, including the use of AI tools for learning and personalized holographic avatars for teaching.
    • University systems are strained and jobs are disappearing, leading to potential restructuring of industries and the need for a global culture.
    • Our relationship with digital entertainment will shift, leading to collapses in the industry as AI can produce movies at a fraction of the cost, and it's important to consider people's primary needs in a post-labor economy.
  • 22:48 💡 The economy will pivot towards durable industries, potentially decreasing the cost of living, while human pursuit of rich experiences and intellectual stimulation will continue after AGI.
    • The economy will pivot towards durable industries such as power generation, food production, and housing, as these are essential needs that will always be in demand.
    • The pivot to post labor economics may result in a significant decrease in the cost of living due to the potential abundance of resources and automation, potentially making goods and services much cheaper.
    • Life is about basic needs and secondary needs like rich experiences, peak experiences, creativity, and artistic expression will drive the economy after AGI.
    • Humans will continue to seek intellectual stimulation and engage in activities like chess, programming, and reading for pleasure, even if AI can do these activities better.
  • 26:40 🤖 After AGI, culture, community, and spirituality will remain important, social status will shift from wealth to popularity, and a new social contract and regulatory overhaul will be needed to address economic and social challenges.
    • Culture, community, and spirituality will continue to be important after AGI, especially in the midst of a loneliness epidemic.
    • Social status can be achieved through means other than wealth, such as fame, physical fitness, intellectual pursuits, and spirituality.
    • People will shift from an attention economy to a status economy, where popularity and subscribers will be a proxy for status.
    • The speaker discusses the need to form a new social contract to rebalance power away from businesses and towards people and government in order to prevent a dystopian hellscape after the demand for labor goes away.
    • Democratic institutions need to be strengthened, redistribution mechanisms are necessary to ensure consumer spending and economic stability, and addressing wealth and income inequality gradients is crucial for the economy after AGI.
    • Regulatory overhaul will be necessary after AGI, with small incremental policy changes expected to be implemented regularly to avoid unintended consequences.
  • 32:09 🤖 The economy after AGI will require addressing deflationary pressures, negotiating a new social contract, and shifting focus towards personal fulfillment and the general population.
    • As machines and AI become better, faster, cheaper, and safer than humans at knowledge work, there may be no economic incentive and it could be considered unethical to keep humans in those jobs, such as in the case of AI doctors and self-driving cars.
    • Reduced consumer demand and potential price collapse due to technological advancements will create deflationary pressures in the economy, requiring a need to shore up aggregate demand and prepare for significantly cheaper goods and services.
    • The economy after AGI will be influenced by status and how we allocate our personal time and resources, potentially leading to a shift in focus towards activities that bring personal enjoyment and fulfillment.
    • Negotiating a new social contract and changing narratives around money and democracy, as well as shifting the focus from the ownership and corporate class to the general population, are important for the economy after AGI, along with addressing deflationary pressures.

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