Guillaume Verdon: Advancing Generative AI and Quantum Computing

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Guillaume Verdon: Advancing Generative AI and Quantum Computing

The future of generative AI compute, Quantum Computing, and physics-based AI is essential for scaling civilization to the stars and combating adversarial AI, and it is important to accelerate technological advancements and inspire optimism for a better future 

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the future of generative AI compute?

    The future of generative AI compute involves embedding AI algorithms into the physics of the world to push the limits of density, spatial efficiency, and speed for AI, creating a full stack of software and hardware specifically designed for AI from first principles.

  • What is Quantum Computing?

    Quantum Computing is a new paradigm of computing that is super fast and energy efficient, using a mixture of different states over a Continuum to steer electrons and perform AI as physics directly.

  • What is the speaker's goal?

    The speaker's goal is to help perceive, predict, and control the world at all scales, focusing on quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.

  • What is the ultimate mission?

    Maximizing neural intelligence per watt is the ultimate mission to scale intelligence and civilization throughout the universe.

  • What is the importance of AI development?

    Accelerating AI development is necessary to combat adversarial AI development and is a concept being brought to Silicon by the founder of E/acc.


Key Insights

  • 🧠 "My journey of my life is to help us perceive predict and control the world around us at all scales."
  • 🌐 Embedding AI algorithms into the physics of the world to push the ultimate limits of physics in terms of density, spatially, energy efficiency, and speed for AI.
  • 🌌 Guillaume Verdon discusses the journey of making computers think like the physical world and viewing the entire universe as a simulation.
  • 🌌 Intelligence allows us to perceive, predict, and control our world, and my journey is to help us do that at all scales.
  • 🧠 Understanding and simulating the world at very small scales using Quantum AI on quantum computers can help us unlock the maximum amount of intelligence.
  • 🧠 The intersection of physics and information theory as the path forward for theoretical physics is a humbling and groundbreaking approach to understanding the universe.
  • 💡 The hardest engineering challenge has been bringing their learnings from quantum physics to Silicon, a breakthrough that is now in the rearview mirror.
  • 🌌 Guillaume Verdon believes that AI can help us achieve nearly infinite upside in the universe and scale civilization to the stars.



XMentions: @HabitatsDigital @GillVerd @SalimIsmail  @GoingBallistic5 @DrKnowItAll16 @Extropic_AI @trevormccrt1 @davidorban 



  • 00:00 🚀 Building the future of generative AI compute, creating a testing platform for a device, embedding AI algorithms into the physics of the world, and discussing the new paradigm of Quantum computing for super fast and energy efficient AI.
    • The speaker discusses the journey of building the future of generative AI compute and the need to inspire and excite more people about it.
    • The speaker discusses the creation of a testing platform for a device and the mission to build the ultimate substrate for AI compute.
    • Embedding AI algorithms into the physics of the world to push the limits of density, spatial efficiency, and speed for AI, creating a full stack of software and hardware specifically designed for AI from first principles.
    • The new paradigm of computing, called Quantum, is super fast and energy efficient, using a mixture of different states over a Continuum to steer electrons and perform AI as physics directly.
  • 04:05 🚀 Guillaume Verdon discusses his transition from theoretical physics to engineering, pioneering Quantum deep learning and developing physics-based computing to help civilization scale to the stars.
    • Guillaume Verdon's interest in physics and the universe from a young age led him to pursue a career in computer science and work towards helping civilization scale to the stars.
    • The speaker discusses his transition from theoretical physics to engineering and pioneering Quantum deep learning, focusing on how to make computers think like the physical world and view the universe as a simulation.
    • The speaker discusses the development of a new type of physics-based computing that harnesses the physics of out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics to create programmable devices.
    • The speaker's goal is to help perceive, predict, and control the world at all scales, focusing on quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.
    • Using thermodynamic computers to run algorithms representing the world will help us understand the complexities of the mesoscales in a more energy efficient manner, ultimately unlocking maximum intelligence.
  • 08:53 🚀 Maximizing neural intelligence per watt is the ultimate mission to scale intelligence and civilization throughout the universe, including the development of physics-based AI, Quantum Computing, and theramic computing, as well as the surreal experience of reality mimicking fiction in their work at Google.
    • Maximizing neural intelligence per watt is the ultimate mission to scale intelligence and civilization throughout the universe.
    • Humans can use powerful equations to predict everything and program computers to understand the universe, leading to the development of physics-based AI, Quantum Computing, and theramic computing.
    • The speaker discusses their experience working on different Quantum Labs and their vision for acquiring and communicating Quantum information.
    • The speaker discusses the surreal experience of reality mimicking fiction in their work at Google.
  • 13:09 🚀 Probabilistic machine learning algorithms optimize over parameters to yield efficient and fast computing, with challenges in developing quantum physics algorithms for scalable manufacturing.
    • Programming is about taking language abstractions and packing them into binary code, and with software 2.0, we optimize over spaces of parameters to yield a program that does the task we want it to do.
    • Probabilistic machine learning algorithms are used in devices to approximate data and sensor outputs, with controllable parameters affecting the dynamics.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of tuning and the lack of interest in certain topics.
    • Making electrons dance is not only more energy efficient but also faster in computing, as the minimum amount of energy and time for computation is proportional to the distance traveled in distribution space, and operating at a sub one bit level allows for shortcuts in distribution space.
    • The speaker discusses the challenges of developing an algorithmic stack for quantum physics and the difficulty of bringing their learnings to Silicon for scalable manufacturing.
  • 17:47 🚀 Accelerating AI development is essential for combating adversarial AI, achieving mastery over our world, and scaling civilization to the stars, while also addressing the spread of pessimistic ideologies.
    • The decision to use aluminum for the chips was based on its widespread manufacturing process, and the goal is to leverage existing supply chains and scale quickly.
    • Different types of thermodynamic computers, including superconducting ones, can be applicable to various substrates, with the software stack shared across different substrates for quantum physics-based AI.
    • Accelerating AI development is necessary to combat adversarial AI development and is a concept being brought to Silic by the founder of eak.
    • It's difficult to slow down and not necessarily the best move globally, as civilization constantly shifts and adapts towards growth, and our technological advancements are geared towards maximizing utility for our growth.
    • AI is essential for achieving greater mastery over our world, and the fear of AI taking jobs is a zero-sum thinking, but in reality, it offers nearly infinite upside and potential for achieving more, so creating complementary AI is necessary to scale civilization to the stars.
    • Ideologies can spread virally, and it's easier for pessimistic ideas to grow than positive ones.
  • 24:47 🚀 Slowing down innovation is a crime, as decelerating others creates perverse incentives, and the speaker desires to accelerate their vision despite paperwork, expressing a desire to chat with Jeff Bezos about scaling humanity.
    • Decelerating others creates a perverse incentive for certain players to leverage it to their advantage, but slowing down innovation is seen as a crime against acceleration.
    • The speaker discusses the founding of EXT Tropic and the desire to accelerate their vision despite being slowed down by paperwork.
    • The speaker created an anonymous Twitter account to freely express experimental thoughts without restriction.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for ideas to grow and mutate in a synonymous environment, and expresses a desire to chat with Jeff Bezos about scaling humanity.
  • 28:27 🚀 Deregulation and simplicity are key to accelerating technological advancements and remaining competitive, while hiring smart people and leveraging unique thinking can amplify intelligence and drive growth.
    • Regulatory capture has made it easier to build rocket companies than to implement technological advancements like high-speed rail, and the solution is to avoid adding too much process and bureaucratic complexity.
    • Legislation and processes should be sunsetted by default to keep complexity low, and pushing for deregulation is one way to accelerate and remain competitive.
    • Smart leaders should hire smart people and let them make decisions in order to scale and amplify intelligence, rather than being a bottleneck in the company's growth.
    • The speaker's unique way of thinking, shaped by bilingualism and a background in mathematics, influences their approach to designing algorithms in quantum computing.
    • Physical intuition is important, but it's also necessary to be able to translate it into equations, even if the equations come before the words to explain them.
  • 33:12 🚀 Deep Tech startups need to share their vision, convince the world of new technology, and inspire optimism to create a better future, pursuing impactful work and raising an optimistic techno thermodynamic army.
    • Deep Tech startups often make the mistake of being too secretive and not sharing their vision with the world, which can hinder their ability to gain support and open doors for their technology.
    • The speaker discusses the need to convince the world of the necessity of new technology and the process of overcoming doubts and resistance to pursue innovative ideas.
    • Inspire more people to be optimistic and courageous about building the future through ambitious deep tech companies to create a better world.
    • Find your purpose, pursue it relentlessly, and make a positive impact on civilization.
    • The speaker expresses gratitude for the opportunity to work on something they love and credits Elon Musk for inspiring them to pursue impactful work in the tech industry.
    • The speaker discusses the concept of raising an optimistic techno thermodynamic army.


Duration: 0:40:25

Publication Date: 2024-06-30T22:59:05Z




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