Forget Everything You Believed About Computing with Gill Verdon

Abundance, AI, Collective Intelligence, Intelligence, Superintelligence, Synthetic Intelligence -

Forget Everything You Believed About Computing with Gill Verdon

The mission is to scale intelligence throughout the universe and propagate as much intelligence per watt as possible, with AI breaking the Zero Sum competition between humans and allowing us to set our sights on non-anthropocentric goals prescribed by the universe 

Questions to inspire discussion

  • What is the goal of the speaker in the video?

    The goal is to scale intelligence throughout the universe and increase the amount of intelligence per watt with AI.

  • What is the importance of embracing technological change?

    Embracing technological change is crucial for augmenting intelligence and businesses with AI, and for developing new forms of thermodynamic computation.

  • What is the potential impact of integrating AI into society?

    The integration of AI into society raises concerns about power imbalances, but also creates opportunities for growth and innovation.

  • What is the focus of the speaker's vision for the future?

    The speaker envisions a future where AI technology is integrated into the human body, potentially allowing for cyborg-like capabilities.

  • What is the key to leveling the playing field for humanity?

    The key is to use time entrepreneurially and focus on directing capital to unlock more value, especially with the emergence of AI. 


Key Insights

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

  • 💻 The tools that you're about to inherit are tools that can boost intellect not just thousands but billions of fold potential.
  • 🌌 The mission is to scale intelligence throughout the universe and to propagate as much intelligence per watt as possible.
  • 🤖 AI is going to reach digital super intelligence, with no barrier that says it only goes towards an IQ of humans.
  • 🧠 Our phones and devices are already augmenting our cognitive abilities, and the humans of the future will harness these tools for cognitive leverage.
  • 🌍 "It's an arms race like never before, and there's too much upside to creating this technology."
  • 🌐 AI has the potential to help us decipher and deeply understand complex subjects like physics, math, biology, and chemistry in ways that we can't even imagine.
  • ⏳ My ability to have ultimately hundreds of extraordinary agents that can do the things that I desire and bring back the answers for me is a massive force multiplier for productivity.
  • 🔮 Thermodynamic Computing and Probabilistic Computing offer a new branch of computing that challenges the traditional deterministic and quantum models.
  • 🧠 Intelligence seeks to minimize surprisal and model the world to have a minimization of surprise, in order to extract more free energy and dissipate it in a clever fashion.

The Impact of Intelligence on Humanity

  • 🌱 The tendency of the universe towards growth will reconfigure everything that is alive, whether we embrace it or not, with consequences.
  • 🌌 AI breaks the Zero Sum competition between humans and allows us to set our sights on non-anthropocentric goals prescribed by the universe, such as growth and tackling harder challenges.
  • 📊 Intelligence becoming more abundant may change the way we approach white-collar work and software development.
  • 🧠 Having an accelerationist mindset for exploring and creating intelligence is the single most important asset we humans have. 


#Abundance #Intelligence

XMentions: @HabitatsDigital @PeterDiamandis @GillVerd  @Extropic_AI 



  • 00:00 🚀 Embrace technological change, develop thermodynamic computation, and maintain variance and dynamism for civilization to adapt and progress towards a better future.
    • Embrace technological change and the accelerationist abundance mindset to augment intelligence and businesses with AI, while also developing a new form of thermodynamic computation to enable this acceleration movement.
    • The goal is to create a processor that is more energy efficient than the brain and to increase the amount of intelligence per watt in the universe.
    • The speaker discusses the original manifesto they wrote and the idea of understanding progress and civilization from a physical standpoint.
    • Understanding the science of complex self-organizing systems and maintaining variance and dynamism is crucial for civilization to adapt and progress towards a better future.
    • Variety and variance in culture, technology, and AI are essential for robustness and survival in the face of uncertainty and change.
    • Embrace progress, abundance, and growth, or you will likely miss out on future opportunities.
  • 13:49 🤖 Embracing AI and technology is essential for human advancement, with the potential for integration into the human body and fears about its implications.
    • AI is advancing rapidly and there is a question of whether humanity will couple with it or decouple, and fears about the implications of this coupling.
    • Our phones and devices are like intellectual powerhouses that augment ourselves, and in the future, embracing technology and AI will be essential for human advancement.
    • The speaker envisions a future where AI technology can be integrated into the human body, potentially allowing for cyborg-like capabilities.
    • The speaker discusses the fear and polarization surrounding the integration of technology into society, with some embracing it as a solution to problems and others fearing its negative impact.
    • The balance between order and chaos, energy minimization and entropy, is where you want your complex system to be for optimal performance.
    • Technology cannot be stopped or slowed down, similar to how Einstein's thoughts on atomic bombs could not have been stopped.
  • 21:47 🤯 The future of computing involves AI models evolving through market selective pressure, with the speaker emphasizing the dangers of centralization and the need for human challenges in guiding technology development.
    • The market acts as a guiding force for AI models, with selective pressure leading to the evolution of more aligned systems, as opposed to centralized regulation.
    • The speaker believes that centralization is more dangerous than giving everyone access to neural augmentation, and that there is no going back from the technology, so the focus should be on guiding its development.
    • Control over AI by a few parties will create power imbalances and hinder the benefits of individuality and diversity in society.
    • The future of computing involves using AI agents to perform tasks, which will create more opportunities for growth and innovation, but also raises concerns about the need for human challenges.
    • Universe 25 study showed that without struggle, civilizations die off, and humanity needs to uplevel its ambitions and struggles, with the Kardashev scale measuring the progress of civilization based on energy production.
    • The speaker discusses the different types of civilizations based on their energy consumption, with type one being equivalent to the energy production of a Dyson Sphere and type three being the entire galaxy.
  • 30:31 🤖 Embrace non-anthropocentric goals and leverage AI to tackle harder challenges for transcendence in our solar system and galaxy, while being cautious of potential dangers and adapting to technological change.
    • The speaker discusses the need to shift our goals to non-anthropocentric ones and leverage AI to tackle harder challenges in order to achieve transcendence in our solar system and galaxy.
    • The tools being developed have the potential to greatly enhance human intelligence, but current approaches are limited by being based on human-generated output.
    • Computers will be able to run anthropomorphic models and help us understand the physical world, but predicting nature at all scales will require complex computation and there won't be one AI model that can immediately understand all of physics.
    • The speaker discusses the potential for exponential progress in computing and the need to be cautious in order to avoid potential dangers.
    • As AI becomes more advanced, there will be a need to adapt and embrace technological change in order to thrive in the future.
    • The key to leveling the playing field for humanity is how we use our time, and with the emergence of AI, people should think more entrepreneurially and focus on directing capital to unlock more value.
  • 39:06 🧠 Entrepreneurs should focus on unique data sets to make advancements in computing, and tackling hard problems in the physical world will lead to future success, as seen in the speaker's transition from academia to industry and work on quantum computing with Google.
    • Fountain Life is a company that provides advanced diagnostic centers with full body MRI, brain vasculature, AI enabled coronary CT, dexa scan, blood cancer test, and executive blood workup to detect diseases at an early stage.
    • Discover the most advanced therapeutics that can add healthy years to your life at Fountain Life.
    • Entrepreneurs should focus on unique and atypical data sets rather than typical ones in order to make significant advancements in computing.
    • The physical world is difficult and building companies that tackle hard problems in the world of atoms will be successful in the future.
    • Studying quantum physics led the speaker to realize that computation and AI would be key in understanding the physics of the world, leading to pioneering work in Quantum Deep Learning and recruitment by Google Quantum.
    • The speaker discussed their experience of transitioning from academia to industry and working on quantum computing with Google's TensorFlow team.
  • 45:55 🧠 Quantum technologies and probabilistic computing are revolutionizing AI and computing, leading to more energy-efficient and impactful solutions.
    • The speaker discusses the development of Quantum Technologies and the importance of understanding and utilizing quantum data for AI and predicting and controlling the world at a quantum mechanical level.
    • Google is utilizing GPUs for AI workloads, which were originally designed for video games and graphics, and they are co-designing algorithms and hardware to create the ultimate substrate for AI compute.
    • Gill Verdon discusses the concept of thermodynamic and probabilistic computing, and how uncertainty in the state of a computer can lead to more energy efficiency.
    • Running AI algorithms on a probabilistic computer is more efficient than on a deterministic one, as it embraces the noise and uses it as part of the algorithm, leading to a necessary and clear evolutionary step in computing.
    • Thermodynamic computing is valuable for describing chemistry and biology, particularly in simulating the dynamics of proteins and electrons to achieve a speed up in simulations.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of pursuing ambitious and impactful ideas, building technologies that leverage unique skill sets, and the value of a supportive community in achieving transformative goals.
  • 57:53 🧠 Intelligence evolved to extract more free energy and self-organize complex systems, quantum computers may test if we live in a simulation, and a company is developing thermodynamic computers for AI.
    • The concept of maximizing intelligence as a byproduct of thermodynamic dissipate adaptation and the probabilistic bias of the universe towards growth suggests that intelligence evolved as a means to extract more free energy and self-organize complex systems.
    • The speaker argues that the assumption of living in a simulation within a simulation does not hold due to the maximal information density in the base reality, and suggests testing whether we live in a Quantum simulation using quantum computers.
    • The speaker discusses their career shift from quantum computing to founding a company focused on building a thermodynamic computer operating at room temperature.
    • The speaker discusses embedding physics and AI algorithms into quantum mechanical computers and the potential for thermodynamic computers in the AI world.
    • Chips are currently being overproduced, and the goal is to develop a different way to embed the problem into devices in order to not depend on the same processes as everyone else, which would be a net benefit.
    • Viome has a platform that can measure your microbiome and RNA in your blood, providing critical health guidance and recommendations based on AI models, with reported reductions in depression, anxiety, diabetes, and IBS for members.
  • 01:08:51 🚀 The future of computing involves small, fast, and energy-efficient devices running AI programs, with a focus on scalability, adaptability, and the need for new hardware and software.
    • The future of computing involves small, fast, and energy-efficient devices with the potential to run entire AI programs on the chip itself.
    • Using existing supply chains for semiconductors can help scale novel computing technology much faster, leading to potential efficiencies in power, speed, and cost.
    • The goal is for the xtropicalovex chips to be the most performant for AI in both cloud and edge devices, with the potential for intelligence to be embedded in far more systems in the next 15-20 years.
    • Adapting to change requires maintaining an open mind, embracing variance, and being malleable and flexible in order to avoid catastrophic failure and be robust and adaptive to whatever is to come.
    • Predicting the future of computing is impossible, so the focus should be on preparing for it and maintaining adaptability, with a need for new hardware and software stack and the recruitment of engineers and AI experts for a new computing substrate.
    • Having an accelerationist mindset for exploring and creating intelligence is the most important asset for solving problems.


Duration: 1:17:40

Publication Date: 2024-05-23T17:57:21Z




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