Cobot Production

Cobot Development, Cobot Economics, cobots -

Cobot Production

We forecast the global, scalable production of cobots in three five-year tranches, with different objectives for each.


2025 to 2030: Global Hyperscaling

Production target of 100 million cobots per year in 2030

For the rest of this decade, scaling of cobot production takes priority.

It is critical that we create a flywheel that accelerates innovation and leverages the exponential rate of change manifesting in AI today.

We propose a ten-fold increase in production will be needed into 2028, with a five-fold annual increase thereafter.

This would lead to roughly 100 million cobots per year being produced in 2030, which is building consensus as the major inflection point in cobot scaling and adoption.







Artificial Intelligence

Services Pricing

Cost and Pricing


Duty Cycle




2030 to 2035


2035 to 2040


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