Cathie Wood: Investing in Converging Technologies

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Cathie Wood: Investing in Converging Technologies

Disruptive innovation and converging technologies driven by artificial intelligence are creating new investment opportunities and long-term assets, leading to significant GDP growth and sustainability


    Questions to inspire discussion

    • What is Ark and why did Cathie Wood start it?

      Ark is an investment firm focused on disruptive innovation, and Cathie Wood started it to shape the future through innovative investment strategies.

    • What are the five major innovation platforms discussed in the video?

      The five major innovation platforms are robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and multinomic sequencing, which are set to transform the world.

    • How are converging technologies driving deflation in the investment world?

      Converging technologies are driving deflation by allowing companies like Tesla to cut prices and remain profitable, leading to cost declines and price decreases.

    • What is the potential growth of disruptive innovation ecosystem by 2030?

      The speaker believes that the ecosystem for disruptive innovation, including Bitcoin, will grow from $1 trillion to $25 trillion by 2030, driven by converging and evolving technology platforms.

    • How can investment companies adapt to converging technologies?

      Investment companies can adapt to converging technologies by integrating into the digital wallet world to avoid disruption in the traditional financial industry.  

    Key Insights

    Convergence of Major Innovation Platforms

    • 🌐 "These 14 Technologies are involved in these five platforms so these are five Innovation platforms evolving at the same time. This has never happened in history."
    • 🌱 The major innovation platforms of robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and multinomic sequencing have been germinating since the Tekken Telecom bubble and are now ready to revolutionize the world.
    • 📈 The convergence of major innovation platforms is creating explosive growth opportunities, with AI touching almost every other technology.
    • 🔮 Convergence of technologies is the major catalyst for other technologies, shaping the future of our world.
    • 🚕 Autonomous taxi platforms involve the convergence of robotics, autonomous vehicles, energy storage, and artificial intelligence, shaping the future of transportation.
    • 📉 The cost of AI training is dropping 70% per year, leading to cumulative doublings in less than a year's time.
    • 📈 Technology has caused leaps in GDP growth throughout history, with significant growth from the introduction of key platforms like telephone, electricity, and the internet.
    • 🌐 The five Innovation platforms evolving and converging are creating super exponential growth in those Technologies and in the real economy.

    Disruptive Innovation and Investment Strategies

    • 📈 Cathie Wood's theory of investment shapes the future rather than attempts to out guess it, challenging traditional investment strategies.
    • 🚀 ARK is all about new creation and disruptive innovation, not investing in the past.
    • 🌍 The future is about learning and understanding how the world is going to work, and being paid to do so. 



    XMentions: @HabitatsDigital @CathieDWood 



    • 00:00 📈 Disruptive innovation is creating new investment opportunities, and long-term assets and innovation-based strategies will be rewarded as technology platforms driven by artificial intelligence transform the world.
      • Cathie Wood discusses her theory of investment that shapes the future and the reasons why she started Ark.
      • Investors and analysts are overly focused on beating benchmarks and investing in the past, while disruptive innovation is creating new opportunities for investment.
      • Funds have evolved towards benchmarks, leading to a misallocation of capital and a destructive bond market, pushing investors to buy established stocks and sell innovative companies.
      • Long-term assets and innovation-based strategies will be rewarded as disruptive technologies and five innovation platforms, driven by artificial intelligence, are set to transform the world.
    • 06:16 🚀 Converging technologies like robotics, AI, and blockchain are set for exponential growth, making deep learning and DNA sequencing more accessible, and ARK is a venture capital fund embracing rapid growth without leading to inflation.
      • The five major innovation platforms of robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and multinomic sequencing have been germinating since the Tekken Telecom bubble and are now ready to sustain exponential growth.
      • Technological advancements have made deep learning and DNA sequencing more accessible and affordable compared to the past.
      • Investors are hesitant to embrace converging technologies, but ARK is a venture capital fund in the public equity markets that believes in rapid growth without leading to inflation.
      • Amazon's exponential growth in revenues over 20 years is an example of the potential for super exponential growth in the convergence of major innovation platforms.
      • The concept of convergence and the analysis of which technologies are the biggest catalysts for other technologies will be discussed in a paper to be released soon.
      • Autonomous taxi platforms involve the convergence of robotics, energy storage, and artificial intelligence, with stunning learning curves in industrial robots and the semiconductor world.
    • 16:04 🚀 Converging technologies are driving deflation in the investment world, allowing companies like Tesla to cut prices and remain profitable, while advancements in battery capacity and energy density are made possible by these technologies.
      • Innovation and converging technologies are driving deflation in the investment world, allowing companies like Tesla to cut prices and remain profitable.
      • The cost of human genome sequencing and artificial intelligence training is dropping significantly due to technological advancements.
      • Converging technologies, such as Transformer architecture for Tesla and the convergence of DNA sequencing and artificial intelligence, are remaking our world and improving performance in various fields.
      • Advances in battery capacity and energy density, along with the development of meta platforms and smart glasses, have been made possible by converging technologies and reusable robots.
    • 21:16 🚀 The convergence of technology is driving significant GDP growth and sustainability, with the potential for wage gains to lead to deflation and booms in technology and productivity.
      • The convergence of technology, such as T-Mobile and SpaceX, has made previously uneconomic ventures, like Iridium, viable, and incorporating Bitcoin mining into utility ecosystems allows for the overbuilding of solar and wind, addressing environmental concerns and increasing profitability for utilities.
      • Technological advancements have historically driven significant GDP growth, and the convergence of new technologies is expected to sustain and accelerate this growth in the future.
      • GDP growth should not slow down given the evolving innovation, and wage gains will end up crushing margins, leading to a period of deflation.
      • Deflation can be good or bad, with good deflation leading to cost declines, price decreases, and booms in technology and productivity.
    • 27:12 🔍 The speaker believes in the truth of converging technologies and disruptive innovation, predicting a $25 trillion ecosystem by 2030, while noting the discrepancy between nominal and real commodity prices.
      • Research is being done on converging technologies that many people don't believe in, but the speaker believes truth will prevail.
      • Young people discovered the stock market and ARK during the pandemic, with Bitcoin and Tesla resonating with them, and the speaker believes that Bitcoin is the first global private digital monetary system and that most crypto assets will disappear.
      • The speaker believes that the ecosystem for disruptive innovation, including Bitcoin, will grow from $1 trillion to $25 trillion by 2030, driven by converging and evolving technology platforms.
      • Commodity prices have been flat since 1980 in nominal terms, leading to a perception of massive inflation despite prices collapsing in real terms.
    • 33:04 🚀 Graphene and converging technologies have massive impact, but face scaling and regulatory challenges, while Bitcoin has potential to become the standard for valuing all currencies.
      • Graphene is a technology with massive impact that strengthens converging technologies, but scaling and regulatory challenges remain.
      • Regulatory arbitrage and blockchain technology, particularly Bitcoin, are important factors in the evolving financial landscape, with potential for Bitcoin to become the standard for valuing all currencies.
      • The speaker has been waiting for a rules-based monetary system since the gold exchange standard ended in 1971.
    • 37:50 📈 Investment companies must adapt to converging technologies, with a focus on disruptive innovation and transparency, while China's BYD is outperforming Tesla in manufacturing.
      • The speaker discusses the potential for Bitcoin to evolve into a price rule and the possibility of getting the FED out of the equation.
      • Cathie Wood discusses her first meeting with someone in the industry and how it inspired her to pursue a career in finance.
      • Investment companies need to adapt to converging technologies by integrating into the digital wallet world to avoid disruption in the traditional financial industry.
      • The speaker discusses their focus on disruptive innovation, transparency in their venture fund, and their strategy for democratization through social media and a low investment threshold.
      • Byd in China is outperforming Tesla in manufacturing and is poised to be the Chinese EV champion, while Tesla can focus on exporting high-end products.
    • 45:05 🚗 Tesla and BYD are leading the way in electric vehicle technology and will be the major share gainers in the next 5-10 years.


      Duration: 0:46:39

      Publication Date: 2024-05-04T23:24:04Z



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