Women tend to regret casual short-term sex due to evolutionary reasons, and this regret may influence their future relationship choices
Questions to inspire discussion
What does the video discuss?
—The video discusses a new scientific study that challenges the belief that women are the fairer sex and angelic.
How does regret impact women's future choices?
—Women who experience regret after casual sex are likely to reduce their future encounters.
Does regret cause women to change their behavior?
—Feelings of regret did not cause women to change their behavior to have less casual sex in the future.
What is the correlation between sexual regret and future behavior in women?
—Sexual regret in women has no correlation with future behavior, and evolutionary psychologists are unsure of its purpose.
What does the study suggest about women's sexual regret?
—The study suggests the need for more research on the evolutionary mismatch in the modern mating scene and its implications for women's sexual regret.
Key Insights
- 😔 Women tend to regret having casual short-term sex, while men tend to regret passing up opportunities, reflecting evolutionary reasons for different attitudes towards sex.
- 😬 More action regret at t1 should predict entering a long-term relationship at t2 especially for women.
- 😳 Women reported lower levels of action regret at t2 while men reported more in layman's terms.
- 🤔 "It's possible that they were actually correct in their predictions that evolutionarily the purpose of sexual regret is so that women can make better choices in the future."
- 🤯 The cultural indoctrination in the west when it comes to dating and women's preferences is so pervasive that women are out of touch with what's natural to them.
- 🚺 The female instinct of hypergamy has gone completely haywire due to the environmental conditions we find ourselves in.
- 🤔 "The fact that she feels regret does not give you any guarantee that she's gonna change her ways in the future."
#Relationships #EvolutionaryPsychology #Regret #SocialMedia
00:00 🚺 Women tend to regret casual sex encounters more than men, impacting their future choices and behavior.
- The video discusses a new scientific study that challenges the belief that women are the fairer sex and angelic.
- Women tend to regret casual sex encounters more than men, and a study found that this regret significantly impacts women's future choices and behavior.
01:51 🚺 Women who regret casual sex are likely to have less of it in the future, but intense regret does not affect their behavior.
- Women who experience regret after casual sex are likely to reduce their future encounters.
- Feelings of regret did not cause women to change their behavior to have less casual sex in the future, and intense regret at their choices had no effect on their behavior.
03:24 🚺 Regretting casual sex does not lead to better future choices or higher quality partners for women, as their scores decreased while men's scores increased over time.
- Regretting casual sex does not lead to better future choices or higher quality partners for women.
- Women's scores decreased while men's scores increased, with women reporting lower levels of regret over time, leading researchers to question the purpose of regret in motivating better choices.
05:53 🔍 Women's sexual regret has no correlation with future behavior, prompting the need for more research on the evolutionary mismatch in the modern mating scene.
- Sexual regret in women has no correlation with future behavior, and evolutionary psychologists are unsure of its purpose, but the speaker has their own theories.
- The study suggests the need for more research on the evolutionary mismatch in the modern mating scene and its implications for women's sexual regret.
07:39 🤔 Women's behavior in modern dating is influenced by cultural indoctrination that is far removed from natural instincts, leading to a disconnect from what is truly natural for them.
09:04 🚺 Women's dating standards are influenced by toxic patriarchy and social media, leading to a decrease in long-term relationships and an increase in singledom and casual sex, while men are seeing a decrease in casual sex.
- Women are influenced by a toxic patriarchy and social media, leading to distorted perceptions of their dating standards and expectations.
- Long-term relationships and commitment are becoming more rare, with an increase in singledom and casual sex for women, while the average man is actually seeing a decrease in casual sex.
10:41 🚺 Women's feelings of regret don't lead to behavior changes, so focus on their actions instead of emotions and words.
- Women's feelings of regret do not necessarily lead to changes in behavior, so don't put stock in them when evaluating a woman's past actions.
- Women's actions are the only thing that can be trusted, and it is important to pay attention to changes in behavior rather than just words and emotions.
12:19 📺 Overcome difficulties by checking out the creator's Patreon for valuable content and supporting them.
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