Men Are Over Entitled Women

Drizzle Drizzle, Relationships, Social Dynamics, Sociology, Soft Guy, Women -

Men Are Over Entitled Women

Men are frustrated with women's entitled attitudes and are pushing back against the "sprinkle sprinkle" mindset by promoting mutual respect and appreciation in relationships 


Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the "sprinkle sprinkle" mindset?

    The "sprinkle sprinkle" mindset refers to women's entitlement in relationships, where they expect men to take care of everything without contributing.

  • What is the "drizzle drizzle" response?

    The "drizzle drizzle" response is men pushing back against the entitled attitudes of women, advocating for mutual respect and appreciation in relationships.

  • Why are men frustrated with women's attitudes?

    Men are frustrated with women's entitled attitudes, where some women expect men to pay for everything without taking on traditional domestic responsibilities.

  • What is the "soft guy" trend?

    The "soft guy" trend is a response from men to women's entitled attitudes, where men are advocating for a more balanced and respectful approach to relationships.

  • How should men and women approach relationships?

    Men and women should focus on mutual respect and appreciation in relationships, rather than expecting entitlement based on gender.



Key Insights

  • 📱 There's a difference between a woman having standards and wanting to be treated well, and being manipulative to ensnare a man, but it's hard to grasp that on social media.
  • 🤔 Men are opting out of the dating pool and choosing to date AI girls over real girls, indicating a shift in attitudes towards relationships.
  • 🌍 Men and women are supposed to live in harmony with one another, despite their differences.


 #Relationships #SocialDynamics #Sociology #DrizzleDrizzle #Women

 XMentions: @imbrettcooper


  • 00:00 🚹 Men are fed up with women's entitlement and have coined the term "drizzle drizzle" in response to the "sprinkle sprinkle" mindset, popularized by a creator named shereé 7.
    • Men are fed up with women's entitlement and have coined the term "drizzle drizzle" in response to the "sprinkle sprinkle" mindset, popularized by a creator named shereé 7.
    • The speaker discusses a woman advocating for relationships to have a sugar daddy and a woman who is just the prize, and also mentions a favorite video about how to tell if a guy is lying.
  • 01:36 👩 Men are over entitled women who follow the extreme dating advice of a popular influencer.
    • 02:42 🚺 Women are advised to manipulate older affluent men into paying for everything without contributing to the relationship.
      • The author advises women to seek older affluent men, play games to manipulate them, and push for them to pay for household expenses without taking on traditional domestic responsibilities.
      • Women feel entitled to not contribute anything to a relationship because they expect men to take care of everything.
    • 04:17 👩 Men are tired of women feeling entitled to everything just for existing, and relationships should not be transactional, but it's important to take care of yourself and have high standards.
      • 05:23 🚹 Men are responding to women's standards by becoming "soft guys" but some women are manipulative and expect men to pay for everything, which is ridiculous.
        • Women have standards and want to be treated well, but some are manipulative, leading men to counteract with a "soft guy" trend in response to women wanting to slow down and be more feminine.
        • Women expect men to pay for everything because they spend money on skincare and clothes, which is ridiculous.
      • 06:54 🚹 Men are choosing AI girls over real girls because they are fed up with women's entitled attitudes.
        • Women believe they are entitled to everything and men are fed up with it.
        • Men are opting out of the dating pool and choosing AI girls over real girls because they don't want to deal with women's attitudes.
      • 09:01 👨 Men should focus on health, women should be grateful for organ supplements from heart and soil.
        • Men should focus on taking care of their health and women should be grateful for their organ supplements from heart and soil.
        • Eating organ meats can provide more nutrients, and heart and soil offers supplements to help with various health goals, such as gut digestion, brain function, and weight loss.
      • 10:32 🚹 Women are hypocritical and homophobic towards men asking for the same things they do, both genders should focus on mutual respect and appreciation in relationships.
        • Women are outraged by the "soft guy era" and are being hypocritical and homophobic towards men who are asking for the same things they do.
        • Men and women should live in harmony and complement each other, rather than widening the divide with entitled attitudes.
        • Focus on being a better person and showing mutual respect and appreciation in relationships, rather than expecting entitlement based on gender.



      Duration: 0:12:44

      Publication Date: 2024-04-23T10:43:51Z




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