Is Modern Feminism Undermining Itself? | Jess Butcher | TEDxAstonUniversity

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Is Modern Feminism Undermining Itself? | Jess Butcher | TEDxAstonUniversity

Focusing on victimhood and competitive victimhood undermines the goal of equality and empowerment for both men and women 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What is the main idea of the video?

    The main idea is that focusing on victimhood and competitive victimhood undermines equality and empowerment for both men and women.

  • How does the speaker view being a woman in technology and entrepreneurship?

    The speaker sees being a woman in technology and entrepreneurship as an incredible opportunity, challenging the narrative that it is a disadvantage.

  • What factors contribute to the gender pay gap?

    The gender pay gap can be explained by factors such as women choosing part-time work and different professions.

  • What negative consequences are caused by modern feminism?

    Modern feminism can lead to negative consequences such as men being less inclined to mentor women, young girls experiencing anxiety, and working class girls losing job opportunities.

  • What should be the focus in addressing deep inequalities?

    The focus should be on building up confidence in girls, celebrating successful women as role models, and addressing deep inequalities in developing countries.

Key Insights

  • 🙌 "If I look back at all my good fortune, I can honestly say that to a large extent, it's been down to the love and support and belief of the men in my life."
  • 💼 The gender pay gap is often misunderstood, as it is not about women being paid less for the same work, but rather influenced by factors such as women choosing different professions and working part-time.
  • 🤔 Stereotypes contribute to social inequality and the power of beliefs can shape reality, highlighting the importance of challenging and dismantling stereotypes.
  • 💔 Men face a range of disadvantages that are rarely discussed, including higher rates of school dropout, mental health issues, suicide, workplace deaths, and reduced life expectancy.
  • 💪 "Does power exist solely in the boardroom and at the highest levels of politics and business? Or is there the possibility that it exists in choice? And arguably, don't women have more of that?"
  • 🌍 We should focus on addressing the deep, profound inequalities that still exist in developing countries, such as lack of education and limited access to birth control for women.
  • 💪 "Some of the most powerful figures in history have been something that didn't exist."
  • 👦👧 We should bring up our sons and daughters to recognize their individual potential, not indulge in victimhood, and deeply respect others.


#Relationships #JessButcher #ModernFeminism 


  • 00:00 🚺 Women have more opportunities today, but there is still a sense of inequality; the speaker challenges the idea that being a woman in tech and entrepreneurship is a disadvantage and believes positive discrimination undermines her achievements.
    • Women today have more opportunities than ever before, but despite this progress, there is still a pervasive sense of pessimism and inequality due to the ongoing disparities between men and women.
    • The speaker, a successful entrepreneur and mother, challenges the narrative that being a woman in technology and entrepreneurship is a disadvantage, stating that it has been an incredible opportunity for her.
    • I identify as an entrepreneur, not a female entrepreneur, and I believe that positive discrimination undermines the merit of my achievements, as my success is largely due to the support and belief of the men in my life and my own self-confidence.
  • 03:07 📚 The gender pay gap is complex and can be attributed to various factors such as career choices and work-life balance, and some high-achieving individuals are prioritizing family over career success.
    • The gender pay gap is often misunderstood and can be explained by factors such as women choosing part-time work and different professions, and while the glass ceiling has been broken by some women, it is a challenging and demanding lifestyle that may not be desired by many women or men.
    • Many high-achieving individuals, including the speaker, are choosing to prioritize family life over career success, realizing the importance of not missing out on these precious years.
  • 05:34 🚺 The expanding definition of prejudice and harassment in modern feminism is causing women to associate with victimhood and setting them against men, rather than focusing on empowerment and equality, which undermines confidence and hinders personal growth and progress.
    • The expanding definition of prejudice and harassment in modern feminism is causing women to associate with victimhood and setting them against men, rather than focusing on empowerment and equality.
    • Believing in stereotypes and feeling powerless can undermine confidence and hinder personal growth and progress.
  • 08:20 💡 Men face a range of disadvantages that are rarely discussed, including higher rates of school dropout, mental health issues, suicide, workplace deaths, war deaths, crime deaths, homelessness, criminal court bias, domestic abuse rates, paternity fraud, child custody issues, and reduced life expectancy, and the focus on competitive victimhood undermines the goal of equality.
    • 09:57 🚫 Modern feminism is causing negative consequences such as men being less inclined to mentor women, young girls experiencing anxiety, and working class girls losing job opportunities, raising concerns about the impact of quotas on ability.
      • Encouraging fear and distrust between genders, modern feminism is causing negative consequences such as men being less inclined to mentor women, young girls experiencing anxiety, and working class girls losing job opportunities, raising concerns about the impact of quotas on ability.
      • Positive discrimination, banning flirting, gender quotas, power dynamics, equality of opportunity vs. outcome, and patriarchal assumptions are all discussed in relation to modern feminism.
    • 12:24 🚺 Celebrate successful women, address deep inequalities, and promote diversity in business by listening with open minds and being kind.
      • Reverse negative trends by building up confidence in girls, celebrating successful women as role models, recognizing that both men and women can be abusive, and focusing on addressing deep inequalities in developing countries.
      • Socioeconomic and educational disadvantage, along with hiring based on similarity rather than diversity, pose a greater threat to business diversity than gender, and it is important to listen to each other with open minds and be kind.
    • 14:30 💪 Strong figures in history like Rosa Parks, Steven Hawking, Tommie Smith, John Carlos, and Malala never saw themselves as victims, but instead stood up defiantly against oppression, showing that defiance and resilience are more powerful than insecurity.
      • 15:26 👥 Gender, race, sexuality, and disability are just parts of who we are as individuals, and should not affect our outlook; we should focus on instilling self-belief and recognizing individual potential in our young, so they can make their own choices and respect others.


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