Stoic Relationship Advice for Smart Men: 9 Things to Avoid

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Stoic Relationship Advice for Smart Men: 9 Things to Avoid

Smart men should embrace stoic principles in relationships, such as guarding their past, facing the fear of being alone, celebrating their achievements, protecting their mental health, being true to themselves, prioritizing their own path, and reclaiming control of their lives 

Questions to inspire discussion 

  • What are stoic principles in relationships?

    Stoic principles in relationships include guarding your past, facing the fear of being alone, celebrating achievements, and protecting mental health.

  • Why should smart men embrace stoic principles?

    Smart men should embrace stoic principles to prioritize their own path, be true to themselves, and reclaim control of their lives.

  • How can stoic principles benefit men in relationships?

    Stoic principles can benefit men in relationships by helping them protect their mental health and celebrate their achievements.

  • What is the importance of facing the fear of being alone?

    Facing the fear of being alone is important for smart men to reclaim control of their lives and prioritize their own path.

  • How can smart men protect their mental health in relationships?

    Smart men can protect their mental health in relationships by embracing stoic principles and being true to themselves.

Key Insights

  • 🦁 Face the fear of being alone, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
  • 🕰️ Your time is a precious resource, so don't squander it on someone who may not appreciate its value - spend time appreciating your own company and choose to be with someone who adds value to your life.
  • 🌟 Building self-confidence through acknowledging your progress is essential for a fulfilling life.
  • 🏠 Hurting your mental health for someone else is like burning your house down to keep them warm - harmful and senseless.
  • 🎭 Saying yes to things you dislike is like putting on a suffocating mask to please others, learn to say no and live your life authentically.
  • 🧠 Embracing stoic principles transcends the challenges we face in all aspects of life, including relationships.


#Relationships #Stoicism 


  • 00:00 👨‍🦲 Smart men should embrace nine stoic principles for relationships and avoid certain behaviors.
    • 01:00 🚫 Guard your past and only share what is necessary, face the fear of being alone, and know yourself to gain wisdom.
      • 01:48 💡 Face the fear of being alone, don't waste time on someone who doesn't add value to your life, and use your time judiciously on activities that bring you happiness and personal growth.
        • 02:51 👍 Celebrate your achievements and admire yourself, don't forget to recognize your successes and build self-confidence.
          • 03:20 💡 Protect your mental health and happiness, don't compromise for others, reclaim control and don't let anyone take away your joy.
            • 03:56 🚶‍♂️ Be true to yourself, don't sacrifice your path for others, and live authentically without conforming to please others.
              • 04:52 🚶‍♂️ Prioritize your own path, maintain connections with friends and family, and avoid obsessive devotion to someone else.
                • 06:03 🌟 Reclaim control of your life, shine like your own sun, and navigate relationships with mindfulness and virtue by embracing stoic principles.


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